C_and_CPP 板


开发平台(Platform): (Ex: Win10, Linux, ...) linux 编译器(Ex: GCC, clang, VC++...)+目标环境(跟开发平台不同的话需列出) 额外使用到的函数库(Library Used): (Ex: OpenGL, ...) 问题(Question): 大家好,刚接触C++没多久(以前学c),还不太熟悉请多指教。 编译完後出现一群undefined reference to, 我觉得应该是在讲class R的问题,可是检查了R找不出错在哪... 详细状况如下: /tmp/ccY2jGY2.o: In function `R::R(int, int)': test.cpp:(.text._ZN1RC2Eii[_ZN1RC5Eii]+0x13): undefined reference to `R::r1' test.cpp:(.text._ZN1RC2Eii[_ZN1RC5Eii]+0x1c): undefined reference to `R::r2' /tmp/ccY2jGY2.o: In function `R::now()': test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3nowEv[_ZN1R3nowEv]+0x10): undefined reference to `R::r1' /tmp/ccY2jGY2.o: In function `R::Ans(float)': test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3AnsEf[_ZN1R3AnsEf]+0x68): undefined reference to `R::s' test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3AnsEf[_ZN1R3AnsEf]+0x6e): undefined reference to `R::r1' test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3AnsEf[_ZN1R3AnsEf]+0x7f): undefined reference to `R::s' test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3AnsEf[_ZN1R3AnsEf]+0x90): undefined reference to `R::r2' test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3AnsEf[_ZN1R3AnsEf]+0x96): undefined reference to `R::r1' test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3AnsEf[_ZN1R3AnsEf]+0xff): undefined reference to `R::r1' test.cpp:(.text._ZN1R3AnsEf[_ZN1R3AnsEf]+0x105): undefined reference to `R::r1' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status 喂入的资料(Input): 预期的正确结果(Expected Output): 错误结果(Wrong Output): 程式码(Code):(请善用置底文网页, 记得排版) codePad:https://codepad.remoteinterview.io/HUAVHCNAJT #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> # include <iostream> # include <string> # include <fstream> using namespace std; //专门拿来算R的class class R{ public: int ans;//所求 R(){ cerr<<"no data to calculate"; } R(int r1_,int r2_){ r1=r1_; r2=r2_; } //还没有输入s值的R值 int now(){ ans=r1; return ans; } //有输入s的R值 int Ans(float s_){ //s 只有三种:1 ,0 ,0.5 if (s_==1||s_==0||s_==0.5){ s=s_; } else{ cerr<<"need to be 1 0.5 0"; exit(1); } r1=r1+k*(s-(1/(1+pow(10,(r2 - r1/400))))); //R的计算公式 ans=r1; return ans; } private: static int r1,r2; static float s; static const int k=32; }; int main(){ ofstream outFile("filein.txt",ios::out);//先做一个filein.txt if(!outFile) { cerr<<"err\n"; exit(1); } //输入原始数据 outFile << "k\tr1\tr2\n"; outFile << 32<<"\t"<<1613<<"\t"<<1609<<endl; outFile << "sa\tsb\n"; outFile << 0 <<"\t"<< (1-0)<<"\t"<<endl; outFile << 0.5 <<"\t"<< (1-0.5)<<"\t"<<endl; outFile << 0.5 <<"\t"<< (1-0.5)<<"\t"<<endl; outFile << 0 <<"\t"<< (1-0)<<"\t"<<endl; outFile << 0 <<"\t"<< (1-0)<<"\t"<<endl; outFile << 0 <<"\t"<< (1-0)<<"\t"<<endl; outFile.close(); //接下来要开始读filein,txt,然後写一个fileout.txt //宣告,等一下会用到 string headline1, headline2; int r1,r2,k; float pointa,pointb;//s值 ifstream inFile("filein.txt",ios::in); ofstream ouFile("fileout.txt",ios::out); //成功? if(!inFile){ cerr<<"filein.txt fail"; exit(1); } if(!ouFile){ cerr<<"fileout.txt fail"; exit(1); } //开始读档 getline(inFile,headline1); inFile>>k>>r1>>r2; R ra(r1,r2); //初始化ra R rb(r2,r1); //初始化rb ouFile<< ra.now()<<"\t"<< rb.now()<<"\n"; //ra rb原封不动写入fileout.txt //开始读s值 while(inFile>>pointa>>pointb){ ouFile<< ra.Ans(pointa)<<"\t"<< rb.Ans(pointb)<<"\n"; //算一算写入fileout.txt// } inFile.close(); ouFile.close(); } 补充说明(Supplement):*[m 这里的R是在算Elo rate。 s是指每次胜负的得分。赢者得一分,输了零分,平手0. 5 研究了很久都不了,拜托帮忙了 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/C_and_CPP/M.1490905771.A.9FB.html ※ 编辑: franklin1997 (, 03/31/2017 04:34:08 ※ 编辑: franklin1997 (, 03/31/2017 04:34:49
1F:推 steve1012: 你需要 init static data member 吧 03/31 04:37
2F:→ steve1012: 找个地方初始化你class 的r1 03/31 04:38
3F:推 steve1012: 话说static 真的是你要的吗 03/31 04:39
呃 应该是不用没错(打程式的时候自己混乱了 我睡一下再改改看 甘温 ※ 编辑: franklin1997 (, 03/31/2017 05:00:50
4F:推 loveflames: 问题有够明显,static data member写在类里面只是声 03/31 07:30
5F:→ loveflames: 明,非定义 03/31 07:30
我把那两个static删掉了,谢谢两位大大 ※ 编辑: franklin1997 (, 03/31/2017 11:28:37
6F:推 HMKRL: 难怪我觉得这问题好眼熟XDD 这是算elo的对吧XDD 04/07 03:00

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