China-Drama 板


《庆余年》外网9.0分﹗ YouTube网友评 (第1集) Joy of life 2021-07-19 fallening 23003 0 3 收藏 纠错&举报 译文简介 《庆余年》在外网中人气颇高。 正文翻译 Fan Xian grew up in a small town by the sea with his grandmother. After an unexpected visit from a poison master, his peaceful life becomes filled with hardships and even danger! He becomes skilled in medicine, the art of poison creation , and the martial arts. Needing to discover more about his mysterious mother , he heads for the capital. There, he sets out on an adventure of discovery , filled with political intrigue, new marvels and deeply buried family secrets . More importantly, he determines his purpose in life and finds true love along the way. 范闲跟着他的祖母在海边一个小镇长大。随着一位毒师的意外造访﹐他平静的生活就 开始变得充满艰辛甚至危险了! 之後﹐范闲便精通了医术、制毒术﹐并且武功了得。 为了进一步了解他神秘的母亲﹐他奔赴京都。在那里﹐他开启了充满着新发现的冒险 ﹐他经历了政治权谋﹐同时也获得了不凡的成就﹐还揭开了深埋已久的家庭秘密。更 重要的是﹐他确定了自己的人生目标﹐并在此过程中找到了真爱。 0 评论翻译 Hyukfied Something about this drama felt amazing and fantastic, I couldn't stop watching it. 这部剧有些地方感觉很惊喜﹐很奇妙﹐我简直停不下来。 It had a good amount of martial arts, humor and a great story line. This is only the first season! 里面有大量的武术﹐幽默情节﹐还有一个很棒的故事线。而这还仅仅是第一季﹗ Fan Xian is the main male lead of the drama. He is a smart, sarcastic, and cunning man. He knows how to speak his way out of things, he also have great martial arts skills. Did I mention he's quite funny as well? :) I just love his character so much! The actor did a wonderful job in playing this character ! His subtle expressions are hilarious. Aside from trying to find the love of his life at first sight, cancelling his engagement or..not cancelling it, Fan Xian has assassins coming after him day after day. The drama focuses on Fan XIan trying to figure out who is behind all these assassins, figuring out where he's from, and staying alive to be with his beloved Wan Er. 范闲是这剧的男主角。他聪明、善於挖苦人、还有点狡黠。他知道怎麽靠一张嘴来让 自己摆脱麻烦﹐他武功也很棒。我有没有提到他这人也很有趣﹖:)我非常喜欢他的角 色。演员在扮演这个角色时表现得很不错﹗微表情很有趣。 除了努力寻找一见钟情的爱人﹐试图取消婚约﹐......又决定不取消婚约这些情节之 外﹐还有刺客日复一日追杀范闲这样的情节。这部剧的重点是范闲试图找出所有这些 刺客的幕後黑手﹐还有弄清楚他的身世﹐以及努力活下来﹐与他心爱的婉儿厮守在一 起。 Uncle Wu Zhu (or should I say Xiao Zhu Zhu LOL?) is the handsome protector who helped raised Fan Xian and was also a servant of Fan Xian's mother. Lets just say his martial arts is very monstrous. He is like a ninja, he comes and goes without making a single sound which can annoy Fan Xian - quite funny to watch. XD I really like his character for some reason, aside from the obvious handsomeness haha He is strict and mature albeit there were times when he went loose and either spoke like a teen or a tiny bit like a psycho due to memories that were triggered. 午竹叔(或者我应该说是小竹竹哈哈哈?)是帮助抚养范闲的英俊守护者﹐也是范闲 母亲的仆人。他的武功独树一帜。像一个忍者﹐来去无踪﹐不发出一点声音﹐这让范 闲很是恼火-我觉得很好笑。除了小竹竹英俊的外表﹐哈哈﹐我真的很喜欢他的性格 ﹐他很严格﹐也很成熟﹐虽然有的时候他放松下来﹐要麽像个少年一样说话﹐要麽因 为记忆被激发而有一点像个疯子。 Wan Er is your typical fairy-like female lead. She's very elegant, and cute . She also likes chicken legs, and that is also how she met Fan Xian, unknowingly . She does not have much of a presence in this season, because she barely has any scenes. But she is an important figure in this drama because she 's the daughter of a princess. However, this drama focuses majority on Fan Xian and his journey to solve the mysteries behind murders of his friends , the trunk that belonged to his mother, and assassinations. Wan Er is there only when Fan Xian went to visit her and other issues that involved her family. 婉儿是典型的仙女派女主。她非常优雅﹐还很可爱。她也喜欢吃鸡腿﹐这也是她在无 意中遇到范闲的原因。她在这一季中没有什麽存在感﹐因为她几乎没有什麽戏份。但 是她在这部剧中是一个重要的人物﹐因为她是长公主的女儿。