Disney 板

幻想曲/幻想曲2000 第一区DVD发行细节 DVD FEATURES "Fantasia 2000" and the 60th Anniversary Edition of "Fantasia" will each be available as single DVDs and as part of a three-disc "Fantasia Anthology" DVD Collectors set. 60th Anniversary Edition "Fantasia" DVD -- Never-before-released, uncut, restored original theatrical version of Walt Disney's film includes the original narration and intermission -- "Clair de Lune" animated segment -- "The Making of Walt Disney's Fantasia" featurette -- Audio Commentary by Walt Disney (created from rare archival interviews with Walt Disney, spanning three decades) -- Audio Commentary by Roy E. Disney, Maestro James Levine and John Canemaker, animation historian. -- DTS 5.0, Dolby Digital 5.0 Surround Sound, THX Optimode, THX Certified -- Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 "Fantasia 2000" DVD -- Digital-to-digital transfer -- Audio commentary by Roy E. Disney (Executive Producer), Maestro James Levine and Don Ernst (Producer) -- Audio commentary by Directors and Art Directors for each film segment -- Disney's Academy Award(R) winning, animated short, "Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom" (Best Short, 1953) provides a humorous look at the history of music. -- Animated short "Melody" -- Commemorative booklet, highlights the art, music and filmmaking technology brought together for the film -- Showcase sampler, a specially designed program offering highlights from each segment of the film -- "The Making of Fantasia 2000" featurette -- Original theatrical trailer -- DTS 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, THX Optimode, THX Certified -- Aspect ratio: 1.85:1 -- Enhanced for 16X9 televisions "THE FANTASIA ANTHOLOGY" THREE DISC COLLECTORS SET Includes "Fantasia" (disc one) and "Fantasia 2000" (disc two) plus third disc "The Fantasia Legacy" Supplemental "Fantasia" material -- Storyboards, concept art and character designs -- The Fantasia That Never Was" -- Animation and story reels for unproduced segments, presented with music: "Claire de Lune" "The Ride of the Valkyries" "The Swan of Tuonela" "Adventures in a Perambulator" "Invitation to the Dance" Still frame art: "The Flight of the Bumblebee," "Mosquito" and "Baby Ballet" -- Walt Disney highlights -- Music tracks -- Special Effects showcase -- Pencil tests of unused animation -- Still Frame Galleries: The art of "Fantasia" -- Trailers/Posters of "Fantasia" -- Historical context of each musical piece -- THX Certified -- Aspect ratio 1.33:1 Supplemental "Fantasia 2000" material -- Behind-the-scenes look at each film segment -- Interviews with filmmakers -- Animation tests -- Storyboards, concept art and character designs -- Production Progression Demonstrations -- Deleted Animation -- Alternate versions -- Abandoned concepts -- Trailers/Posters of "Fantasia 2000" -- Historical context of each musical piece -- Behind the scenes "Making of Fantasia 2000" -- On-camera introductions and set-ups by the "Fantasia 2000" filmmakers -- THX-Certified -- Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 -- ※ Origin: 神农坡 <bbs.ym.edu.tw> ◆ From: ◆ 本文章内容曾於: 00/08/25 17:11:29 <>被 FayeFan 修改过

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like.gif 您可能会有兴趣的文章
icon.png[问题/行为] 猫晚上进房间会不会有憋尿问题
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] 选了错误的女孩成为魔法少女 XDDDDDDDDDD
icon.png[正妹] 瑞典 一张
icon.png[心得] EMS高领长版毛衣.墨小楼MC1002
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icon.png[问题] 清洗洗衣机
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icon.png[售车] 新竹 1997 march 1297cc 白色 四门
icon.png[讨论] 能从照片感受到摄影者心情吗
icon.png[狂贺] 贺贺贺贺 贺!岛村卯月!总选举NO.1
icon.png[难过] 羡慕白皮肤的女生
icon.png[问题] SBK S1安装於安全帽位置
icon.png[分享] 旧woo100绝版开箱!!
icon.pngRe: [无言] 关於小包卫生纸
icon.png[开箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 简单测试
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 执行者16PT
icon.png[售车] 1999年Virage iO 1.8EXi
icon.png[心得] 挑战33 LV10 狮子座pt solo
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icon.png[售车] Golf 4 2.0 银色 自排
icon.png[出售] Graco提篮汽座(有底座)2000元诚可议
icon.png[问题] 请问补牙材质掉了还能再补吗?(台中半年内
icon.png[问题] 44th 单曲 生写竟然都给重复的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 华南红卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[问题] 拔牙矫正这样正常吗
icon.png[赠送] 老莫高业 初业 102年版
icon.png[情报] 三大行动支付 本季掀战火
icon.png[宝宝] 博客来Amos水蜡笔5/1特价五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鲜人一些面试分享
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二创漫画翻译
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] OGN中场影片:失踪人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[问题] 台湾大哥大4G讯号差
icon.png[出售] [全国]全新千寻侘草LED灯, 水草
