Celtics 板


As you know we made a trade yesterday with Cleveland for Ricky Davis, Chris Mihm, Michael Stewart and a second round draft pick for Eric Williams, Tony Battie and Kedrick Brown. We hope to have the trade finalized later today pending the completion of physicals. I think this trade helps us in both the short and the long term. In the short term, it gives us better immediate scoring and rebounding. In the long term, we just got a lot younger and more athletic. Red has always told me you make deals when you are winning. These are two players I tried to get this summer and in the early part of the season, but they were unavailable. I believe the way Tony and Eric have played to start the season made this deal available. I picked Ricky up at the airport last night and we spent about an hour together. He is thrilled to be a Boston Celtic. We spoke about Celtic tradition, Jim O'Brien's work ethic and expectations, and how things are different here in Boston than they are in most cities. Ricky is a very talented young man. He averaged 20 points, 5 rebounds, and nearly 5 assists per game last season. Even though he is an effective player right now, at only 24 years old I believe he is just starting to come into his prime as a player with all-star caliber upside. I spoke with Paul yesterday regarding the deal. Paul knows Ricky well as they work out together in the summer in Los Angeles and he is very excited to have Ricky as a teammate. He will compliment Paul when they are on the court together because he will defend the other team's best offensive wing player. Chris Mihm is a 24-year old kid who had some health issues and is now healthy for the first time and playing well. He's 7-feet, 265-pounds, athletic, and he can shoot. He is a better rebounder than anyone we have on our team right now and ranks fifth in the NBA in rebounds on a per minute basis. I believe Chris's future price tag will be much higher than what we had to give up yesterday in the trade to obtain him. I think both Davis and Mihm are at a very good time in their careers where their "stock values" so to speak are at a good purchase price. Michael Stewart has kind of been the odd man out in a couple of organizations. He is a Mark Blount type of player with great character. He is not offensive minded but can really rebound and block shots. As I said, the players involved will be going through physicals today and we hope to get the deal finalized, get them on the court, and begin the process of getting them acclimated to our system. Thank you for your continued interest and support of the Boston Celtics. Sincerely, Danny Ainge Executive Director of Basketball Operations --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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