DragonQuest 板


(MATHPIG来到Prince Henry的房间) Henry: Heh? Who are you? Oh! I know! You’re the son of that Papas guy my father called here, aren’t you? I’m the prince of Reinhart! I’m the next bestest after the King. Do you want to be my personal goon? (Yes) Wa ha ha! Why would I want a little shrimp like you as my goon? Go home to your mother! (No) Whaaaaat? I didn’t quite hear that… So I’ll ask you again. (於是再重复问一次) (总之,是个不讨喜的王子,逛的差不多了,就回去找把拔吧) (上楼後发现把拔不在,先跟国王打声招呼) King: No doubt you are Papas’ son, eh? Yes… you have his eyes… I have asked Papas to baby-sit my son, the prince Henry. I also ask you to be his friend. I am counting on you. (再下楼到了王子房前) Papas: MATHPIG! I’ve been assigned to watch over Prince Henry! I wish he would trust me a little, but he really seems to dislike me… But you’re a kid too. Maybe you can befriend him…? I’ll be watching out here to see he doesn’t go anywhere, so will you go try to be his friend? That a boy! I’m counting on you! (应把拔的要求只好再去找一次Prince Henry) Henry: What? You’re back again? You really want to be my goon, eh? (No) Fine! And don’t come crawling back! (Yes) Well alright, if you insist, you can be my goon. There’s a Goon Badge in the next room, so go bring that to me! If you do that, I’ll make you my personal goon! (听话的到隔壁房去,结果找不到东西回房後,Prince Henry竟然不见了!?) (只好再去问把拔有没有看到他) Papas: What’s the matter? What? Prince Henry disappeared!? Without entering through this corridor, the Prince couldn’t have gone out… But I never even saw the boy… Hmmm… Oh well… I suppose we should check it out anyhow. Henry: Hey! Papas! I thought I told you to get out of my room! Papas: *grumble* Now he hates me even more… My apologies, prince. Papas: MATHPIG, are you sure you weren’t dreaming? Prince Henry is right there. Anyhow… will you befriend the Prince? I’m counting on you. (接着MATHPIG又回到了Henry的房间) Henry: Well? Did you bring the Goon Badge with you? (Yes) Then show me. Huh? Where is it then? What? The treasure chest was empty? That’s impossible! If you want to be my goon, then go check again! (No) What? The treasure chest was empty? That’s impossible! If you want to be my goon, then go check again! (乖乖地再去找了以後,还是没找着,回房後,Henry还是一样的不见了) (再回去找把拔) Papas: What’s the matter? What? Prince Henry disappeared!? But he didn’t pass through this way, did he? Did you check the room thoroughly? Do you want me to go with you? (Yes) (选yes後又是一样的对话及命运) (No) Anyhow… will you please befriend the Prince? I’m counting on you. (再回王子的房里,检查了一下椅子) (MATHPIG moved the chair aside and examined the floor.) (You found a descending staircase) (二话不说,下楼,就看到了躲在这边的Prince Henry) Henry: Damn it, you already found the hidden stairs?! Booorrrrrrriiiing! Still, you didn’t bring me the Goon Badge, did you? Well you can’t be my goon, so there! Hmmm? (这时突然冲进来了两个人,围住了Henry) Man: Prince Henry, I presume? Henry: Who the hell are you?! Man: Sorry, but you’re coming with us! Grab him! Henry: Ugh! (这时MATHPIG当然赶快追出去,又看到了第三个人出现) Man: Hurry up! Get the prince to the ship! Yes sir! (看着Henry被三位壮汉架着上船走了,小小的MATHPIG实在无能为力) (只好赶忙回去找把拔帮忙) Papas: What…!! The prince was kidnapped!? (Papas带着MATHPIG到了王子的房间) Papas: What? How? Listen up, MATHPIG, don’t tell anyone about this yet. We can’t make this any bigger than it already is. We’ve got to save the prince! Follow me, MATHPIG! (於是Papas带着MATHPIG经过了密道,到了Henry被绑走的地方,就走了) -- Papas走了!?(这是哪门子的Follow me…) 或许危险,但为了把拔,为了Prince Henry 虽然害怕,还是要勇往前进~~~~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: superpigpig 来自: (10/13 13:39)
1F:推 reallurker:老爸不放你一个 你日後怎麽成才呢? 推~~ 10/13 21:57

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