早上收到的通知信, 主要问题出现在第一及第三代的安全扣, 安全扣共有四代 第一代: 粗绳, 三角形 Capture 标示 第二代: 粗绳, PD 字样商标 第三代: 细绳, 圆扣有削出角度方便卡进扣环, PD 字样商标 第四代: 粗绳, 圆扣有削出角度方便卡进扣环, PD 字样商标仅有单面 案例问题是绳子提早出现寿命预期外的损耗, 所以手上有有问题的第一第三代扣环用户 PD 会提供第四代寄送给你, 目前已经在使用的用户并不需要特别担心断裂问题 -- 以下原文 -- Hey folks, Peter from Peak Design here. I’m writing to inform you of an update that may affect one of the products you’ve purchased from us. You can read the details below, or just skip straight to this survey to determine if you are eligible for a free replacement. What’s the update? We have updated our strap Anchors, the small round discs that connect cameras to our straps. If you own certain previous versions of our Anchors, you may be eligible for a free replacement. Why the update? We discovered an issue with some of our previous generation Anchors that in rare instances may cause accelerated wear. The issue affects a majority of Anchors purchased between August 2017 and May 2018. Beginning last August, we updated our Anchor design to use a thinner cord so that users could sandwich Anchors between any tripod plate and the bottom of their camera, and so that Anchors could be connected directly to camera strap eyelets without needing an intermediary ring. This was well intentioned and well tested in many respects. However, we failed to realize that the smoothness of camera strap eyelets/loops varies greatly, both across and within makes and models. This has led to accelerated anchor cord wear in some cases, and we take full responsibility for this oversight. We have now seen seven cases of accelerated cord-fraying due to this condition. To give some context, there are about 1 million of these anchors in the wild, in use by about 120,000 unique customers. So, this issue has affected 1 in 17,000 people. While the number of people affected is small, we think it's unacceptable by the standards we've set for ourselves as product designers, and we are correcting it. What should you do? Take our Anchor Update Survey. It will determine whether or not you need replacement Anchors, and show you how you can continue using your strap safely in the meantime. Our reputation is built on the security of your cameras and the transparency with which we conduct business. We hang our hat on your trust—that we'll keep your gear safe and we will always do right by you. --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/DSLR/M.1528252661.A.E6E.html
1F:推 caferacer59: 哇,原po你好,请问这是他们的用户在官网注册商品後 06/06 11:03
2F:→ caferacer59: ,寄给你的信吗?我是去年中买slide的,不知到能不能 06/06 11:03
3F:→ caferacer59: 跟楔石换。或是该直接跟总公司联系。 06/06 11:03
4F:推 gwofeng: 请问这条是第几代的 06/06 11:13
5F:→ gwofeng: https://wisebaby.tw/peak-design-slide/ 06/06 11:13
6F:推 ssala: https://peakdesign.typeform.com/to/u9JrZC 06/06 11:25
7F:→ ssala: 以上是官网辨识几代的方法 也可以填写申请表 06/06 11:26
8F:→ ssala: 我是在pchome购买的不知道能不能直接去官网填单? 06/06 11:26
9F:→ ssala: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5rHCjuVCY4 官网影片 06/06 11:45
10F:推 gwofeng: PCHOME应该也是楔石出货的,我也是买PCHOME 06/06 12:04
11F:→ gwofeng: 双面PD标志平面 跟单面PD标志斜面 都没问题 06/06 12:07
12F:→ gwofeng: 三代细绳 跟 三角LOGO一代出问题 06/06 12:08
