DiscoveryNGC 板


The Hollywood reporter: Grant Imahara, an electrical engineer and roboticist who hosted the popular science show MythBusters and Netflix's White Rabbit Project, has died. He was 49. Imahara died suddenly following a brain aneurysm, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. "We are heartbroken to hear this sad news about Grant. He was an important part of our Discovery family and a really wonderful man. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family," a representative for Discovery said in a statement on Monday. Adam Savage: I’m at a loss. No words. I’ve been part of two big families with Grant Imahara over the last 22 years. Grant was a truly brilliant engineer, artist and performer, but also just such a generous, easygoing, and gentle PERSON. Working with Grant was so much fun. I’ll miss my friend. :( --

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1F:推 IKUZO : 刚刚在亚当的脸书看到这个消息 R.I.P 07/14 12:04
2F:→ semiacicada : 来的太突然了,哀,同时好怀念流言终结者 07/14 12:43
3F:推 applejone : R.I.P. 07/14 12:54
4F:推 seaEPC : 震惊 R.I.P. 07/14 13:12
5F:推 axzs1111 : QQ 07/14 13:14
6F:推 a741085 : R.I.P. 07/14 13:16
7F:推 griffinj9 : R.I.P. 07/14 13:36
8F:推 fjksa : 中午在亚当脸书看到很震惊 R.I.P 07/14 13:38
9F:推 alwaysstrong: !!!太突然了吧...... R.I.P. 07/14 14:15
10F:推 hxhjerry : R.I.P. 07/14 14:24
11F:推 anandydy529 : R.I.P. 07/14 14:28
12F:推 utamaru : R.I.P 07/14 14:30
13F:推 Gabai : 天... 07/14 14:32
14F:推 meteor77 : R.I.P. QQ... 07/14 14:37
15F:推 Jerryamd : R.I.P. 07/14 16:58
16F:推 sequence : R.I.P. 怎麽会这样... 还这麽年轻 QQ 07/14 18:13
17F:推 rattrapante : 呜呜呜呜呜 07/14 20:28
18F:推 congaconga : QQ 07/14 20:35
19F:推 ninepoints : 经过好几个小时才接受这个事实,然後每看到一次新闻 07/14 20:55
20F:→ ninepoints : 就哭一次 07/14 20:55
21F:推 abxtpml56 : RIP 呜呜呜 07/14 22:49
22F:推 tp14 : QQQQQQQQ 无法接受 07/14 22:55
23F:推 th11211 : R.I.P. 看到新闻很难过.. 07/14 23:01
24F:推 barery24 : 刚看到新闻也吓到... 07/14 23:26
25F:推 xien : R.I.P. 07/15 08:17
26F:推 j5a6s7o8n : R.I.P. 07/15 12:52
27F:推 wanfen : T_T 07/15 13:03
28F:推 Ryan1387 : R.I.P. 07/15 17:26
29F:推 hasebe : R.I.P. ...谢谢你带给我们的回忆 07/15 19:56
30F:推 saint01 : R.I.P. 07/15 21:44
31F:推 playerlin : R.I.P. 动脉脑瘤很容易一爆就去了:( 07/16 01:32
32F:→ playerlin : *脑动脉瘤 07/16 01:33
33F:推 zxcc79 : 一个记忆里的节目又消逝了 07/16 23:31
34F:推 mohome : RIP 07/17 14:46
35F:推 sef96121 : R.I.P. 07/19 00:23
36F:推 koalamaster : R.I.P 07/19 00:58
37F:推 SxF1SR : R.I.P 07/19 07:46
38F:推 allenlee6710: RIP 07/23 09:17
39F:推 juliefju : R.I.P. 07/28 11:49
40F:推 askingts : R.I.P 08/15 16:08

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