ChthoniC 板


※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1NuZNHvc ] 作者: joe6304105 (老衲) 看板: Gossiping 标题: [新闻] 台湾议员林昶佐为入联演说(美国NBC 时间: Wed Sep 21 15:24:58 2016 1.媒体来源: ※ 例如苹果日报、奇摩新闻 美国NBC 2.完整新闻标题: ※ 标题没有写出来 ---> 依照板规删除文章 As UN Prepares to Convene, Taiwanese Rally for Inclusion 3.完整新闻内文: ※ 社论特稿都不能贴! 违者退文,贴广告也会被退文喔! Freddy Lim is not your typical Taiwanese politician: The 40 year old is a death metal rocker who last year co-founded a political party and won election in January to Taiwan's parliament. 林昶佐是位40岁的死亡金属乐手,这个非典型的政治人物在去年一月的台湾国会 议员的选举中当选。 The ponytailed and tattooed Lim, frontman for his band Chthonic, which formed in 1996, flew into New York last week to attend a rally in hopes of using his starpower to bring international attention to Taiwan's exclusion from the United Nations (U.N.). 绑着长马尾与一身刺青的林,是1996年成立的闪灵乐团的主唱,在上周前往纽约参加 台湾入联游行,希望用他的知名度让台湾入联的议题可以被国际关注到。 Strengthening his imperative, Lim said, was the election of Taiwan's first female president, Tsai Ing-wen of the the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Tsai's party has historically favored independence from China, which views Taiwan as a breakaway province that must someday be reunited. 林说,台湾在上次选举中选出了台湾第一位女总统-蔡英文,这位总统所属政党的政治立场 倾向为将台湾从中国独立出来。 "The result of the election earlier this year means a lot to the Taiwanese community and the whole world, that people of Taiwan want changes and especially want equal participation rights in the international community," Lim told NBC News at a rally this past weekend in Times Square. 林在时代广场上说道: "今年选举的结果代表台湾社会期待改变,尤其是台湾对於国际组织的平等参与权。" On Saturday, more than 100 demonstrators marched from Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, a park near the U.N., to an area penned in by metal police barricades on Seventh Avenue near 42nd Street to call for Taiwan's entry into the U.N., Jenny Wang, one of the organizers, told NBC News. 上星期六,100多位群众从 Hammarskjold广场游行到UN总部附近,呼吁联合国让台湾加入 The United Nations Membership for Taiwan March and Rally has been held annually for more than 20 years, organizers said, usually timed to coincide with the start of the General Assembly. Taiwan has not been represented in the U.N. since 1971, a sore spot for many of the island's 23 million people and also for Taiwanese Americans. 台湾入联游行活动已经有20年的历史,主办者表示自从1971年台湾被踢出联合国, 一直都是台湾人的心中的遗憾。 At this year's event, Lim joined a Tibetan activist, a former Chinese prisoner, and a former ambassador to Taiwan from the Dominican Republic, according to the event's organizers, in addressing the crowd from a makeshift stage, making the case for Taiwan's inclusion in the U.N. 今年也有一位曾被中国囚禁的西藏政治运动家前来声援台湾入联运动。 "We hope all our friends around the world keep supporting Taiwan to finish our journey to freedom," Lim told attendees, who cheered and waved blue "UN for Taiwan" flags. 她说 "我们希望世界各地的朋友都能以自由民主的价值支持台湾加入联合国。" Wang, a 25-year-old born in the United States, said her parents told her she had attended the U.N. rallies when she was younger, though her first memory was when she was a senior in college. She said she was shocked to learn in college that Taiwan wasn't in the U.N. 她是王小姐,一位25年前出生於美国的台侨,他的父母在她还小时就开始支持台湾入联游行 运动,她表示上大学後发现台湾不是联合国的会员让她十分震惊。 "I was very moved by a lot of the older generation here, pushing forward this event, talking to bystanders in broken English, still fighting this fight," Wang said. "I was so moved and so touched, and I realized that it's our responsibility as Taiwanese Americans to be that bridging figure." 王: "我被这些参与入联游行许久的长辈感动,即使英文不好,他们也一直持续地向别人 述说这个理念,这让我了解到身为一个台侨子女,我有责任接下这份重担 Wang said Taiwanese identity also drives participation in the rally. 