不过﹐这部剧的重点是 范闲和他找寻杀他朋友幕後真凶、解密他母亲留下的箱子以及调查暗杀事件的过程。 婉儿只在范闲去看她﹐还有涉及到她家庭问题的时候才会出现。 The main villain is the grand princess and her nephew(s).S She's in charge of something that once belonged to Fan Xian's mother. Lets just say she doesn't want to let go of it. However, she is not the only villain, there are many people who wants Fan Xian dead, including those who pretended to be his friend. 主要的反派一伙是长公主和她的侄子。她掌控着曾经属於范闲母亲的东西。可以看出 她并不想交出这份权利。 不过﹐她并不是唯一一伙反派﹐有很多人都想要范闲死﹐包括那些假装是他朋友的人 。 If you're watching this drama cause of Xiao Zhan prepare to be disappointed because you'll only see his actual face in the last 8 episodes or so. I assume he will be a main in the next season as his character is not what we think he is. Personally, I still enjoyed the drama without seeing much of Xiao Zhan. 如果你因为肖战而看这部剧﹐那麽你要做好失望的准备了﹐因为你只能在最後8集左 右看到他真正出场。我猜下一季他会是主角﹐因为他的人物特征并不是我们想象的那 样。就我个人而言﹐在没有看到肖战更多场戏的情况下﹐我仍然喜欢这部剧。 Other characters worth mentioning is Wang Qi Nian, he's a chubby middle aged man but is a useful friend of Fan Xian. :) He joins Fan Xian in majority of his journeys. Fan Xian's sister, Fan Ruo Ruo is quite an interesting character, she's very smart and quick witted but can become clueless and slow(?) when it comes to Fan Xian. Its like she idolizes her big bro. But she can be dead serious when it comes to disciplining their little brother . I quite like her personality trait than Wan Er's. 其他值得一提的人物是王启年﹐他是一个胖胖的中年人﹐但却是范闲身边派得上用场 的好朋友。) 他参与了范闲大部分的旅程。范闲的妹妹﹐范若若是一个相当有趣的人 物﹐她非常聪明﹐头脑灵活﹐但当涉及到与范闲有关的事情的时候﹐她就会变得无知 和迟钝(?)。就好像她把兄长当作偶像一样崇拜了。但她在管教弟弟的时候﹐又会 死严肃。比起婉儿﹐我更喜欢她的性格特点。 Overall, I really enjoyed this drama. Its funny, and has great martial choreography . I didn't expect to love it so much,. it's one of my top two favorites of 2019!! Definitely recommend if you're looking for something fun to watch . 总的来说﹐我非常喜欢这部剧。很有趣﹐而且武术编排很赞。我没有想到我会这麽喜 欢它﹐它是我2019年最喜欢的两部作品之一。 如果你想找部有意思的剧看﹐绝对推 荐。 油管网友评 Rose N Omg the boy is a really good actor !!! He's even better than some famous Chinese actors . 我的天啊﹐这个男孩真是一个好演员﹗﹗﹗他甚至比中国很多有名的演员都好。 Summer W Ikr I watched him in another show and he’s really good! 我同意我在另一部剧里面看过他﹐他真的很棒﹗ Praise Barong What show pls? 请问是什麽剧? Christine Yu Praise Barong heavenly sword and saber2019 2019版的倚天屠龙记 Julia Huynh What I learnt this episode: How to learn medicine: get poisoned How to learn martial arts: get hit 我从这一集里学到的: 怎样学医: 让自己中毒 怎样习武: 先被揍一顿 Booker This is what an intellectual does 这就是智者做的 Julia Huynh 17:37 This kid is brilliant. I'm cackling from laughter 17分37秒这孩子太聪明了。我都笑出咯咯声了 Ogechi Egbuson "Did you annoy my mother to death?" Lol "你是不是把我妈烦死的?" 哈哈 JunieBooks Finally watching Joy of Life, and even though I only became interested in this because I knew that at some point I was going to see Xiao Zhan, I was pleasantly surprised by the first episode. I loved his kid self and found myself laughing numerous times; I even had to look it up and see if one of their genres is supposed to be comedy. I don't think so, but that would 've been fun. :) I'm looking forward to continuing with this drama and seeing where the story goes. I think I'll be able to hold out until your character shows up, XZ. 终於看到庆余年了﹐尽管我对这剧感兴趣是因为我知道一定会在某个情节我会看到肖 战。第一集我高兴而惊讶。我爱这个小孩。发现自己笑了好多次; 我甚至还去查了﹐ 看看这剧里面有没有喜剧成分。我觉得没有﹐要是有的话就很有趣了。:) 我期待继 续追这剧﹐看看故事如何进展。我想我能撑到你的角色出现﹐肖战。 Lynne Martin This is a classic. Would love to see it on US tv. I’ve become addicted to Chinese/ Asian series. They are wonderful. This is My favourite drama/comedy series. Love this wee lad. He is fabulous. The scenes with Master Fei are great. He knocks out his teacher, the grave digging, poisonings, great pair . But I Love all the characters, actors. The main actor Zheng, is gorgeous and terrific. Looking forward to the 2nd series. 