Doctor-Info 板


※ 引述《monologist (规律的生活)》之铭言: : ※ 引述《kihome (kihome)》之铭言: : : 我想请问一下有关奥斯古斯症 : : 请问有这种病对膝盖有什麽坏处吗? : : 刚刚看国光帮帮忙朱木炎说他的膝盖有奥斯古斯症 : : 看了他的膝盖 : : 竟然跟我一样..我的膝盖好像也得了奥斯古斯症 : : 而且很久了 : : 一直不知道有关这种病的资讯~ : : 请知道这种病的大大说一下这对身体有何坏处 : : 有治疗的方法吗? : 之前有po一篇询问正确病名的文章 : 今天改到另一家医院看诊,终於问到了正确的病名 : 就这麽刚好是奥斯古斯症 Osgood-Schlatter 囧rz : 因为我们有提到上星期荣总看诊的结果,说是"ㄡ ㄙ ㄍㄨˇ病变" : 医生还开玩笑说,如果我朋友减个10岁的话他一定马上相信是奥斯古斯症 : 但因为我朋友已经25岁了,也因此要我们先去拍X光片後回来再说 : 之後回来看X光片 : 发现里面有未癒合的缝隙,甚至还有碎片及积水的现象 : (之前在荣总时医生说有钙化,但没有提到碎片@@) : 医生说除非继续痛下去才有需要开刀拿出碎片 : 最後同样也只能拿消炎药+回家冰敷 : 想请问一下 : 这种真的是很普遍常见的病吗@@? : 因为从发炎至今已经一个月了 仍是没有恢复正常 : 左膝也无法弯曲 : 担心以後当兵受训时,会不会因为无法跟着被训练而黑掉XD 从网路上有一些资讯可供查阅: Osgood-Schlatter Disease (Knee Pain) Description A common form of growing pains or overuse in early adolescence involves the shinbone and the knee. The shinbone (tibia) has a raised area just below the kneecap called the tibial tubercle. The tubercle has two important functions: It contributes to the growth of the leg. It is where the thigh muscle attaches to the shinbone through the kneecap tendon. Symptoms Swelling, enlargement of the tubercle and pain are common in kids with year round sports schedules. Risk Factors / Prevention Those who participate in certain sports are at risk. These sports include soccer, gymnastics, basketball and distance running. Treatment Options Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is aimed at diminishing the severity or intensity of the pain and swelling. Treatment of symptoms includes taking scheduled doses of Advil or Aleve, and wrapping the knee. This is recommended until the child can enjoy sports activities without discomfort or significant pain afterwards. Weakness and pain that gets worse with activity may require rest for several months, followed by a conditioning program. In some susceptible teenagers, Osgood-Schlatter symptoms may last for 2 to 3 years. However, most symptoms will completely resolve with completion of the growth spurt. This happens at around age 14 for girls and 16 for boys. June 2004 Reviewed by members of POSNA (Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America) --

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