DragonQuest 板


(离开了哨所,不得其门而入的两入只好再想其他办法) (到了童年下船的港口) 男子: This is the harbor of Vista. You came here to find a ship? But you won’t find one here. The King of Reinhart has ordered that only the throne demands may a ship enter this harbor. That means that not many, if any at all, ships come near Vista… 二楼女子: What kind of world is it that allows the King of Reinhart to act in such a manner… (回到Santa Rosa,竟是一片断垣残壁) 小孩: This is the village of Santa Rosa. If you head West, you will eventually come upon the city of Alcapa. (山壁内已变成了宿屋) 宿屋内老板娘: Way back when, this was a thriving inn… but then soldiers came and destroyed it. This is all we have now, but please, stay and rest as long as you like. 修女: A long time ago, this was a beautiful village. But one day, soldiers from Reinhart came here and burned the village to ashes! How cruel! How could they?! They blamed their prince’s disappearance on Papas… Oh… I do apologize… I don’t know what came over me… Telling a complete stranger about Papas… What good would that do? What? You know Lord Papas? He was your father?! B… but… Come to think of it… you look like that boy he was with… MATHPIG! MATHPIG?! Is it you…? (No) Oh, you’re so cruel! You were just teasing me?! But still… I feel like I’ve met you before… somewhere… But I can’t place it… (Yes) But how… But why… Oh! Dear God! 河边老人: Huh? And just who might you be…? What?! You’re Papas’ son, MATHPIG!! Oh my Lord!! All grown up… Look at you… And your father…? MATHPIG: 河边老人: Oh dear… such horrible things have happened… How hard it must have been… Come to think of it… back then, Papas mentioned hiding something valuable in the cave… It’s been a long time and I don’t know for sure what it was, but whatever it is is still there! Be careful down there… (一路杀到下层後,发现一个房间,有一把剑跟一个纸卷) (MATHPIG searched the area.) A Papa’s Letter was found! MATHPIG began to read Papa’s Letter: “Dear MATHPIG... If you are reading this letter, Then for some reason, I am no longer able to stand by your side... You may already know this, but my quest began when a creature of purest evil kidnapped my wife... My wife, your mother, possessed a most wonnderful power. I’m not sure what it truly does, but I know that it has some connection to the Demon World. I have no doubts that it was because of such power that she was kidnapped. MATHPIG! You must find the Legendary Hero! From my research, the only person who may venture into the Demon World to save her Is the one who can equip the Zenithian Armor. I traveled the world thrice, and all I have to show is the Zenithian Sword, much less any sign of the Legendary Hero! But MATHPIG! You must do what I could not! Find the Hero, find the Zenithian Armor, then save your mother! You are our only hope!” Henry: Hmmm... and so the plot thickens, eh? Man! The Legendary Hero, huh? Hmmm... (接着在另一边找到了Zenithian Sword) (看来MATHPIG及Henry都不是勇者,不能使用) (回到村里) 河边老人: What? You say you found the Zenithian Sword in a cave? But it’s said that such a sword can only be equipped by the Legendary Hero... I remember years before when Papas was crying out in desperation that he could not wield such... So... that was the sword, was it? I had never seen Papas so desperate, or so bitter, before that moment. 修女: Oh? You’re searching for the Legendary Hero? Are you kidding me? (Yes) You’re not... Now that I think of it, I once heard a tale about the Legensary Hero at Alcapa. Hmm... Alcapa... didn’t you have a friend named Bianca who lived there? I wonder how she’s doing...? (No) Oh, of course you’re kidding. Besides, he’s the stuff of legends, and probably dead by now anyway. (夜晚的santa Rosa) 床上小孩: *snore* Who are you? Bella? What an odd name. *mumble mumble* 河边老人: When this child lost his parents a long time ago, I took him in... When you lived in this village, you must have been around his age... (知道了下一个目标之前,MATHPIG及Henry两人前往儿时回忆中的Alcapa) -- 父亲的遗物或许又是个伤痛的刺激 但继续振作找到传说中的勇者及母亲 当然才是MATHPIG最重要的使命 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 reallurker:还记得第一次玩 拿到天空之剑 虾密! 主角不能用~~~ 12/24 17:17
2F:→ reallurker:後来才知道 妈拉 我不是勇者 我是勇者他爸... 12/24 17:18
3F:→ tonyd:一直很想问 DQ5什麽时候有了美版呢?是哪个平台?PS2吗? 12/31 22:47

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