【讲 题】Tor and censorship: lessons learned / Tor 与网路审查制度间的微妙关系 【主讲人】Roger Dingledine  Roger Dingledine is project leader for The Tor Project, a US non-profit  working on anonymity research and development for such diverse organi-  zations as the US Navy and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In addition  to all the hats he wears for Tor, Roger organizes academic conferences on  anonymity, speaks at a wide variety of industry and hacker conferences, and  also does tutorials on anonymity for national and foreign law enforcement.  * 主要专长:scalable secure systems, anonymity and privacy, cryptography        and unobservability, civil liberties and human rights, and free        software advocacy.  * 联络方式:arma AT freehaven.net  * 个人网页:http://www.freehaven.net/~arma/cv.html 【时 间】2011-03-29 (Tue.) 14:00-16:00 【地 点】中央研究院 资讯科学研究所 106 室 【主办单位】中研院 自由软体铸造场 (OpenFoundry) http://www.openfoundry.org/ 【议程简介】  Tor is a free-software anonymizing network that helps people around the  world use the Internet in safety. Tor's 1800 volunteer relays carry traffic  for several hundred thousand users including ordinary citizens who want  protection from identity theft and prying corporations, corporations who  want to look at a competitor's website in private, and soldiers and aid  workers in the Middle East who need to contact their home servers without  fear of physical harm. Tor was originally designed as a civil liberties  tool for people in the West. But if governments can block connections to  the Tor network, who cares that it provides great anonymity? A few years  ago we started adapting Tor to be more robust in countries like China. We  streamlined its network communications to look more like ordinary SSL, and  we introduced "bridge relays" that are harder for an attacker to find and  block than Tor's public relays. In the aftermath of the Iranian elections  in June 2009, and then the periodic blockings in China, we've learned a  lot about how circumvention tools work in reality for activists in tough  situations. I'll give an overview of the Tor architecture, and summarize  the variety of people who use it and what security it provides. Then we'll  focus on the use of tools like Tor in countries like Iran and China: why  anonymity is important for circumvention, why transparency in design and  operation is critical for trust, the role of popular media in helping --  and harming -- the effectiveness of the tools, and tradeoffs between  usability and security. After describing Tor's strategy for secure  circumvention (what we thought would work), I'll talk about how the arms  race actually seems to be going in practice. 【议程内容】  ┌──────┬──────────────────┐  │时间    │内容   │  ├──────┼──────────────────┤  │14:00-14:10│开场介绍 │  │14:10-15:10│Tor and censorship: lessons learned │  │15:10-15:40│Q & A │  │15:40-16:00│会後交流 │  └──────┴──────────────────┘ 【报名网页】http://www.openfoundry.org/tw/workshop/details/133       名额:40人,请从速报名,以免向隅。 【联 络 人】如有任何疑问,请洽自由软体铸造场,洪先生:       [email protected];02-2788-3799 #1477 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: OpenFoundry 来自: (03/10 11:36)

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