作者Myosotis (・8・)
标题[外电] Xavier Tillman 父亲过世
时间Mon May 20 14:43:43 2024
Xavier Tillman 的父亲 Roosevelt Tillman 过世了
Roosevelt Tillman was a beloved figure in Xavier's hometown of Grand Rapids,
Michigan. He owned a bar and was an active figure in the community.
"Roosevelt Tillman has been a champion of the city of Grand Rapids and its
children. That devotion was especially evident when Mr. Tillman, owner of
Tillman Industries, headed up fundraising to keep Grand Rapids city pools
open as budget cuts threatened to close them down. His care has been evident,
too, in a summer event he hosts to provide school supplies to youngsters."
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Celtics/M.1716187426.A.5B9.html
1F:推 swps40309: XT保重 05/20 14:51
2F:推 jasongo: R.I.P 只是马瓜几乎也是弃用他... 05/20 14:56
3F:推 spring719: R.I.P 05/20 15:05
4F:推 j02850: RIP 05/20 15:45
5F:推 k385476916: RIP 保重 05/20 15:51
6F:推 axi: R.I.P. 请假也没差 反正马瓜不太用他 05/20 16:12
7F:推 tottoko0908: R.I.P. 保重啊... 05/20 16:38
8F:→ gaiaesque: ....QQ 05/20 17:34
9F:推 Coetzee: RIP 05/20 17:53
10F:推 ryan60115: RIP 05/20 18:17
11F:推 BOSTONstyle: R.I.P 05/20 18:29
12F:推 NorMingz: Rip 05/20 19:05
13F:→ a8347x15: RIP 05/20 20:32
14F:推 lagi5487: RIP 05/20 21:22
15F:→ lagi5487: 那天看来福利 比赛完当下球场中感觉在对天上母亲说话很 05/20 21:24
16F:→ lagi5487: 感动 05/20 21:24
17F:→ lagi5487: 不过人家有机会上场 干 05/20 21:24
18F:→ surfingbboy: XT:给个机会上场好吗 05/21 01:51
19F:推 hua1027: RIP 05/21 05:34
20F:推 game147: 今晚0800开打吗 05/21 09:51
21F:推 joh: RIP 05/21 10:15
22F:→ Myosotis: Xavier Tillman (personal reasons) - QUESTIONABLE 05/21 12:19
23F:→ Myosotis: 禁区可能不够 不可能要求活佛每场都当G5燃烧吧 05/21 12:20
※ 编辑: Myosotis ( 台湾), 05/21/2024 12:20:41
24F:→ Myosotis: OB应该可以试试看吃一点PF时间 毕竟也是打老东家 05/21 12:21
25F:→ Myosotis: 要防止溜马打快就是掌握篮板 05/21 12:21
26F:→ Myosotis: 如果前两轮Queta都没上 应该也很难指望东冠Joe会让他上 05/21 12:22
27F:推 gaiaesque: ob能用 +1 不然要jt一人抢20个篮板吗.. 05/21 12:22
28F:→ Myosotis: 上OB某方面应该也能避免长期看到场上 3 PG + JT打中锋 05/21 12:23
29F:→ Myosotis: 中锋没人 活佛口内就不强求 别被Turner当Mobley在打就好 05/21 12:24
30F:推 axi: Siakam和Turner都有三分能力 只希望中锋沉退别被惩罚... 05/21 12:46
31F:推 Kazmier: 没想到搞到後来 还是JT+活佛扛禁区 05/21 14:33
32F:→ tony09100920: 这季Playoff就是这样,没KP,JT的禁区工作就很重, 05/21 15:02
33F:→ tony09100920: 所以分数产量加不上去 05/21 15:02
34F:嘘 narutotha: 马瓜根本不用 05/22 11:28