ChthoniC 板


※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1O9q1o-j ] 作者: joe6304105 (老衲) 看板: Gossiping 标题: [新闻] TIME访林昶佐:台湾以自己的名义参与奥运 时间: Sun Nov 13 00:16:45 2016 1.媒体来源: ※ 例如苹果日报、奇摩新闻 TIME 时代杂志 2.完整新闻标题: ※ 标题没有写出来 ---> 依照板规删除文章 Many Young Taiwanese Want to Go to the Olympics With a New Flag and Anthem 3.完整新闻内文: ※ 社论特稿都不能贴! 违者退文,贴广告也会被退文喔! "Taiwan is functioning as an independent state whatever China says" "不论中国怎麽说,台湾是个主权独立的正常国家" As one of Taiwan’s most famous rock stars, Freddy Lim used to express his politics by screaming death metal lyrics for his band Chthonic, the “Black Sabbath of Asia.” Now, at 40, while still sporting his trademark ponytail and playing the occasional gig, Lim has taken a political path as a new member of Taiwan’s legislature, but his message of independence from China remains the same. 用死亡重金属入歌词怒吼政治意识的台湾知名摇滚乐手林昶佐,是被称为东方黑色安息日的 乐团"闪灵"的成员,四十岁的他,成为了新的台湾国会议员,他的台湾独立理念保持 不变 The charismatic “rock ‘n’ roll lawmaker,” known for his black face paint and fondness for leather, is now promoting a “Team Taiwan” competition to design a new flag and anthem to be used by the island’s athletes in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, one which better represents the ethnic diversity of the island. (The current flag bears the logo of the Chinese nationalist Kuomintang, or KMT, which wrote the anthem; Lim argues that this does not reflect Taiwan’s ethnic or political diversity.) 林昶佐正在为将国家体育队正名为"台湾队"而努力,希望设计新的旗帜与国歌并以台湾队 名义参加2020东京奥运。(台湾体育队目前使用的旗帜上有着中国国民党的标志林昶佐认为这并不能代表台湾的多元种族与文化多样性。) Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China (ROC), competes in every Olympics but must do so as “Chinese Taipei,” an awkward handle based on the name of its capital city. The title emerged from a controversial 1979 ruling by the International Olympic Committee under pressure from mainland China. Aside from its name, Taiwan cannot use its national anthem or flag. Athletes instead receive their medals under a banner depicting the five Olympic rings that has been compared to the refugee flag used this past summer in Rio de Janeiro. 台湾,在国际上的官方名称为中华民国,但在每一任奥运上必须被迫称为"中华台北" 这是一个以首都为名的尴尬名称,个名称来自於1979年一个争议的国际仲裁 以及中国大陆的压力,除了名称外,台湾也无法在国际场合上使用自己的国歌与国旗, 在之前的里约奥运上台湾选手夺牌只能站在奥运官方的旗帜下领奖,这通常是流亡政府 的难民国家才有的尴尬状况 QQ The flag and anthem competition, which ends on Dec. 5, offers an outlet to growing public frustration that the island has virtually no international recognition, even though its 23 million people operate their own government, currency, military and foreign policy. 即使这个岛上有自己的政府、军队、货币与邦交国,它们的国旗与国歌依旧不受国际认可 is to have equal rights, to join and participate in the international community, ” says Lim. “Most people in Taiwan don’t feel comfortable having our national team called Chinese Taipei. This title doesn’t represent this country. ” 林表示: "我们自己有独立运行的政府,实际上就是一个独立的国家政体,我们希望 有平等参与国际社会的权力,大多数台湾人觉得被称为中华台北是很不爽快的事情。" But any nod to Taiwan as a separate nation is vehemently opposed by China, which views it as a renegade province to be one day reclaimed — by force if necessary. Beijing lobbies relentlessly to exclude Taiwan from global forums to undermine its legitimacy as its own nation. As a result, Taiwan has been blocked from joining most international bodies, extending from the U.N. to cross-border networks like Interpol or the International Civil Aviation Organization. Most countries, wary of offending China given its economic might, do not have official diplomatic relations with Taiwan. 但是任何国家支持台湾的独立性都会触怒中国,中国一直将台湾视为叛乱的一省并期待 有一天能将台湾收回,北京政府在国际上用强硬的手段否认台湾成立自己的国家, 使得台湾被大多数国际组织拒於门外,大多数国家因为害怕得罪中国断绝经济往来,不与 台湾建立官方外交关系。 Taiwan’s troubles stem from a complicated past. When the island was freed from Japanese colonial rule in 1945, it was governed from mainland by the KMT. In 1949 the KMT fled to Taiwan from the advancing Communist Party. The nationalists kept their claim to all of China, however, and initially ruled their new island home with an iron fist, invoking martial law. 台湾很多的问题源自於他们复杂的历史过往,当1945年台湾结束日治时期,并由中国 大陆来的政权KMT所接管,1949年KMT政府因为中国内战惨败带着政权逃往台湾, 因此这个政党依旧声称它们是中国的合法政权,并对台湾岛民祭出铁腕政策,实施戒严。 Taiwanese society eventually evolved toward democracy and the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was formed in 1986. The DPP, which is currently in power, represented a shift in public sentiment toward independence rather than reunification with mainland China. Few citizens want to provoke a war with Beijing by declaring full independence, and the domestic status quo is comfortable even if the lack of international status is grating. 不过在1986年DPP成立之後,台湾开始往一个正常民主国家方向前进,DPP在2016年 获得完全执政,一定程度也反映了台湾民心冀望成为一个正常独立的国家,而非与 中国大陆统一。还有些激进派人士主张要与北京一战以取得完全独立自主的正当性。 “Taiwan is functioning as an independent state whatever China says and whatever the history,” says Roderic Wye, an Asia expert at the London-based think-tank Chatham House. “The reality on the ground is that Taiwan is independent even if it is operating under the shadow of China.” 伦敦智库的亚洲专家Roderic Wye表示: "不论中国怎麽说,台湾是个主权独立的正常国家" "现实就是台湾就是独立的国家,即使是活在中国的阴影之下" A poll released in May by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation found that 80% of respondents identified as Taiwanese, and 51% favored independence. This is particularly true of the younger generations, many thousands of whom joined the 2014 Sunflower Movement to protest further economic integration with China. Hundreds of Sunflower protesters occupied government buildings and hundreds of thousands took to the streets to denounce a trade pact with Beijing that they feared would hurt Taiwan’s economy. 由台湾民调机构在五月公布的一项民意调查发现,80%的国民受访会说自己是台湾人, 51%的人赞成台湾独立。 尤其是年轻世代,像2014年的太阳花运动,数千名年轻人抗议经济命脉被绑在中国上。 数百名示威者占领政府大楼,几十万人走上街头反对服贸与北京政府,他们担心协议会伤害 到台湾的经济。 KMT, have been closely observed by Hong Kong activists now fighting their own independence battle. “I think young [Hong Kong] people come here to understand and to learn from the experience of the opposition movement, how we fought against the KMT, how to organize, how to mobilize,” says political analyst Antonio Chiang. 香港政治分析家Antonio Chiang表示:"我希望香港年轻人能向台湾学习台湾反抗KMT 取得民主的经验,如何组织反抗团体与抗议活动。 Lim recently tried to go to Hong Kong but was denied a visa. “Their freedom is shrinking — even their friends cannot visit there,” he says. Though he just wanted to attend a concert, the authorities presumably feared he could stir things up in the heated political atmosphere. 林昶佐日前被香港官方拒绝签证,他表示:"香港政府正在限缩人民的自由,即使他去 香港只是想看一场演唱会,但当局担心他可能引起任何政治纷扰因此予以拒绝 Lim has a history of activism that began in the mid-1990s as lead vocalist for Chthonic. The band advocated independence for Taiwan, minority rights and self-determination for Tibetans. He then headed up the Taiwan branch of Amnesty International before founding the New Power Party as the political successor of the Sunflower Movement. The NPP won five seats in this year’s national election and is now touted as the third force in a parliament dominated by the KMT and the DPP. 林昶佐从90年代中期成立闪灵乐团以来,一直支持的台湾独立,人权问题以及西藏独立 运动,他也担任国际特赦组织台湾分会的会长,并与太阳花运动的人员们成立了时代力量 政党并在今年的大选中获得了五个国会席次,挤身为台湾第三大政党。 Although still trying to establish itself, the NPP has an advantage over the DPP, which was now the “establishment of the middle class,” says Chiang. The NPP “have some chance because they are young, have fresh ideas and have a lot more energy, and the whole generation of the Taiwan independence movement is supporting them.” 目前时代力量还在发展的阶段,但林认为它们几项有比DPP更好的优势,就是它们更年轻 、更有想法,而且有整整一个新世代的台湾独立认同者在支持它们。 Lim is old enough to remember martial law and book bans under the KMT, but young enough to connect with millennials who are increasingly assertive about Taiwan’s autonomy. 林昶佐的年纪让他经过戒严与禁书的时代,也同时经过了千禧年後日益蓬勃的台湾主体 意识觉醒。 “The younger generation have been called the natural independence voters,” he says. “Most want to see Taiwan equally participate in the international community.” 林说: "它们这世代的年轻人被称为天然独,最希望看到的是台湾能平等的参与国际社会" For Lim and his growing band of independence supporters, their ambitions extend beyond sports competitions, to defeat Beijing’s opposition to Taiwan’s membership of all international bodies, including the U.N. Many analysts view this as an impossible goal. 林与越来越多的台独运动者渴望不只是体育赛事,而是在北京反对下去参与各种国际组织 ,甚至是加入联合国,但也有很多政治分析家认为这是个不可能的任务。 “I think both Hong Kong and Taiwan have the right to independence but I don’t think the Chinese leaders or government will agree to that,” says Hsu Hsiang-tao, an associate professor at Taiwan’s Tunghai University. 东海大学教授Hsu Hsiang-tao表示: "我认为台湾与香港当然有权利独立,但中国政府 绝对不会允许这样的事情发生。" Lim is ready to play the long game. “It’s very difficult to say how the world will be in 10 years so I do believe that we should keep our voices out in the world year by year … to let people feel that the Taiwanese want to be helpful and supportive,” he says. “Then, when there’s an opportunity for the world to accept Taiwan as an equal participant in the international community, we will be ready to join.” 林昶佐则认为这是一场持久战 : "世界10年内的变化是很难预测的 ,我认为我们应该 保持我们向世界发声的机会,一直保持下去,让世界感受台湾需要帮助与支持,然後 如果有一个机会让台湾能平等的参与国际社会,台湾将已经准备就绪。 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): ※ 当新闻连结过长时,需提供短网址方便网友点击 5.备注: ※ 一个人一天只能张贴一则新闻,被删或自删也算额度内超贴者水桶,请注意 --

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※ 转录者: joe6304105 (, 11/13/2016 00:17:11
1F:推 tigerzz3: 推 11/14 22:04
2F:推 icl30906: 推 11/16 20:38
3F:推 puredust: 推 11/20 14:00
4F:推 honeysuger: 推!台湾建国独立! 11/22 02:24

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