ChthoniC 板


※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1NT1Q9HG ] 作者: joe6304105 (老衲) 看板: Gossiping 标题: [新闻] CHTHONIC Hopes To Release New EP In 20 时间: Thu Jun 30 02:42:14 2016 1.媒体来源: 2.完整新闻标题: CHTHONIC Hopes To Release New EP In 2017 3.完整新闻内文: Freddy Lim, frontman of the Taiwanese metal band CHTHONIC, was interviewed by Red Carpet News TV at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods, which took place June 13 at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith, London, England. You can now watch the chat below. 闪灵主唱林昶佐伦敦金神奖时接受Red Carpet News TV专访 Speaking about CHTHONIC's future plans, Lim — who was elected in January as a legislator in Taipei's 5th District — said: "Hopefully next year we will come out with a new EP and also a movie." 说到闪灵未来的计画,这位台湾第五选区新的立法委员表示:希望明年能推出我们的新EP 跟电影 Regarding the upcoming CHTHONIC movie, Lim said: "It's a political comedy. And not just CHTHONIC members will play some roles there. And also the LAMB OF GOD vocalist Randy Blythe will play a role. Hopefully, I think metalheads will like it. And [there will be] some martial arts in the movie as well." 林昶佐表示这部电影有闪灵团员参与拍摄,并请来LAMB OF GOD的主唱Randy Blythe 扮演其中一个角色,他认为许多金属头都会喜欢这部带有武打元素的的政治喜剧电影。 Famous for his long hair and tattoos, Lim was the first rock star in Eastern Asia to run for office and is a lawmaker for Taiwan's pro-independence New Power Party (NPP), which was founded in January 2015. 林是东亚第一位当选国会议员的摇滚明星,代表的政党是时代力量,至今成立一年多。 Formed in 1995, with the existing lineup having been together since 2005, CHTHONIC blends metal with traditional Taiwanese instrumentation, mythology, Taoist folklore and the country's labyrinthine history, each album bearing a deep, conceptual story. 闪灵於1995年成军,现任成员从2005年後就没有变更过。 闪灵的音乐结合了传统台湾乐器、神话与台语曲调,以及错综复杂的台湾历史。 CHTHONIC is notorious for their elaborate costumes, stage makeup and highly visual stage shows as well as their outspoken political views on human rights and Taiwanese independence。 闪灵除了有着精致的表演服、舞台装与华丽的舞台表现,他们也关注的人权议题 与台湾独立运动。 CHTHONIC has graced the stages of some of Europe's biggest rock and metal festivals, including Wacken Open Air, Download festival and Bloodstock. Their music relates to many histories in Eastern Asia, which are not being taught by the government. 闪灵常受邀欧美大型音乐祭的表演,他们的音乐诉说着许多东亚的历史故事 而且很多都是政府不愿提起的那种。 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): 5.备注: --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 ispy03532003: 有武打元素的政治喜剧电影 立法院直播吗ww 06/30 02:43
2F:→ Moscato: 闪灵明年发片好像会被blaz牌分类帽吃掉唷 06/30 02:43

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: joe6304105 (, 06/30/2016 02:43:48
3F:推 blueusagi: 电影耶!会像破夜斩MV那样吗 07/02 03:17
4F:推 jay022137: 期待 08/18 13:12

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