CMWang 板


这要算少了一个竞争者吗~ Ross Ohlendorf Opts Out Of Royals Contract By Charlie Wilmoth | March 21, 2016 at 9:22am CDT Veteran righty Ross Ohlendorf has opted out of his minor-league deal with the Royals, ESPN’s Jerry Crasnick tweets. The Royals now have 48 hours to place Ohlendorf on their roster or release him. Ohlendorf is one of several players fighting for what would could be one bullpen spot, with Wade Davis, Joakim Soria, Kelvin Herrera, Luke Hochevar, and perhaps Danny Duffy and the recently-rostered Dillon Gee all likely to win jobs. Chien-Ming Wang has thrown hard and gotten good results so far this spring, and could have the inside track on a spot as well. Ohlendorf has pitched eight innings in Spring Training and allowed six runs, although he’s struck out nine and walked only three. The 33-year-old Ohlendorf fared well in 19 1/3 innings of relief with the Rangers in 2015, posting a 3.72 ERA, 8.8 K/9 and 3.3 BB/9 while throwing considerably harder than he had in much of his earlier big-league career, most of which he had spent as a starter. He’s the veteran of eight big-league seasons, also playing for the Yankees, Pirates, Padres and Nationals. --

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1F:→ O10lOl01O: 现在要看到皇家先发有状况才会觉得有少竞争对手 03/22 00:54
2F:推 O10lOl01O: 看了一下DepthChart Wang排在第八顺位 03/22 00:57
3F:→ O10lOl01O: 前面还有Gee Duffy 干掉他们之後就变备取一 03/22 00:58
4F:→ O10lOl01O: 皇家五大先发Volquez Ventura IPK Young Medlen 03/22 01:00
5F:→ O10lOl01O: Medlen是比较有机会拼下来 再来就Young 03/22 01:00
6F:→ O10lOl01O: 前三位除非有受伤不然很稳 03/22 01:00
7F:推 donnylee: 前3可以不看,重点是4跟5的表现,我认为Gee在林之前 03/22 01:18
8F:推 enkidu0830: 建仔逃脱日5/1,让皇家更有空间处理Ohlendorf的逃脱 03/22 04:36
9F:→ enkidu0830: 48小时内皇家得决定Ohlendorf的去留 03/22 04:37
10F:→ enkidu0830: 若皇家坚持建仔待在先发,开季让建仔待3A也是有机会 03/22 04:38
11F:推 enkidu0830: 皇家目前看似只剩一个名额,但还真的超多人竞争 03/22 06:51
mlb trade rumors又补充了一段 Earlier today, we noted that one potential competitor for a spot in the Royals ’ bullpen, Ross Ohlendorf, had opted out of his contract, giving the Royals 48 hours to place him on the roster or release him. Another potential competitor for one of the bullpen spots Ohlendorf is trying to win is Chien-Ming Wang, who has looked good in Spring Training. Wang’s opt-out date is May 1, Rustin Dodd of the Kansas City Star tweets. That means that, unlike with Ohlendorf, the Royals have a bit of time to figure out how they want to use him. ※ 编辑: lahabala (, 03/22/2016 07:21:25
12F:推 vg175: Wang像去年的Chris Young一样当swingman比较有可能 03/22 08:27
13F:→ vg175: 至少到目前当牛用调整得还不错 比以前在国民好太多了 03/22 08:29
14F:推 enkidu0830: 在国民当中继那段期间确实满惨的 03/22 08:45
15F:推 newest: 开季可能会从中继出发吧 在3A的话就是当先发用了 03/22 14:32
16F:推 vaughn: 王现在不在40人名单里,我觉得要嘛开季就在3A,如开季就打 03/22 15:05
17F:→ vaughn: 算拉上去,那王和Young和medlen,还有Gee及Duffy位阶就一 03/22 15:05
18F:→ vaughn: 样了,只要开季拉上25人,我觉得先发的机会跟其他人一样, 03/22 15:06
19F:→ vaughn: 就看後面二周的表现了 03/22 15:07
20F:推 vaughn: 我个人判断Gee占一席先发,Duffy比较可能後援,剩一席先发 03/22 15:13
21F:→ vaughn: 就王,Young,medlen三抢一 03/22 15:13
22F:推 s0059508: 逃脱日在5/1让皇家可以安心先放他在3A..希望能被打脸 03/22 15:13
23F:推 vaughn: 其实5月1日逃脱,通常开季就要决定要放哪,因为25人名单 03/22 15:18
24F:→ vaughn: 不宜很短时间就变动,而且只要有大联盟合约来,默契是接 03/22 15:18
25F:→ vaughn: 近逃脱日就会放人 03/22 15:18
26F:→ vaughn: 我觉得王,young,medlen三人被交易一个的机会很大 03/22 15:19
27F:→ lahabala: 建仔的合约价格不高反而是他被交易的优点 03/22 17:42
28F:推 coosla: 如果维持现在的表现,1M的即战力,交易是皇家的损失吧 03/22 18:59
29F:推 vaughn: 但要拉王上,要拉下一个40人名单,这是要取舍的 03/22 19:14
30F:推 coosla: 如果王实力真的回来了,一个可以摆进去25的人,拉一个40人 03/22 19:47
31F:→ coosla: 的下来,我相信应该不会那麽难决定,如果後几场王起起伏 03/22 19:47
32F:→ coosla: 伏,那教练应该就直接让他去3A练SP了 03/22 19:47
33F:推 vaughn: 你可能把拉下40人名单的事想的太单纯,拉出40人名单,基 03/22 20:00
34F:→ vaughn: 本需放入让渡名单被随便选走之类,你觉得适合为了王,要 03/22 20:00
35F:→ vaughn: 放走哪一个? 03/22 20:01
36F:推 vaughn: 真要拉王上去,就要选一个现在40人名单的交易掉,才不会 03/22 20:03
37F:→ vaughn: 浪费辛苦保护的40人名单 03/22 20:03
38F:推 vaughn: 交易来的,还不能是40人名单的,不然又把清出的位置抢走了 03/22 20:06
39F:→ vaughn: ,大概只能换对方农场的年轻球员,这整个运作,很大的 03/22 20:06
40F:推 oncemore: 能够行使逃脱权的都不是40人 flynn左投又稳拿一席 03/23 04:17
41F:→ oncemore: 王的逃脱期限又还有一个月 皇家也没有急需要王 03/23 04:20
42F:推 oncemore: 不过现在都还太早 4/4以前都还难讲 王应该还会先发 03/23 04:32
43F:→ oncemore: 必须维持上一场的水准才有得谈 03/23 04:33

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