ChthoniC 板


1.媒体来源: metal Injection 2.完整新闻标题: CHTHONIC's Freddy Lim Talks Running For Congress in Taiwan, China and Metal 林昶佐谈论有关征战台湾国会、中国关系、与重金属 2016/1/8 3.完整新闻内文: Not a lot of well-known metal musicians have run for public office. And as a genre that tends to be very apolitical in the first place, as far as day-to-da y partisan politics is concerned, you don't often get the chance to dive into a detailed discussion about issues, events and matters of principle. But Chthoni c's Freddy Lim is the ultimate exception to the rule. On Saturday, January 16, Taiwan will hold presidential elections, along with elections for its 113-seat legislature (The Legislative Yuan, as it's called there). 知名的金属乐手参与公职选举是很少见的一件事,而当一个族群越来越不关心公共事务後 ,就越会被烂党派用不当的政策影响你,最後你就会越来越无法去参与公共议题的讨论, 但闪灵的林昶佐成为了一个极其特殊的例子。 今年的1月16日在台湾即将举行一场总统与113席立法委员的选举 Taiwan tends not to receive intense coverage in the western media, but the country is actually very important from a geopolitical perspective. After the defeat of Japan in the Second World War, China fell back into civil war, fought between the Nationalist and Maoist Communist factions. When the Nationa lists were defeated on the mainland in 1949, the official government of The Republic of China evacuated to Taiwan. Since then, the issues of nationhood and sovereignty have been a consistent issue dogging the island nation. It lost its UN seat in 1971 to the People's Republic of China, and most of the world holds "non-diplomatic official" relations with it. The nation is basically caught in a perpetual push-and-pull between full independence (Beijing has thr eatened military invasion if that occurs) and full integration with the mainland (which would of course destroy the country's democratic system, placing it under the heel of the Chinese Communist Party). For it's part, the United States has been providing military hardware to Taiwan since 1979, a move reinforce by every President since. It's become a tradition for lame-duck Presidents to send over an aid package as they exit office (Obama sent another one last year, causing a temporary row with Beijing). 台湾通常不会在西方媒体中得到甚麽热烈的关切,但这个国家身处於一个相当重要的地理 位置,在二次世界大战过後,中国进入国民党与共产党的内战之中,而国民党在1949年战 败,中华民国官方政府随即撤离到了台湾。从那刻起,台湾的主权归属一直都是国内不断 争议的问题。雪上加霜是台湾在1971年失去了联合国会员的身分,取而代之的是中华人民 共和国政府,这使得许多国家都跟台湾断绝了外交往来。 台湾未来的主权目前处於两个方向,第一种是完全的主权独立(但中共政权会以武力侵略 威胁台湾的主权);第二种是与中国大陆统一(这种情况则会完全毁掉台湾的民主体制, 走向中国共产专制的道路)为此,美国在军事上予以提供台湾作为协助增进台湾的防御 能力,这也是每一任美国总统的烫手山芋(欧巴马则是跑去舔中共LP,干你娘欧巴马下台 Chthonic front-man Freddy Lim is currently running as part of the New Power Party (NPP), a centre-left party who's platform is founded on human rights, civil liberties and Taiwanese independence. The party proposes a rewrite to the country's constitution, whereby it would cede legitimacy of governing Chin a to the mainland, and restrict Taiwan to just Taiwan. As Metal Injection readers may know, he has fronted Chthonic since 1995, bringing the band's innovative and energetic form of blackened death metal to audiences the world over. I saw them perform in 2007, opening for Cradle of Filth, and had the honor of briefly meeting the band after they played. 闪灵主唱林昶佐在这场选战中成立了「时代力量」政党,该党的核心理念为人权、民主自 由以及台湾主权独立,时代力量提议修改不合时宜的宪法,删去宪法自称拥有中国大陆主 权的领土的条文,让台湾就只是拥有台湾的主权。 只要是Metal Injection的读者应该都知道,林昶佐在1995组成了闪灵乐团,带给世界创 新形式的黑死金属乐,笔者曾在2007年Cradle of Filth的演唱会中看到他们演出,并很荣 幸的在後台与他们闲聊。 [注] Cradle of Filth 是英国知名的交响黑金属乐团,也是林昶佐早期的偶像之一。 For the questions below, I wanted to get an idea of why Lim went into politics, and how this is related to his music. Many of the questions demand complicated, nuanced answers, and Lim was gracious enough to provide some insight into why he's running for office: 下面的问题是我采访林昶佐关於参与政治,以及政治对他音乐创作的影响,许多问题需要 复杂而细腻的回答,不过林昶佐很NICE的提供很多关於他参选立委的见解。 Metal Injection: Hello Freddie, first off- what drove you to seek public office in your home country? How were your views shaped as you grew up? Was th ere a particular event that spurred you into action? Metal Injection(以下称MI): 昶佐你好,请问你是怎麽会想要参与公职选举? 在你成长的过程中 有受到那些事情的影响吗? 是曾经发生甚麽事件让你决定展开行动吗? Freddy Lim: I’ve been participating civil movements and public issues in Taiwan for a long time. I also served as the chair of Amnesty International Taiwan for 4 years (2 terms), and continue to push for political reforms. Many social movements in the past 2-3 years in Taiwan are the result of higher political participation among the younger generation. The call for reform by the Minister of Defense back in 2013 motivated 250,000 supporters to march. And the Sunflower Movement in 2014 also brought 500,000 people to the street a fter occupying the Legislature, just to name a few. All these newly established social awareness and forged the critical juncture for a new political party to form. Also for the same reason, my friends and I devoted ourselves to the election one after another. 