13F:推 iemilk: https://i.imgur.com/LZJlw6V.jpg 06/06 13:08
14F:→ iemilk: https://i.imgur.com/RRoD935.jpg 06/06 13:08
15F:→ iemilk: https://i.imgur.com/OozXvha.jpg 06/06 13:08
16F:→ iemilk: 帮截图...我也还没确认扣子... 06/06 13:08
17F:推 iemilk: https://i.imgur.com/m4wbddc.jpg 06/06 13:13
18F:→ iemilk: https://i.imgur.com/PHGUDrq.jpg 06/06 13:13
19F:→ iemilk: 看LOGO我好像都是V2,但是绳子却不一样,有Clutch和Slide 06/06 13:14
20F:→ kyle0478: 真可惜细绳还是不够耐用 06/06 13:55
21F:→ Photobiotic: V3细绳可以直接用在RX100之类小型DC的背带孔,不需要 06/06 14:21
22F:→ Photobiotic: 另外转接,以後没得用有点可惜。不知道所谓异常磨损 06/06 14:21
23F:→ Photobiotic: 的情况多严重。 06/06 14:21
24F:→ kyle0478: RX100也只有m5才装得进去吧 m4以前那个孔跟针孔没两样XD 06/06 14:26
25F:推 gwofeng: RX100的重量应该不用担心 06/06 14:32
26F:推 weifarm: 上个月才在udn刚买一条slide,看了一下好像都是v3的,不 06/06 14:38
27F:→ weifarm: 知道该怎样跟更换 06/06 14:38
28F:推 shuiwuhen: 谢谢资讯,回家确认 06/06 14:51
29F:推 guanrulee: 谢谢 回家检查 去年11月pchome买的限量蓝 不知道有没有 06/06 15:00
30F:→ guanrulee: 问题 06/06 15:00
31F:→ kyle0478: 蓝的是旧版背带 配的应该是V2吧 06/06 15:39
32F:推 caferacer59: 我是去年10买的香槟红,印象中是v2,晚上回家确认, 06/06 16:59
33F:→ caferacer59: 这种消息挺吓人的.... 06/06 16:59
34F:推 fiance33: 请问要怎麽申请 06/06 17:13
35F:→ schumi3019: 自己填一填就好,没想到也不需要会员,产品批号啥的也 06/06 17:43
36F:→ schumi3019: 没有,PD真的颇随便,之前产品有一点问题,要把旧包寄 06/06 17:43
37F:→ schumi3019: 去越南,但还没寄出,他们要换的新包确已经寄出了, 06/06 17:43
38F:→ schumi3019: 不过身为会员以及诚信,还是寄还了,寄的钱也会退 06/06 17:43
39F:推 tacowzj: 我也是V3版~~ 不知道台湾代理商(PChome24H买的)是哪家 06/06 17:44
40F:→ gamedf: v3跟v4好像,怎麽知道是哪个?粗的是宽版用的吗? 06/06 19:51
41F:→ gamedf: 啊注意到了v3是双面商标,官网填有寄海外(1-2周时间) 06/06 20:04
42F:推 bmw530li: 好像是说V3用的时候尽量用三角环,不要直接绑在相机上 06/06 20:10
43F:→ bmw530li: 避免额外的磨耗 06/06 20:10
44F:→ bmw530li: 有的相机的吊饰孔比较粗糙所以会比较快磨挂 06/06 20:11
45F:推 truthseer: 上个月PCHOME买的slide是V3,表格填好了看何时收到 囧 06/06 22:18
46F:→ dorbeetle: 我也是V3的 刚刚填完了 不知道哪时会收到 06/06 23:15
47F:推 zen777: 我是跟相机王买的 但购买证明已丢 这样还能填表换吗 06/07 02:43
48F:推 Glory330: 感谢分享 官网的使用介面太棒啦!资料填一填就会寄V4来 06/07 04:04
49F:→ Glory330: 不需要购买证明 1分钟搞定 服务太棒了! 06/07 04:05
50F:→ badbad27: 我有10个v3(眼神死) 06/07 08:10
51F:→ jaylan0920: 同楼上,我也是10个@@ 06/07 09:52
52F:推 scccc: 4月初买的,是V3版,有人在台湾买到V4的版本吗? 06/07 10:24
53F:推 CJSStarCraft: V3版做比较细才可以直接绑相机上,我就是冲这点买.. 06/07 11:30
54F:→ CJSStarCraft: 不然之前录影片时不然用三角环很容易晃动有杂音 06/07 11:31
55F:推 weifarm: 请问官网填表单都是打英文吗 06/07 13:01
56F:→ schumi3019: 英文 06/07 15:02
57F:推 Jmoe: 直接填完 完全不罗嗦 这服务真好~ 06/07 17:05
58F:推 AMPHIBIA: https://i.imgur.com/BdVj9Fv.jpg 请问这算第三代吗? 06/07 17:56
59F:→ AMPHIBIA: 不确定这算粗绳还细绳 06/07 17:56
60F:推 AMPHIBIA: 看了影片,两面都字有,应该是V3,家里大概有十多个… 06/07 18:01
61F:→ AMPHIBIA: … 06/07 18:01
62F:推 kyle0478: 原来v3只有两层 06/07 18:08
63F:推 AMPHIBIA: 点了一下: slide lite、capture lesn、cuff、clutch外加 06/07 18:37
64F:→ AMPHIBIA: 另外买一组快扣组,加起来14个 @@ 06/07 18:38
65F:推 seanrulina: 现在台湾的新版好像都是V3? 06/08 09:26
66F:推 Demaciaaaaa: 楼上A大那是V3没错 06/08 13:23
67F:推 jimmyx2: 刚刚询问楔石有答覆了 06/08 17:39
68F:→ jimmyx2: 连结贴不上来,反正就是等到8月有现货可以换...= = 06/08 17:41
69F:推 ggiccggicc: 我的是塑胶扣环背带处断裂 差点摔到相机 06/09 08:30
70F:推 bmw530li: 楼上有图吗?这个一定要写信跟原厂反应 06/09 13:44
71F:→ kyle0478: 断裂的是第几代的产品呢? 06/09 19:27
72F:推 AMPHIBIA: 推断裂要跟PD说,看PD的售後是个很重视改版提升品质的 06/09 22:08
73F:→ AMPHIBIA: 公司 06/09 22:08

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