

战男您好 这是第一次点歌,点歌前想要先说说最近的事情 由於爸妈的身体每年都在走下坡 要他们放家中的工作退休也办不到 所以决定回到家里面帮忙,也试着让爸妈退休 回家里工作之後发现了许多事情都不如自己所想 许多事情真的是老一辈想的、做的与年轻人都不一样 过去没做好的,回家之後开始一样一样的修改修正 这些工作,做下去就是一笔花费 这时钱己经不是问题,我感觉到这些修改、修正在做的同时 我爸不爽的情绪也正在累积 他可能想着 "ㄇㄉ 老子我过去这样做把你这死小孩养大 你回来就改一堆、花一堆钱、是在否定我过去的努力蛤?" 由於家里工厂只是个小小的家庭工厂,风险相对的比较高 女友也就不是很能谅解为什麽我会想要投身回来家里 因为家里工厂的情况如果出包,等於我的职场生涯会遇到很大的挫败 一位好友形容我现在的情况就像猪八戒照镜子,两面不是人 爸爸觉得我刁蛮 (因为工厂未来走向及整理的想法都与我不同) 女友不能理解我的选择 (因为工厂的情况不明朗) 哈,这就是逆境了吧? 今天跟老爸去看某种机器设备 看完之後他又一付"那种钱没必要花啦!"的心态 但那个设备在我眼中是最重要 且要延伸工厂生命很必备的东西 我想..这 就 是 逆 境 了! 战男大哥如果觉得上面这段太沉重就跳过没关系XD = = = = = = 心情转换分隔线 = = = = = = = = 在这里帮老哥的乐团SEAR OF FIRE打个广告 星期五(7/16)傍晚六点半在台中中友百货一楼国际会议厅有表演哦! 星期六(7/17)晚上七点在高雄有表演、地点如下: 地点: Living Room Live House 客厅展演中间 地址: 高雄市三民区建国三路169号地下一楼(雄中正对面) 星期日(7/18)晚上在台中绿园道有表演 但确定时间主办单位还没订出来 (汗) 在台中的两场是不收费 高雄那场会收门票300,只要买门票就送Sear Of Fire的首张EP! 希望大家有空的人可以去看看,给他们支持! 我想要点Sear Of Fire 的 Toward The Sun 听着热血的歌 与这些逆境战斗吧! 最後祝福爸妈 身体健康 Sear Of Fire 在台中8/28的演唱会顺利 战男与芭芭啦感情浓浓又长久 我爱的人 平安、永远快乐 在大陆工作的朋友阿香 事业顺利 谢谢战男^^ = = = = = 下面是Toward The Sun歌词 = = = = = = I wake up in the morning. Energy is in my body. It feels like I am ready. (Wake up! Wake up! Get yourself awake!) (Ready! Ready! Here comes a wonderful day.) Daily flight is waiting for me. Get the tank full of gasoline. Blue sky’s smiling at me. (Start up! Start up! Get your baby heated up.) (Come on; come on let’s go rock’n roll buddy.) Get myself to the runway. Speed it up to the limit. Everything falls behind me. In the air, everything becomes smaller. I’m an arrow breaking into the sky. Spread my wings, through the dark cloud, through the heavy storm. I’m flying toward the sun. I let go of all my sorrow, I put behind all my hesitation. Just concentrate on flying. (Focus! Focus! Get yourself focused!) (Alert! Alert! We gonna enter the storm.) My plane’s deadly shaking. My heart is heavily beating. I won’t let the devil beats me. (Hold on! Hold on! You got to be strong!) (Hang on! Hang on! You never want to give up!) Not for the promise land. Don’t want the paradise. Just to free my soul from cell. In the air, everything becomes smaller. I’m an arrow breaking into the sky. Spread my wings, through the dark cloud, through the heavy storm. I’m flying toward the sun. Sometimes I feel down, I wonder if there’s somewhere I belong? Sitting in the middle of nowhere, suddenly I realize that’s my destiny. Sitting in the middle of nowhere, suddenly I realize that’s my destiny. I belong to everywhere; I can be in any place. The whole world is my home sweet. In the air, everything becomes smaller. I’m an arrow breaking into the sky. Spread my wings, through the dark cloud, through the heavy storm. I’m an eagle sailing in the sky. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 tnth:森林加油 07/14 00:47
2F:推 xtwkurenai:加油! 07/14 00:50
3F:推 toy32ssh:加油 07/14 00:51
4F:推 zeki621:加油<( ̄︶ ̄)> 07/14 00:51
5F:→ forrest12:谢谢^^! 07/14 00:57
6F:→ forrest12:哦淦 听完战男说的话 再加上这首歌,听到想哭啊! 07/14 01:03
※ 编辑: forrest12 来自: (07/14 01:26)

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