林昶佐: 我已经长期参与关注台湾的公民运动跟公共议题很长一段时间了,我也参与了国际特赦组 织台湾分会四年的时间,并持续推动政治改革,过去2~3年台湾的社会运动多由一群高度关 注社会议题的年轻朋友发起,在2013年有25万人走上街头抗议国防部草菅人命,而到了2014 年更有高达50万人走上街头发起太阳花运动,抗议台湾政府与中国间的黑箱经贸协议,这 些新兴的社会共识形成一种新的政治组织,我也因此决定邀请我的一些战友们一起加入这 场选举。 What do you see as the connection between Chthonic's music and your activities with the NPP? In what ways have you used your music to push your political message? MI: 你是怎麽看到闪灵的音乐跟你的政党活动之间的关系,你会怎麽运用你的音乐去推动 那些政治讯息? Chthonic’s music has always been taking Taiwanese history and legends as the background. This local elements have been deliberately covered up by the KMT government (which fled from China after the Chinese civil wars ensuing after WWII) through education and all sorts of political means. Taiwanese society and Taiwanese politics, therefore, contain a lot of distortions and disconnect ions of people from their own land. The raison d’être of Chthonic is to write Metal songs, which we love the most. Nonetheless, to form the New Power Party and run for congressmen is to pursue a better Taiwan though political reform and progression. 林昶佐: 闪灵的音乐一直都是在谈论台湾的历史与神话国民党政府透过学校教育将这些传统的文 化掩盖起来,台湾的社会跟政治,与台湾这块土地就因此失去连结,产生了一块大裂缝, 闪灵存在的理由是要写我们最爱的金属乐,而另外一边,成立时代力量党然後参选议员 是为了要透过政治上的改革与进步让我们有个更好的台湾。 Since 1979, the United States has been formally selling arms to Taiwan for its defense. As an American I cannot help but ask, what role should the United States (and the West for that matter) play in "cross-straight relations" between Taiwan and the PRC? MI: 在1979年时,美国为了协防台湾而对台进行军售,我身为美国人但我不禁要问 ,美国(或是西方世界国家)在台湾与中国之间关系中应该扮演甚麽样的脚色? This is a very complicated question that can be discussed from various perspectives. The bottom line is that the United States should give equal weight to China and Taiwan, treating both countries as autonomous, and helping Taiwan become a normal member of international society, rather than this ambiguous status quo. 林昶佐: 这是一个可以用非常多角度探讨的复杂问题,我的底线是认为美国应该给予台湾跟中国同 等的对待,承认这是两个独立自主的国家,美国在国际社会中也应该帮助台湾成为一个正 常国家,而不是现在这种模棱两可的状态。 The PRC government in Beijing has threatened military force if Taiwan was to formally declare independence. What does the NPP see as a solution to this issue? MI: 中共政权曾经威胁说如果台湾独立的话将会以武力侵犯台湾,请问时代力量认为应该要怎 麽解决这个问题。 This is also a question that deserves quite a length for a full-fledged answer. Chiefly, the majority of Taiwanese people recognize the need to protect de-facto independence as a liberal, democratic society. To assure this, we have to reform domestic politics steadily, while strengthening our international relations at the same time. 林昶佐: 这也是一个需要长时间申论的困难问题,事实上大部分台湾人都认为应该维持目前还有 民主体制的现状,为了确保这点,我们必须透过政治改革先让国内政局稳定,同时加强 台湾与国际之间的关联性。 The conditions within any country greatly depend on the economic situation. Along with the NPP's platform of human rights and civil liberties, what is the party's economic agenda? MI: 一个国家的的条件好不好有很大的部分取决於他们的经济状况,依照时代力量的人权 与民主自由的理想,你们对於经济发展方面有甚麽策略吗? This is yet another question that has to be answered with thousands of words. In principle, the NPP takes sustainable development of the environment as the premise of economic growth, and opposes industrial policies that lean towards big corporations and high pollution. We propose policies that strengthen Taiwanese SMEs (subject-matter experts), start-ups and green energies, as well as building a fair, competitive environment for private sectors. As for agricultural policies, we call for assurance of agricultural use on farmlands and to in the assist development of local and innovative agriculture to increase the food self-sufficiency ratio in Taiwan, and to create the grounds for an environmentally-friendly agricultural sector to thrive. 林昶佐: 这又是另一个应该花大篇幅回答的问题,原则上,时代力量支持能让环境永续发展的经济 政策,我们反对倚靠大财团以及会产生高污染的产业,我们主张加强台湾中小企业的体质 、发展绿能以及建立一个公平的竞争市场;而在农业方面,我们要求农地农用以及创新农 的开发,创造友善务农环境提高台湾粮食自产自给率。 I fondly remember seeing Chthonic play in 2007, opening for Cradle of Filth, and got to meet all of you afterward for autographs. Are there any touring plans currently in the works? MI: 我记得2007年的时候我在COF的演唱会中认识你们,你们目前还有任何巡回的计划吗? Not for now. But we hope to finish our new album this year, and I’m looking forward to meeting the fans in North America in the near future! 林昶佐: 目前还没有巡回的计画,不过我们希望能在今年完成新专辑,我也希望未来能再跟北美的 乐迷们见面! 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): --

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