王表示,台湾的认同感让他更积极的参与这项运动 "When we were growing up, our parents told us that we're Taiwanese American and never to say you're Chinese," Wang said. "我们长大之後,我的父母告诉我,我是台裔美国人,而不是中国人" Identity matters to many Taiwanese, including those wary of closer ties between Taiwan and China. That wariness has grown in the last eight years as former President Ma Ying-jeou of the Nationalist Party signed more than 20 trade pacts with China. 这份台湾的认同感让台湾更需要警惕与中国的关系,在过去八年,前总统马英九与 中国签订了20多项贸易协定。 Ma's party, which fled China for Taiwan in 1949 amid a civil war, has historically favored reunification with the mainland. 马英九的政党在1949年战败後逃来台湾,一向被认为主张与中国统一。 legislators tried passing a cross-strait trade services agreement that many Taiwanese feared would bring the island and China even closer. Later dubbed the Sunflower Movement, Taiwanese youth, many of them college students, stormed the parliament in protest, holing themselves up inside for nearly a month. 在这之後,一场不安於中国关系的公民运动爆发了,当国民党立法委员试着强行通过 两岸服务贸易协定时,许多台湾的年轻人担心中国会更因此勒紧台湾,於是发起占领 国会长达一个月的抗议行动,这场行动被称为太阳花运动。 Borcheng Hsu, who's been attending U.N. rallies since high school, stressed the importance of engaging youth. 他是Borcheng Hsu,从高中时就开始参与入联游行。 "We know that this is a long-term movement," Hsu, 40, told NBC News. "It's always key that the younger generation appreciate or know the cause that their parents and grandparents fight for." "我们了解这是一场长期的抗争",Borcheng Hsu这样对我们的记者说道:"关键在於让更多 年轻台侨了解它们的长辈长期奋斗的目标。" Taiwan's entry into the U.N. is a thorny issue that some worry could unsettle relations with China, Taiwan, and the U.S. Less than a half year in office, Tsai did not apply for membership this year, pressing instead for "meaningful participation" with U.N.-related agencies, according to the Taipei Times. 台湾入联是一个棘手的议题,人们担心此举会扰乱中国与台湾、美国之间的关系, 不过根据TAPEI TIMES报导,今年蔡总统并没有申请加入联合国,而是着重与参与联合国 相关组织。 China has repeatedly blocked Taiwan's efforts to join the U.N., arguing it isn't a sovereign nation. 中国一再阻止台湾的加入联合国,认为它不是一个主权独立的国家。 Lim, the rock star turned legislator who cofounded the New Power Party, said he's optimistic Taiwan will someday make it back into the international organization. 时代力量的创党元老林昶佐表示,他对於台湾未来加入联合国组织是采乐观的态度。 "We have to make friends all around the world," he said. "We have to be ready when the opportunity comes." "我们必须与更多国家保持友好关系,当机会来临前一定要做好准备" 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): ※ 当新闻连结过长时,需提供短网址方便网友点击 5.备注: ※ 一个人一天只能张贴一则新闻,被删或自删也算额度内超贴者水桶,请注意 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
1F:嘘 gerund: 台湾名义入联根本痴人说梦 09/21 15:25
2F:推 kuninaka: 怎麽不是中国议员 09/21 15:25
3F:推 wadeabc: 反观kmtx夭寿赞 09/21 15:26
4F:→ Hirano: 台湾名义是痴人说梦 那中华民国名义应该也是下辈子的事 09/21 15:26
5F:推 VVizZ: 我在想一个问题 ABT干嘛认同台湾 他们是美国人 09/21 15:26
6F:→ VVizZ: 不然我干嘛质疑外省二代认同中国这件事 09/21 15:27
7F:推 g8330330: 那个台裔美国人来乱的吗? 09/21 15:27
8F:推 anxcvi: 隐+1 09/21 15:27
9F:→ wadeabc: 09/21 15:27
10F:推 waijr: 其实名字不是重点 重点是申请入联和返联不同 09/21 15:28
11F:→ wadeabc: 09/21 15:28
12F:→ waijr: 就算中国的北京政府同意好了 你也不可能返联.... 09/21 15:28
13F:推 piliwu: 推 09/21 15:29
14F:→ wadeabc: 有心跟成不成功是另一回事 09/21 15:29
15F:推 minron: 支持入联 09/21 15:30
16F:推 HappyboyEric: 推 09/21 15:31

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: joe6304105 (, 09/21/2016 15:32:19
17F:推 oscar880716: 推! 09/21 17:40
18F:→ terago: 第一段翻译 应该是去年组党, 今年一月当选 09/22 10:39
19F:推 goenitzx: 台湾名义才有机会 中国要用甚麽藉口打压一个"新国家"呢? 09/25 09:39
20F:→ goenitzx: 当然第一条件是台湾不能再使用中华民国 09/25 09:42
21F:推 KaneNod: 正名制宪後入联。在未来才有可能。 10/03 11:36
22F:推 aadm: 我比较推自决建国 10/05 00:44
23F:推 karlwu: 上头大大们提的都是办法,眼前最重要的还是凝聚岛内共识, 12/06 07:56
24F:→ karlwu: 当岛内人有集体意识时力量自然就大! 12/06 07:56

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