DragonQuest 板


(虽然事出紧急,但身为RPG的主角,还是得先跟村民们聊聊新对话再出门) 山壁内MASTER: So, Papas has been called to the castle of Reinhart, eh? They seem to be having problems of succession right now… Take care if you’re following him. (到了教堂一看,原来把拔还在里面) 修女: Calling upon Papas like that! The King of Reinhart must think himself better than us all! If he had a favor to ask Papas, he should’ve come to him personally. Papas: MATHPIG!! Where have you been?! I’ve been looking all over for you. No use yelling over it. I was just offering a prayer to God before I set out… You should pray as well, son. I’ll be waiting at the entrance of the village. 宿屋老板: Hey now… There’s some writing on the back of the registry again… Let’s see now… Dear MATHPIG… thank you… I hope we can meet again one day… Bella… What in the hell…? (来到村口) Papas: Ah, you’re here, MATHPIG. This time we travel to the castle of Reinhart. This will be a relatively short trip compared to our ravel by sea. After we finish this journey, I plan for us to settle down for a while. I know that it must have been rough and lonely for you ‘til now… But I plan to make it up to you after this… Well then… shall we? 村口守卫: Take care, Papas! (两人解决了两组怪物後,来到一隘口) Papas: I am Papas from the village of Santa Rosa. I was summoned here by the King of Reinhart with utmost urgency! Guard: Ah! So you must be Lord Papas! I’ve been informed of your coming. Please pass! (来到河的对岸,看到一老人对着河发呆) Papas: If I may… What troubles you, old man? Old man: Don’t trouble yourself with my worries… I am merely divining this nation's fate by watching the flows of the river Papas: I see… Well take care, old man… The wind blows cold and you may catch chill… (接着往回走又不小心走下楼) Papas: !!! (然後上楼後就一路来到了Reinhart城) Guard: Halt! Who goes there!? Papas: I am Papas from the village of Santa Rosa. I am here under summons of the King. Guard: Oh! You’re Lord Papas!? The King awaits you, sir! Please, this way! (其中一名卫兵将Papas两人领至王座之间) Guard: My liege! I have brought Lord Papas! King: Good work… You may go… Guard: Sir! (卫兵走後) King: Papas, is it? I have heard the rumors of your heroics from all over the nation… So… I have a favor I must… er… ask of you… *cough* Would you mind coming closer? The rest of you are dismissed! (其他两位侍卫也被遣走了) Papas: MATHPIG, you must be bored just standing there… Why don’t you take this opportunity to look around the castle? I’m sure I’ll be done here by the time you’re done taking a look or two around the place. (开始到城堡各处去晃晃了) 国王房间卫兵: Only the King’s bed chambers lie beyond here. If you wish to play, you should find somewhere else, little boy. 三楼城墙上大臣: Ugh, I don’t know if I can take much more of Prince Henry’s childish antics. It makes me anxious to think that those are the characteristics of the future King of this land… 二楼卫兵: The King asking to speak in private with that man… What could they be discussing? 二楼卫兵: Little boy, you said your father is from Santa Rosa? Odd. I feel as if I once caught glimpse of him somewhere. Perhaps I’m just imagining it… 皇后房间卫兵: This room belongs to the Queen and the younger Prince, Dale. Dale: I… I don’t want to be King, mother… Queen: And who are you? Here to great our son, Dale? Ho ho ho ho! Young as you may seem, how very perceptive you are. You too believe that our Dale is more suited to take the throne than that wretched boy, Henry, don’t you? Ho ho ho ho! 二楼卫兵: Will the future King be Lord Henry or Lord Dale? So long as nothing drastic happens, then no doubt our King will be the eldest, Lord Henry! 二楼卫兵: What’s wrong with every one? The King is still healthy and yet they speak only of his successor… 二楼卫兵: Hmmm…how interesting… Seems as though the Queen has been meeting with some rather unsavory characters. But should I bring this up before the King…? Oh, what a dilemma… 一楼厨房妇人 Everyone thinks badly of Prince Henry, except for myself. When he was very young, he lost his mother, so his father promptly remarried, But… it just wasn’t the same. All the new Queen cared of was her own children. It’s only natural that he be bitter. (从後面想跟一楼厨房内男子交谈,他却吓的弹开了) 一楼厨房男子: That scared the hell out of me! I thought you were Prince Henry for a second… He knows how much I hate frogs, and he still put one down my back… I’m so paranoid now! 一楼厨房小女孩: Oh, so you’re the one chosen to play with Prince Henry? I’m so sorry… I really feel for you. 一楼修女: Long ago, a giant castle fell to Earth from the heavens. Ever since, monsters have once again begun to attack the people of these lands. Little boy? Can you believe it? (Yes) Only God knows the truth of things. (No) Only God knows the truth of things. 一楼卫兵: Owww! I got a bump on my head… Prince Henry just doesn’t know when to stop sometimes… 一楼卫兵: Little boy… Where’s your father? You can’t just leave the castle on your own, you understand? -- 在城堡内乱晃的小孩 不断从别人口中听到的Prince Henry 这两个人终於将第一次在王子房内相会 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 reallurker:亨利这个小杂碎兼幸运超人即将登场~~~ 09/28 23:00
2F:→ superpigpig:发现版主不喜欢这一篇 :P 10/23 10:20

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