作者papapapa (pp)
标题[问题] 普通化学题目 拜托大家帮忙解
时间Fri Nov 18 17:42:35 2005
七.Draw the molecular strrctures of the following molecules.
八.Define and explain
(a)Ziegler-Natta catalysts
九.Ecplain and define primary structure and second structure in proteins.
十.Draw the molecular structures of
十四.What proteins are responsible for transport and storage of O2 and
explain what molecules give blood of human body its characteristic
a bright red bluish tint.
十五.Please write down the following synthetic polymer's formula:
十九.Does the cis isomer of [Co(en)2Cl2]+ exhibit optical isomerism?Explain in
十六.write down the following chemical formula:
(a)wood alcohol
(d)benzoic acid
(e)ethylene glycol
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 AppleAmily:这是普化? 11/18 17:55
2F:→ papapapa:对阿 我们普化课本第22章是教有机 11/18 18:10
3F:推 skuld007:囧....为什麽不少人普遍认为普化就应该很简单?XD 11/18 20:21
4F:→ NewFrontier:因为会回文的已经修过了 11/18 22:37
5F:→ NewFrontier:诺贝尔奖得主Ziegler-Natta,你们这一章讲的真广... 11/18 23:06
6F:推 atpa:同一楼上的...我在修高分子化学时才知道他 11/19 06:50
7F:推 pttjames:第一题看课本吧 该知道的 11/19 15:39