Celtics 板


http://www.bostonherald.com/sport/celtics/cnotes06062003.htm Ainge wants to keep options open Celtics Notebook/by Steve Bulpett Friday, June 6, 2003 CHICAGO - Danny Ainge may have been a ``shoot first, ask questions later'' guy as a player, but he's taking a different road now that he's in the front office. As a result, Walter McCarty will have to wait awhile to see if he can remain a Celtic, and Eric Williams won't be getting a desired contract extension. With nine players essentially booked for next season (Bruno Sundov will take his option for one more year at $751,179), it's still likely McCarty will get a new offer. But Ainge wants to keep his options open. Asked yesterday if it's certain that McCarty will be recruited to stay, Ainge said, ``There's nothing certain.'' The new head of basketball operations went on to say, ``I really like what Walter McCarty has given the franchise and what he's done and the way he plays. But I just need to see where we are when all the trade discussions and drafting is over with. I just don't know that right now.'' Williams has one year left on his deal at $5.54 million, and it doesn't look like he'll be getting any security just now. ``I like Eric Williams, but we have to manage the cap space,'' Ainge said. ``I like what Eric Williams has given the franchise. I like his game. But I'm just not prepared to offer him an extension right now. There's so many discussions I'm having right now and possibilities dealing with the roster and draft picks. I'm just not prepared to give away more money.'' Not exactly Blazin' The Trail Blazers are taking their sweet time to decide on a new general manager (i.e. Chris Wallace's candidacy), and that's fine with the Celtics - especially if Wallace gets his wish. The club would like to have their GM around at this point as a draft resource, but there is no doubt the people who keep the books won't mind a bit if he departs for more power elsewhere. Wallace is scheduled to make a total of $2.4 million over the next three years. ``I think he might fit what they want up there,'' said Ainge. ``Chris is a great guy for gathering information, and I think they like that idea. He'll bring in the information and they'll all make the decisions. Chris isn't a threatening guy, and I think that appeals to them.'' Choice options The Celtics have the 16th and 20th overall picks in hand as they survey things at the NBA's pre-draft camp here, but there is a real question whether they'll be making those choices on June 26. And if they do, it's likely one of the picks will be a not-ready type who will play overseas for a year or two. The bottom line is that unless the Celts can draft two players who can contribute this coming season (a longshot at best), they'd rather not be forced into a pair of three-year contractual commitments - even if the 20th choice is for relatively short money. ``We can make both picks, but will we?'' said Ainge. ``It all depends on who we draft. We can draft two and keep them if we think they can help us. But there are so many possibilities. We need players. We need to increase our talent pool. ``We have opportunities to move down as well as move up. We could move down and get an extra pick. We could trade the 16th pick, use the 20th and get two more picks later. That could keep us out of getting two guaranteed (contracts). We could also use one pick and a player or both picks to move up. There's a whole bunch of possibilities. That's why you have to be aware of the top 50 guys in the draft - just to know what your options are.'' . . . Assistant coach John Carroll may get an offer to go to Toronto if Kevin O'Neill gets the head position there, and Dick Harter has been talked about for an assistant's job in Indiana if there is movement in Isiah Thomas' staff. ``I haven't heard any of that, and we don't have contracts signed, so I guess they could,'' said Ainge. --
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