ChicagoBulls 板


※ 引述《Grant44 ()》之铭言: : 官方话 : : Paxson on Gordon: : “Ben Gordon is coming off a championship season at the University of : Connecticut. He can really shoot the basketball and break people down : off the dribble. He’s eventually really going to be able to score in : the NBA. He’ll be very difficult to guard one-on-one and we feel he : will be a very good complement to Kirk Hinrich. We look at both of those : guys as combo guards—they can both handle the ball, get to the lane and : create for other people. That’s going to be a very solid backcourt, and, : when we throw in Jamal Crawford, we feel like we’ll have one of the best : young backcourts in the league.” Ben Gordon今年刚在康乃迪克大学拿到冠军杯,他有投射能力,也有很好的运球,他未来 也有在NBA得分的能力. 他很难去一对一防守,而且我们觉得他和Kirk Hinrich会成为 很好的良性竞争. 我们觉得他们两个都是双能卫--他们都能控球,制造犯规,替队友制造 机会. 这会成为一个很稳固的後场,再说,如果再把Jamal Crawford加进来的话,我们就 好像有全联盟最棒的年轻後场. : Paxson on Deng: : “We are extremely happy that Luol Deng was there at seven. He’s a young : guy, who had just one year at Duke. A few years ago he was the second best : high school player in America behind LeBron James. He’s got the work ethic : and the capacity to play at a very high level. It may take him a little time, : but we are confident in the fact that he is a worker and he is going to be a : very good player in time. We look at him as a guy who can make the perimeter : shot, although right now he’s more of a mid-range guy. The knock on him has : always been his athleticism but we don’t see him that way at all.” 我们非常非常高兴Luol Deng在第七顺位被选. 他在Duke只待了一年,还很年轻. 几年前他 还是仅次於LeBron James的全美第二高中球员. 他有职业道德[*注:我想他的意思是敬业] 和在高水准球赛中比赛的能力. 或许要花他一点时间,我不过我们对这个事实很有信心-- 他是一个辛勤的人,而且会在一定时间之内成为一个很好的球员. 我们觉得他有三分的能 力,虽然他现在比较像是一个中距离球员. 有人说他的运动力不好,不过在我们看来没有这 一回事. : Gordon被选的看法 : : “I’m so happy to be playing for an organization like the Chicago Bulls : with such a winning tradition,” Gordon said on a teleconference with media : at the Berto Center on Thursday night. “Hopefully myself and Luol Deng will : be able to come in and uplift the franchise. Luol is a very competitive : player and he’s going to bring a winning attitude, just like myself, to : the team.”Gordon, who is listed at 6-3 but said to play bigger than his : size, will be paired with the Bulls’ top pick from last year’s Draft, : Kirk Hinrich, in the backcourt. "我很高兴能在一个像芝加哥公牛这样有赢球传统的球队打球" Gordon这样在礼拜四晚上 在Berto Center举行的电话会议上对媒体说. "看来我和Leol Deng都很有希望进球队尽 一己之力来帮助球队. Leol是个很有竞争力的球员,而且他带来了赢球的态度,就像我带给 球队的一样" Gordon的官方身高6尺3,不过据说他的球路比尺寸还大[*这句翻的很奇怪,请 指正] 他会和公牛去年选秀的最高顺位Kirk Hinrich成为後场拍档. : “Those are reasonable questions to ask,” Gordon stated when asked about : and how he’ll fit in with the incumbent point guard. “But I think that : once I get out on the court and show people what I can do that those things : will start to go away.” "这些问题问得很有道理." 当被问到他要怎麽去适应这个现任的控球後卫时, Gordon这麽 说 "不过我想当我上场秀给大家看我的表现之後,这些问题就会烟消云散了." : If there is one thing he proved while at UConn, it was that he could put : the ball in the hole. Gordon ranks as the sixth all-time leading scorer : in Connecticut history (1,795 points) and is the school’s all-time leader : with 242 three-point goals made and ranks second in career three-point : shooting percentage at 42.3 percent. In addition, he scored 20 or more : points 39 times in his career, topping the 30-point mark five times. 如果他在康大可以证明一见事的话,那就是他能得分. Gordon在校史的总得分排行第6名 (1795分) 还以242个三分球和42.3%的三分命中率高居校史第一和第二位. 此外, 大学生 涯中有39次得分来到20分以上,更有5次超过30分. : “Scoring is definitely one of my strong points,” Gordon said. “It’s : what I’ve been doing for a long time and it’s a role I’m comfortable : with. However I can help the Bulls; that is what I’m going to try and : do. I’m a playmaker, a guy who can [pass and score]. And I think that : is an advantage, rather than coming in and only being a guy who can only : distribute the ball.” "得分当然是我的强项之一," Gordon说 "得分是我很长一段时间以来一直在做的,而且我 担任这个角色很自在. 不管怎麽样我可以帮助公牛,这正是我要试着去做的.我是个主控球 员,可以传球可以得分,而且我觉得这是一个强处,强过当一个只能分球的球员." --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 bolence0314:谢谢翻译~~~看了之後超级期待今年的公牛~~ 06/27
2F:推 aagun:呵.每年都很期待阿.希望今年真的一飞冲天 06/27

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