DiscoveryNGC 板


看到了好多不知道的食物名称,什麽是hau-chi fried tofu阿?好吃炸豆腐?好奇炸豆腐 ?臭豆腐?鼎泰丰真的外国人觉得这麽棒阿!Tony还真爱喝酒 :) Within moments of landing in Taipei I was soaking with the Discovery Taiwan office staff in a hot sulfur spring in the mountains--interspersed with bouts of savage drinking and a mammoth traditional banquet. The next day to well known restaurant A Mei for:Taiwan blackfish roe, oilfish roe, prawn cooked on stone, 3 sauce dragon fish, pickled oyster, pickled shell mollusk, crab sticky rice (good!), hau-chi fried tofu, passion fruit prawn salad, steamed lucky fish pineapple, sweet wine-pickled egg, an amazing Hakka style slow cooked pork (the best of the lot), mountain vegetable, coconut sesame prawn soup (the prawns still kicking when dunked into the soup), steamed sponge gourd, steamed clam with chinese herb and hou-chi pig liver (delightful). Then to the night market at Kee Lung (maybe the best of its type I've seen) for pig's trotter soup and various who knows what snacks...noodle/tripe soup in Shi Meng district...and oh God please forgive me...karaoke and vodka and I hope no tape exists of me singing Radiohead's CREEP while horizontal. Not a pretty picture--and about as good to listen to as a civet cat being fed into a lawnmower.. The revelation, the high point, the apex of all civilization's cumulative struggle was the incredible Ding Tai Fung house of dumplings. Perfect, sublime, every one made to order, a la minute--each a perfect 18-folded cushion of juicy, boiling hot, scalding goodness. The crab dumpling as good as any single dish ever imagined in ANY 3 star Michelin. The dough rolled, stuffed and steamed to ORDER--each dumpling dotted with intensely flavored jellied aspic--so that it melts and steams into the filling yet retains its structural integrity without leaking. A whole new world of dumplings for me. Followed many many of the crab with steamed pork dumplings, shrimp and pork shao-mai, pork and glutinous rice shao-mai, green crescent shaped pork and veg dumplings, pickled cabbage, seaweed salad--and a simple, perfectly clear steamed chicken soup that would make any chef proud. Truly wonderful. And mann..they know how to party here. In fact--they insist on it. The most maddening thing about the three cities I've been so far is that there is SO MUCH good stuff. You could spend months in Taipei alone, eating around and barely scratch the surface. Fortunately, the show is doing really really well over here. Hasselhoff in Germany kinda big--so I'm considering a whole alternate career now--making food TV for Asian audiences, bouncing around this part of the world even more than I've been. The future is here. No doubt about it. And it tastes real real good Next? I've got serious plans for a Tiger meat pie at Harry's Cafe de Wheels in Sydney. Been too long. --

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