ChicagoBulls 板


※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1YZXRvVG ] 作者: arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard头号粉丝) 看板: NBA 标题: [外絮] LaVine :我一直都是湖人的超级球迷 时间: Wed May 25 19:45:58 2022 LaVine :我一直都是湖人的超级球迷 Chicago Bulls star Zach LaVine is ready to enjoy unrestricted free agency for th e first time in his NBA career this summer. When any star is set to hit the mark et, that means the Los Angeles Lakers rumors start to heat up because that’s ho w it usually works. 今年夏天,芝加哥公牛队球星LaVine准备在NBA职业生涯中首次体验非限制自由球员身份。 当任何一名超级球星即将进入市场时,这意味着洛杉矶湖人队的流言将开始升温,因为这就 是通常的运作模式。 LaVine teased Lakers fans with brief comments to TMZ Sports during a night out i n Los Angeles: 在洛杉矶的一个晚上,LaVine在TMZ Sports询问时对湖人球迷发表了简短的评论: “I’ve always been a big fan,” he said as he hopped in his Mercedes-Benz G-Wag on. LaVine在上车时说道:我一直都是湖人的超级球迷。 LaVine lives in Los Angeles and played his college ball at UCLA. He also grew up near Seattle, so there are plenty of ties to the West Coast. LaVine住在洛杉矶,在UCLA打球。他在西雅图附近长大,所以和西海岸有很多联系。 Furthermore, LaVine is a Klutch Sports guy and LaVar Ball, the father of one of his Bulls teammates in Lonzo Ball, just said he thinks the two-time All-Star is going to Los Angeles. 此外,LaVine是Klutch Sports的客户,而他的公牛队队友之一球哥的父亲,球爸最近说他 认为这位两届全明星球员将前往洛杉矶。 This all means LaVine is definitely going to the Lakers, right?! 这一切都意味着Lavine肯定会去湖人,对吧? As of right now, that probably shouldn’t be counted on to happen. Even if LaVin e has a wandering eye, there’s reportedly still a belief that he winds up back in Chicago, where he can sign a five-year max deal worth over $212 million. The Bulls just returned to the playoffs for the first time since 2017 this season an d added a number of key players to help LaVine, who had never made he postseason until this year. 就目前而言,这可能还不太会发生。即使LaVine的目光飘忽不定,但根据报导,他最终还是 会回到芝加哥,在那里他可以签下一份5年价值超过2.12亿美元的顶薪合约。公牛自2017年 以来首次重返季後赛,并增加了一些关键球员来帮助LaVine,LaVine直到今年才首度打进季 後赛。 It’s also a long shot for the Lakers to bring in LaVine given the presence of R ussell Westbrook and their overall salary situation. So, while it’s easy to get excited when seeing the Bulls star say stuff like this, it probably won’t wind up meaning anything … but never say never. 考虑到龟龟的存在和他们的团队薪资,湖人想要引进LaVine的机会也很渺茫。所以,当看到 这位公牛球星说出这样的话时,我们很容易感到兴奋,虽然这可能不会有任何意义,但永远 不要说不可能。 湖迷 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: b54102 ( 台湾), 05/26/2022 06:21:38
1F:推 airandy1102: 感觉是为了抬价而已 06/02 11:48

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