DragonQuest 板


Bella: Lady Powan! I have brought before you the human warrior that will save us all! Powan: My, what an adorable little warrior… Bella: A… adorable?! He may not seem powerful, but… Powan: No excuses are necessary, Bella… I know all that transpired… MATHPIG… that is your name yes? You must possess some wonderful sort of power that enables you to see my kind… Therefore, MATHPIG, I must ask a favor of you… Will you accept? (No) I see… I am sorry to hear that, but there is nothing I can do… (接着离开前找Bella说话) Bella: Why did you refused?! I can’t believe you! ) (而且连回去的阶梯走到水边後都会消失不见,不让你走) (Yes) Our treasure, the Flute of Spring, has been stolen away by some unknown force… Without this flute, we cannot bring Spring into the world… MATHPIG… I beg you… will you return the Flute to us? (No) (同上面No的情形) (Yes) Oh! You will help us? Powan: Bella… you will accompany him… Bella: Yes, Lady Powan! (Bella joined the party!) Powan: MATHPIG… I will pray that you successfully reclaim the Flute! (先找找精灵们对话) Powan旁精灵: We of the faerie folk do not possess the strength to swing a sword. Master MATHPIG, please, we implore that you listen to Lasy Powan’s pleas. 教堂外精灵: Within here lies the church. Before you leave on your journey, it would be smart to pray to our Lord. 教堂内精灵: This is the land that oversees the seasons, the Land of Fairies. If it continues this way and we are unable to bring about spring, the world will freeze over! 图书馆(?)内精灵: My! So you are the one human warrior called to aid in the retrieval of the Flute? The vile thieves of the Flute have set up their hideout inside the Ice Mansion. 图书馆(?)内精灵: To the North lies the Land of the Winter. In there exists a building called the Ice Mansion. However, the entrance to the Mansion has been securetly locked up with an ancient key. 精灵: Lady Powan is just too naive… A place where fairies, humans and monsters can live together? What was she thinking?! That’s why our treasured Flute was stolen! 精灵: I know what happened! The bad person who stole the Flute headed North of here! 老”人”?: Whoa whoa whoa ! That… that… that thing you’ve got with you is… a Killer Panther! It may be young, but there’s no doubt about it! But how could the Underworld’s Assassin, the Killer Panther, ever be tamed by a human…? 史莱姆:: Lady Powan truly is a kind and gentle soul. She even allows a slime like me to live in this village. 宿屋内商人: Lately, the flow of customers has been getting smaller and smaller… Oh well… what can I do…? (於是就跟他买买东西让他开心点罗) 宿屋内骷髅头: Aah… I love hot baths… Soaks right through to the bone… By the say, have you heard about the Dwarves of the Western caves? (Yes) Oh yeah? Well, you must have a keen ear for gossip. (No) Well, seems that a long time ago, they discovered a way to make something called the “Thieves” Key and were banished from the village. If only Lady Powan had been in power… That never would have happened. (出发执行任务去罗) -- 下集待续~~~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: superpigpig 来自: (09/08 12:59)
1F:推 luckyland:推推 用心继续呀! 09/08 15:17

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