这是一部经典之作。很想在美国电视上看到它。我已经迷上中国/亚洲电视剧了。它 们都很精彩。这是我最喜欢的戏剧/喜剧。喜欢这个小伙子。他很有魅力。和费老爷 子的戏份也很精彩。他敲了他老师(的头)﹐挖坟﹐下毒﹐俩人绝配啊。我爱所有的人 物和演员。主要演员张(张若昀)是个帅气、了不起的人。期待着第二部的播出。 Lula The first time I watched this, I knew I was gonna come back and re-watch it again, hehe here I am again, for the I don't know 4th or 5th time? 我第一次看这剧的时候我就知道自己得回头重新再刷一边﹐呵呵﹐我又到这儿来了﹐ 不知道是第4次还是第5次刷了。 Brigitte Sutherland Hilarious, really enjoyed the little kid and his bad-hair-day teacher. The soundtrack is really interesting too. 非常滑稽﹐真喜欢这个小孩儿还有他那个发型不咋地的老师。他的说话声音也真的很 有趣。 reverie lol my chinese teacher recommended us to watch this drama. I might just watch this when I have time 我的中文老师推荐我们看这部剧。我有时间的话会看这个 Ogechi Egbuson Old madam is minglan's precious granny. Good to see her 这位老太太是《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》里面那个宝贝老奶奶。真高兴看到她。 KAWAKI YT I request the official to translate all the episodes of the fun of life in Arabic and other languages so that everyone who watches will understand I ask for this as soon as possible 我请求官方将《庆余年》的所有剧集翻译成阿拉伯语和其他语言﹐以便所有观看的人 都能理解﹐我请求尽快这样做。 charity thobile Can we talk about the fact that the guy in the blindfold did not age.... 我们能说说那个带眼罩的人不会变老麽。。。 Odin Franklin Medical knowledge is a little bit more dangerous then martial arts knowledge if you think someone is dangerous you shouldn't put him in the position with so much power I'm just saying I would rather have a private doctor than a private security guard even if he's the greatest martial artist he still cannot compare to one doctor 医学知识比武术知识更危险一些 如果你认为某人很危险﹐你就不应该把他放在有这 麽大权力的位置上﹐我只是说我宁愿要一个私人医生也不要一个私人保安﹐即使他是 最伟大的武术家﹐也不能和一个医生相比。 Momo Gamal ? want arabic translation please 我想要译成阿拉伯语版的﹐拜托了 Sophie Elsidor I an Bulgarian and I wonder who translated into Bulgarian and mixed with English. It s not good but understandable, it annoys me to read because I know English 我是保加利亚人﹐我想知道是谁翻译成了保加利亚语和英语的混合。这不太好﹐不过 我可以理解﹐就是读起来很烦﹐因为我懂英语。 Rainbows Sprinkles Why does he wear a blindfold for 为什麽他要戴上眼罩 stella because he’s blind 因为他是盲人 Mocha the eyes give away he's an android 他的眼睛泄露了他是一个机器人 allen三三久 stella in the end you will know ﹐under his blind ﹐it’s a laser weapon ﹐in the end he kill 10000 people for revenge for fanxian s Mother ﹐and qing emperor uncover his blindfold﹐be killed 。wuzhu he is an AI stella最後你会知道﹐在他的眼睛下面﹐是一个激光武器﹐最後他为了给范闲的母亲 报仇﹐杀了10000人﹐而庆帝揭开了他的眼罩﹐就被杀了。 午竹是一个人工智能。 Sibonile Njela Who's here for the second time 谁是第二次来这儿了 Judy Kraska 5 time since 2019. 从2019年到现在来过这5次了 IDoNtKnow IDK He died at the end. HAHAHA GET SPOIL KID 他最後死了。哈哈哈哈﹐你们这些娃被剧透了 BTS Lover He didn't die, season 2 is coming out next year 他没死﹐明年第二季就回归了 Barbara Herrera I did not ike the ending! 我不喜欢结局﹗ Sofia Lidon theres season 2, and the ending is all part of the plan, He didnt died 还有第二季﹐结局是他计划的一部分﹐他没死 --
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1F:推 g98675: 超好看,期待第二季。 07/20 12:58
2F:推 hyde19691983: 外挂太大… 07/20 13:03
3F:→ hoyalon: 外网是个啥?台湾没有墙喔 07/20 13:28
4F:推 aeei329: 好看 07/20 13:35
5F:推 kuninaka: 原PO中国人啊,其他地方都外墙 07/20 15:16
6F:→ kuninaka: 原PO中国人啊,其他地方都墙外 07/20 15:17
7F:推 chang0327: 期待第二季! 07/21 17:36
8F:→ jior: 那麽....什麽时候才有第二季阿!!! 07/21 19:41
9F:→ pttnew: 别再讲了 我都要忘了第一季了,第二季要等到牛年马月 07/25 11:48
10F:推 coraline: 连开拍都还没有,想看的继续等吧 07/27 02:35
11F:→ coraline: ╮(╯_╰)╭ 07/27 02:35

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