DragonQuest 板


城内一楼卫兵: Lord Papas seems to have left the castle rather abruptly. I wonder what’s going on? He probably fell for one of Prince Henry’s trick or something. Wa ha ha. (MATHPIG赶忙追出去己不见Papas纵影,先在城下町打听一下消息吧) 护城河旁商人: I am a traveling merchant. I’ve accumulated quite a collection of odds and ends. Anything you need? 护城河旁小女孩: I heard that Northeast of this castle lies a giant cave… But it’s really dangerous, so my mother told me to never ever go near it. 宿屋二楼老人: A very disturbing though occurred to me in my travels: The monsters are getting stronger and stronger. I just hope that this isn’t a sign of anything… who knows, Maybe it’s just a coincidence… (於是MATHPIG出发往东北方的洞窟前进,远远的就看到Papas与三个怪物战斗) (护父心切的MATHPIG当然要连忙前去帮忙) (途中,经过了一个房间,看到了三个绑匪) 绑匪: Hmm? What in the hell are you? Travelling around with a little panther… You’re one of those jungle boys, aincha? *hick* 绑匪: Wooo! Nothing can beat a cold beer after a hard day’s work! Anyhow, they say if you bring children here, someone’ll buy ‘em as slaves for a good price. Good deal, eh? 绑匪: Wooo! *hick* … The Queenie hired me to get rid of the prince, but hey, she didn’t say I had to kill him. I think I’ll sell him off and make a bit of extra spending money. Two birds with one stone. Hick (接着终於走到Papas的地方) (Papas is fighting some monsters!) (进入战斗画面後,Papas三两下就把三只怪物解决掉(那怎麽走那麽久还在打@@)) Papas: MATHPIG! I thought I’d lost you, but you came all the way here by yourself, eh? You truly have grown, haven’t you? It makes me so proud! Anyhow, we must save the prince! You go ahead! I’ll beat down anything that comes from behind us! (於是Papas加入在後面保护着MATHPIG) (一场战斗後) Papas: Are you alright, MATHPIG? (Papas casts Heal! MATHPIG’s wounds are healed!) Well then, let’s go! (坐着船来到了Henry的牢房前) Papas: Prince… Prince Henry! It’s locked! Grrrr… Gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! (Papas神力一出,把门破坏丢开了) Prince Henry! Henry: Hmmpmh! It took you all long enough to some rescue me! Well, whatever, I don’t plan to returning to that castle anyhow! My brother can take the stupid throne! No one cares about me anyhow! Papas: Prince Henry!(给了他一巴掌) Henry: You… slapped… me?! Ugh!!! How dare you!? Papas: Your highness, did you ever stop to think about how your father would take this? Your father… he… Henry: Papas: At any rate, we have to get out of here before— (突然水中冒出了几个不速之客) Papas: We’ve got company… MATHPIG! Leave this to me! You take the prince and get out of here! (一路顺利的走到了门口,没想到有另一个挡路的怪物) Gema: Ho ho ho… What naughty little children, thinking you could escape me… Well, I suppose I should punish your insolence! Come! (实力相差太悬殊的情况下,二人一豹很快的被击败了) (这时,Papas赶来了) Papas: Wh… what on Earth?! MATHPIG! Prince Henry! Gema: Ho ho ho ho! So you are the one who defeated my men, are you not? Jahmi! Gonz! (又叫出了另两只怪物) Kill that insolent fool! (战斗开始,虽然两只怪又大又丑,还是不敌英勇的Papas) Gema: Ho ho ho ho… Impressive! Very impressive… But what if I were to do… this? (Gema placed the blade of his Death Scythe to MATHPIG’s throat!) Papa: MATHPIG! Gema: If you wish to see the child die, then go on, and fight yo your fullest! But know that this child’s soul will forever roam the plains of Hell… Ha ha ha ha! (於是再次开战,Papas一下也不敢还手,只能默默地忍受) (最终……战败了) Gema: Ho ho ho ho! You have been… what’s the term? Highly amusing… Papas: Uuuhh… Gema: Oh? You breathe still, human? Papas: MATHPIG! MATHPIG! Can you hear me? Uuuuhhh… Your mother… still… lives! Please… for me… find… your… mot— (Gema这时又吐出了一道火焰吐向Papas) Papas: Arrrrggggghhhhhh!! (Papas就这麽消失了) Arrrrggggghhhhhh!! Gema: Ho ho ho ho! Ahh, a parent’s love for his child… How touching… But don’t you worry. Your son will be spared to live the rest of his life happily enslaved to our High Priest! Ho ho ho ho! Jahmi! Gonz! Take this child away! Jahmi: Master Gema! What about this Panther cub? Gema: Throw it out somewhere. After a while in the wild it’ll regain its killer instincts. (Gema看了看MATHPIG) Hmm? Wait! This child has such an odd looking gem! (Gema took the Golden Orb away from MATHPIG!) Could this be…? No matter, its fate remains unchanged! (Gema held the Golden Orb tightly within his grasp.) (The Golden Orb was crushed into fine dust.) Ho ho ho ho! Well, shall we take our leave then? (Gema casts Return!) (咒文一施,众人变飞走了,只留下Borongo在原地哀嚎找不到主人) -- 面对这样的选择 最伟大且宝贵的亲情让Papas决心也心甘情愿的牺牲自己 而MATHPIG又能否在困境中脱身 找到自己仍在人世的母亲呢? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: superpigpig 来自: (10/17 14:05)
1F:→ superpigpig:终於还是逼不得已打到了催泪的这一段,依然感人啊 ><" 10/17 14:10
2F:推 reallurker:Borongo捡了剑 在洞穴里守护着等着主人来 泪 10/18 00:03
3F:推 luckyland:推推推 10/18 01:02
4F:推 ww:这一段是最让人难过的一段 10/21 23:11

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