China 板

LINE 2011-02-15 01:01:41【新唐人2011年2月15日讯】 在大陆,中共高官包括配偶和子女移民海外,多拥有绿卡, 他们不仅将官二代派到国外“镀金”,让後代们持有“双国籍”,还利用权力, 让他们在国内大肆吸金,因此,中共官後代被外界称为「中国海外腐败兵团」。 中国大陆留学生占美国留学生的第一位,是美国教育收入的第一大来源。 高干子弟在外国生活行有车,食有鱼,出手阔绰,消费奢侈被传为奇谈。 北美的新一代中国留学生大都是些中小学生。 他们去美国不久就能住上一套像样的公寓,几年後又开上一辆不错的轿车。 网友在新浪微博中发布了一条消息,内容是: “美国政府统计,中共部级以上的官员(含已经退下来的) 儿子辈 74.5%拥有美国绿卡或公民身份,孙子辈有美国公民身份达到 91%或以上。” 不过,这条消息在短短不到一分钟的时间里遭到删除。 由於网友的快速转发,消息仍然引起众多的反应和探讨。 也有消息指出,中国很多高官的家人都在中国大型企业、公司任职, 而中国的大多数亿万富翁都是高官的家人。 比如, 王震之子王军,中国中信集团董事长,公司市值 7014 亿元; 王军之子,王震之孙: 王京京,中科环保副主席,公司市值 7.7 亿元。 江泽民之子江绵恒,中国网通创办人,公司市值 1,666 亿元; 胡锦涛之子胡海峰,是威视公司总裁,公司市值 838 亿元; 李鹏 之子李小鹏,华能电力董事长,公司市值 176 亿元。 北京「半月谈」杂志披露,中国贪官污吏外逃,使国家损失五十亿资金。 这个资料仅指官方正式立案的赃款。 如再加上那些没有立案或没有暴露的,数字会翻上二十多倍,达二千多亿元。 中国的腐败现象也从国内蔓延到世界各地,遍布西方各国的中国腐败份子及亲属, 被人称为「中国海外腐败兵团」。 不少网友认为,中共高官纷纷将後代转移到国外,是为了更好的转移灰色收入。 香港《开放》杂志总编辑金钟接受《自由亚洲电台》采访时表示, 国外的身份本身就是一种特权的像徵,是中共那些官员留的一个後路, 就是万一在中国大陆发生了甚麽变化,或者贪污这类的问题,他就有了一个保票, 就可以跑到美国去。所以,这个美国绿卡是他们特权的证明书。 新唐人记者唐言、孙宁综合报导。 Many CCP Officials』 Descendants Hold Dual Citizenship Family members of CCP』s high-ranking officials often hold permanent residency of other countries. These officials also abused their power to bring their children great fortunes in China. These CCP officials』 descendants are referred to as the “Chinese overseas corruption army”. The number of Chinese students is the largest among international students in the U.S., which constitutes the No. 1 source of the U.S. educational revenue. The children of CCP officials in the U.S. live luxuriously. They usually arrive before college age, and often live in upscale apartments and drive expensive cars. As a blog posting on revealed, according to U.S. government statistics, 74.5% of CCP minister-level officials』 (including retired officials) children hold U.S. green card or citizenship. The percentage increases to 91% among grandchildren of these officials…” This posting was deleted within one hour. However, the posting still attracted much attention due to its fast circulation before deletion. It is also said that many family members of high-ranking officials hold positions in large Chinese enterprises, and that most billionaires in China are family members of these high-ranking officials. For example, Wang Jun, son of Wang Zhen, is the president of Citic Group, a company worth 701.4 billion RMB; and Wang Jun』s son, Wang Jingjing, is the vice chairman of CSEP, a company worth 166.6 billion RMB. Hu Haifeng, son of Hu Jintao, is the president of NUCTECH, a company worth 83.8 billion RMB; and Li Xiaopeng, son of Li Peng, is the president of Huaneng Group, a company worth 17.6 billion RMB… According to China Comment magazine, corrupted officials caused a 5-billion-RMB loss to China』s national wealth. This number only includes documented cases of corruption. When included, the undocumented cases of corruption would put this number to over 200 billion RMB. The corruption in China has spread across the globe, and the family members of these corrupted officials are called the “Chinese overseas corruption army.” Many Internet users believe that the reason these officials send their descendants overseas is to better cover up their grey incomes. Jin Zhong, editor in chief of Hong Kong Open magazine said to RFA, foreign identity is a symbol of privilege and an escape route for these CCP officials. If any changes occur in China, they will be able to escape to the U.S. Therefore the U.S. green card becomes a certificate privilege. NTD reporters Tang Yan and Sun Ning. -- Q 台湾人的需求金字塔 ◢◣ 安全、无毒的食物 S ◢██◣ 有钱结婚生养小孩 W ◢████◣ 买得起的房子 E ◢██████◣ 被老板当人看 E ◢████████◣ 下班还来得及和亲友吃晚餐 T ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 租得起房子 找得到工作 --

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