CrossGate 板


※ 引述《deathnai ( ☆奈☆)》之铭言: 伺服器:water pot 水瓶 角色ID:The "Mini" Mini系列-w- 物品:everything that it takes to make 4B bow, except the metal. Got too much of that 4b弓所需要的所有材料 (除了纯银,我有很多= =) 所以如下: 黄月木20 铁杉20 琵琶木20 棉11 (此为1把所需) 数量:5 of each at each transaction. But I hope you can make the order for a week, with 5 each day and 10 for weekend. 每次交易请给我做5把的份量 另外也希望请你让我下单一星期, 周一到周五每天5把弓、周六周日每天10把的所需材料份量 价格:We will talk about this online, the price is not the issue, get me the stuff! 价格可议。 价钱不是问题啦.. 给我材料啊啊>__<!! 附注:I am at work, and this stupid company's computer doesn't have Chinese. If you got any problems, ask illusionPink for direction, she is my assistant. And, if anyone can help me to acquire things required for starting a PTT group family, that is very much appreciated. Again, damn this computer and company, but the pay is good XD 我在上班,公司这里的笨电脑没有中文输入法= = 如果有认何问题,可以找果冻(illusionPink)问,她是我助理 >/////< 另外,若有人可以帮我准备创家族的材料,我会很感激你的... 怨一下我的公司和这里的电脑~"~ ..但是薪水很优渥 XD This, is the most evil, Mini. -- 水瓶 始祖Mini 饲养 调教2 造弓Mini 造弓 造弓4 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: 以上是翻译… 麻烦ok的人帮忙一下唷~~ 感恩^^ -- 水瓶 蓝色果冻 传教士 慕容紫儿 造杖工(杖5精6) 蓝雨凝月 弓箭手 梦羽恋晴 矿工 (挖5伐3) 〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃 心美  蓝色果冻  弓术师范 妘~* 中级忍者 Oo微恋+草莓oO 资深樵夫 依萱~* 铸剑工 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ yyd:专业 07/31 23:55
2F:推 qwertyu1: 楼上你欺负长id这样我怎麽推齐 07/31 23:57
3F:推 yyd: 专业 可以玩波浪 07/31 23:58
4F:→ yyd: 专业~ 07/31 23:58
5F:→ yyd: 专业~ 07/31 23:59
6F:→ yyd: 专业~ 07/31 23:59
7F:→ yyd: 专业~ 07/31 23:59
8F:推 qwertyu1: 专业~ 07/31 23:59
9F:推 kendawx: 囧兴~ 08/01 00:01
10F:推 yyd: 专业~ 终於照顾到长ID了? 08/01 00:01
11F:推 sky80420: 专业~ 08/01 00:01
12F:推 fyspfyspfysp: 业~ 哪里有照顾到 YYD我要水桶你 08/01 00:02
13F:推 yyd: 专业~ 这样哩 08/01 00:03
14F:推 xingstar: 专业~ 不错阿 有照顾到我! 08/01 00:07
15F:推 fyspfyspfysp:专业~ 他是我小老婆 当然先照顾我 08/01 00:08
16F:推 wind19890909: 专业 这些人郝奇怪 08/01 00:09
17F:推 stef1725: 专业~ 徵公司的工作,经历:造弓4级口以去吗? 08/01 00:21
18F:推 dimit0811: 我都不知道你英文这麽好..我看了好久才翻完... 08/01 00:22
19F:推 ases0118: 我都不知道你英文这麽好..我看了好久才翻完... 08/01 00:23
20F:推 yyd: 专业~我都不知道你英文这麽好..我看了好久才翻完... 08/01 00:25
21F:推 xingstar: 专业~我都不知道你英文这麽好..我看了好久才翻完... 08/01 00:27
22F:推 deathnai:it surprised mne, too. She is a good girl 08/01 00:32
23F:→ deathnai:she is a good girl, any one want her? starting at $5 08/01 00:32
24F:推 cloudfriend:$6 08/01 00:34
25F:→ illusionPink:噗 08/01 00:34
26F:推 gy39764:do you think she is so worthy? 08/01 00:35
27F:推 ases0118:gy39764: here $5000 08/01 00:38
28F:→ illusionPink: worthless ( ̄ - ̄)─c< ̄⊿ ̄川) 08/01 00:38
30F:推 deathnai:you don't think so because you are with her already 08/01 00:40
31F:推 gy39764:What are you talking about. Are you all crazy?? 08/01 00:42
32F:推 deathnai:Admitted it! she needs you! 08/01 00:42
33F:推 yyd:i sell my butt to buy this girl!!!(butt) 08/01 00:42
34F:→ deathnai:should i use this? 08/01 00:43
35F:推 yyd:use what? my butt is worthless, too! 08/01 00:44
36F:推 gy39764:so you can exchange illusionPink by your butt 08/01 00:46
37F:推 ases0118:illusionPink = yyd's butt is too wonderful!! 08/01 00:50
38F:推 tasy89:lol~! 08/01 00:50
39F:→ illusionPink:disgusting.. >"< 08/01 00:52
40F:推 gy39764:right illusionPink is disgusting XD 08/01 00:55
41F:推 deathnai:i think gy39764 and illusionPink is giving out 08/01 01:00
42F:→ deathnai:blinding lights XD my eyes......orz 08/01 01:00
43F:→ illusionPink:= = to gy39764, don't you want your $$ ? 08/01 01:03
44F:推 yyd: you wish a gf was hot like 08/01 01:05
45F:→ yyd: me~~don't cha~ 08/01 01:05
46F:→ illusionPink:XDDDDDDDDDD!!! yyd is so sexy 08/01 01:07
47F:推 deathnai:i sense a deal between gy39764 and illusionPink XD 08/01 01:14
48F:→ deathnai:alright, I need to go and work, or I am toasted 08/01 01:14
49F:→ deathnai:is there anyone to take my order? 08/01 01:14
50F:→ illusionPink:大家把焦点摆在英文而不是内容了..囧 08/01 01:16
51F:→ illusionPink:请能帮忙Mini的人推文唷=w= 08/01 01:16
52F:推 deathnai:Thought so, Depending on you for it 08/01 01:16
53F:→ yyd:+u,ok? 加油,好吗? 08/01 01:17
54F:→ deathnai:and, anyone for an outing at 8-9am? 08/01 01:17
55F:→ suck! 08/01 01:17
56F:推 mifina:哈哈哈>"<~好好笑~~~他是用中国英文在讲~~~XD 08/01 01:22
57F:推 DestinyRay:我可以说我不需要翻译也能懂吗XD 08/01 04:59
58F:推 wader207:水瓶其实可以直翻 Aquarius 08/01 06:20
59F:推 deathnai:我说玮德,就是要好玩才写那样,你故意破梗干嘛= =+ 08/01 06:35
60F:推 wader207:唉唷 职业病= =' 08/01 06:56

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