DragonQuest 板


Papas: Morning, MATHPIG. I trust you slept well? I’ve got something to look up at home today, so don’t you go wandering out of the village, alright? Sancho: Good morn, young master. Just a little off the topic, but have you seen the chopping board anywhere? How very odd. I wonder where I put it…! 教堂内修女: Excuse me, little boy…? Was that handsome fellow standing in front of the church still there? Really? Oh my… I wonder if perhaps he’s fallen for me… *blush* 教堂外”帅哥”: Ohhh… What a beautiful gem you have there, little boy… May I have a little look at it? (Yes) (MATHPIG handed over the Golden Orb.) It really is beautiful. Here you go, thank you. (MATHPIG received the Golden Orb back) (No) ha ha ha… I’m not going to steal it… Please trust me, little one. Little boy… promise me that you’ll take care of your father… Little boy… no matter what happens, never ever give up. 山壁内村民: The master gathered the herbs and returned safely to us. MASTER: (找药大师? ^^”) Hey, you’re the kid I met in the cave… You saved my life back then. I’ve got a little something for you. Go on and look in those drawers. (调查衣柜後发现了Handwoven Cape) 村内老人: Ah, you are Lord Papas’ son, are you not? Just between you and me, it is said that Papas has a very powerful enemy. If only you were a little older, you might be able to help your father out… 武器店老板: Recently, strange things have been happening around the village. I wonder if it has anything to do with that weirdo that came to town yesterday… 武器店二楼妇人: Oh dear oh my… I thought I had placed this in the drawers, but here it is in my sewing box! How very peculiar… 村口附近屋内妇人: Hey! What happened to all the stew I was cooking in here? It’s gone! If grandpa was so hungry, he should have just told me… 村口附近屋内老人: What? I didn’t eat it! That girl! Always treating me like a little child! 宿屋老板: Hey! Who made these scribbles all over the registry book?! I hope it wasn’t you, boy… 酒吧士兵: Hey… you’re the little spelunker I met before. Remember me? I was standing in front of that cave. Recently, this stranger came to town and has been asking everyone about everything. Yeah, he was right by the church, little boy, But you’d best be careful all the same… 酒吧老板: Huh? Where did my cup go? Oh. It’s right here… Recently, so many odd things have been happening… 吧台上”精灵”(?): Oh gosh! Can… can you really see me?! Thank goodness! I’ve finally found someone who actually noticed me! Who am I, you ask? Just a second… I just can’t seem to relax here… If I’m not mistaken, there’s a house in this village with a basement… Will you wait there? 宿屋三楼村民: Oh yeah? Your father’s name is Papas, eh? Hmm, now that you mention it, there was once a King named Papas. Of course, that man was much better looking than your father! (回到家中的地下室找精灵) 精灵(Bella): Oh, you really came! I’m an elf! You can call me Bella! Anyhow, our country is in terrible turmoil! So I came to this human world to ask for help, But no one was able to even see me until I met you… I wanted them to notice me, so I played tricks on them…(原来就是你啊 ^^”) And then BLAM! There you were! Shh! Just a sec! Somebody’s coming! (Papas下楼来了) Papas: I thought I heard some talking down here… But I guess you’re alone, eh? Brrr, It’s a bit chilly down here. Why don’t you come up and play where it’s warm? (话毕,Papas又上楼去) Bella: I guess you really are the only one who can see me… Well… Will you please come back to my country with me? Lady Powan will explain the entire story when we’re there! (接着,地下室竟出现了一道通往”天上”(?)的楼梯) (往上走,黄光一闪,来到一处有花、有冰、有水的奇妙地方) Bella: Oh! You came! Hurry, you must meet with Lady Powan! -- 酒吧的偶遇,异地的精灵 看到别人未能看见的东西 是巧合? 是刻意? 是幸? 还是不幸? 或是 让人无法想像的使命 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ superpigpig:抱歉之前出国了十几天,进度努力补齐中:)(d大不见了?) 08/30 15:48
2F:推 reallurker:推先看後~~ 08/30 16:03
3F:推 luckyland:推推推推,继续补进度吧,加油! 08/30 19:34
4F:推 Flory:这一定要推的 08/31 12:39

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