CMWang 板


Chien-Ming Wang player perspectives The success I'm having this year with the Yankees is big news back in Taiwan. Everybody is happy for me and they want to see me get more wins. 我本季在洋基的成果传回台湾是大新闻。 每个人都为我高兴,且希望能看我拿更多胜投。 I'm just the third player born in Taiwan to play in the Major Leagues. There are more players back home who want to come to America. Everybody wants to try and play in the Major Leagues. 我只是台湾第三个上大联盟的球员而已。 家乡还有更多的球员渴望到美国打球。 每个人都想到大联盟打球并试试身手。 Chin-Feng Chen was the first player from Taiwan to play in the Major Leagues. He played two years for the Dodgers, beginning in 2002. That was a big deal in Taiwan. Everybody back home was very excited and very happy to see him here in the Major Leagues. 陈金锋是台湾第一个到大联盟打球的选手。 从2002开始,他在道奇打了两年。 这在台湾引起很大的讨论。 看他在大联盟打球,台湾每个人都很兴奋。 When I was growing up in Taiwan, I did not watch a lot of the Major Leagues on television. In Taiwan, more people watch Japanese and Korean baseball. 我在台湾的成长过程,并没有在电视看到很多大联盟的比赛。 在台湾,更多的人看日本跟韩国的棒球。 Back home, I pitched at a university, but I never dreamed of pitching in the Major Leagues. My goal was to pitch professionally in Taiwan. The pro league in Taiwan compares to the Minor Leagues here, but here you play more games. 在家乡的日子,我在大学(就是北体)担任投手, 但我从没梦想过能在大联盟投球。 我的目标只是在中华职棒投球。 中华职棒联盟跟小联盟差不多, 但在这里(美国)比赛更多 I signed with the Yankees in 2000 and reached the Major Leagues in 2005. In the Minor Leagues, I practiced a lot and built up a lot of innings. 我在2000年跟洋基签约,然後在2005年站上大联盟。(好感动Q_Q) 在大联盟,我做更多的练习且增加投球局数。 My English is getting better now that I've been playing here for six seasons. But when I first came here, I didn't speak any English. I watched a lot of movies and I tried to talk to my teammates to get better at it. I never felt lonely because I had a translator who took care of me. 我的英文现在已经比过去六年好很多了。 但在我刚到这里的时候,我一句英文也不会讲。 我看了很多电影并试着跟我队友交谈以便增进英文能力。 我从不觉得孤单,因为我有个翻译照顾我。 Now, when I go back home, I try to bring back some of the lessons I've learned. I work a lot with the kids. I talk to them and show them mechanics. I show them the pitching motion. 现在,当我回家乡,我会试着把我在这里所学的东西带回去。 我跟小球员们有很多的互动,我跟他们交谈并教他们一些技巧。 我会示范投球姿势给他们看。 Chien-Ming Wang, a Cy Young Award candidate with a 16-5 record and 3.69 ERA for the Yankees,attended Taipei College of Physical Education in his native Taiwan. Prior to making his debut with the Yankees in 2005, Wang helped pitch Taiwan to an Olympic berth in 2003 Asian Championships. He also earned MVP honors for Taiwan at the 2002 Asian Games. 王建民,赛扬奖的候选人。在洋基有着16胜5败,自责分率3.69的成绩, 在他的家乡台湾,他就读台北体院。在2005登上大联盟之前, 王建民在2003的亚锦赛帮助台湾取得进军雅典奥运的资格。 他也曾经在2002的亚洲盃赢得最有价值球员。 -- Chien-Ming Wang makes you ground outs around ! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 szuyuancheng:推~~ 09/07 04:23
2F:推 tsawtin:推 09/07 05:00
3F:推 boyen3:转两岸版 交流一下 XD 09/07 05:03
4F:推 deathcustom:是指小球员,台湾的小球员(请看前後文) 09/07 05:24
Thanks~~ ※ 编辑: heacoun 来自: (09/07 05:26)
5F:推 shinanhand:还好他去美国了 09/07 05:36
6F:推 daihc:看到我本来的目标是打种花职棒.我不由得一惊. 09/07 08:03
7F:推 altec6021:这让那些整天嘘CPBL的乡民反省 台湾没有职棒还有王建民 09/07 08:29
8F:→ altec6021:等优秀球员? 09/07 08:30
9F:推 JHikaru:嗯嗯,有职棒真的有差,CPBL 加油~!! 09/07 09:12
10F:→ bigsun0709:韩国职棒?? 重来没看过说,台湾有转播过吗? 09/07 09:23
11F:推 jake:王葛格 没有韩国职棒啦XD 09/07 09:39
12F:推 GregOden:在台湾看不到韩国职棒 翻译有误吧 应该看的是国际赛 09/07 09:54
13F:推 catcake:推 09/07 10:05
14F:推 ss60115:有看有推~ 09/07 10:24
15F:推 vincentlan:推 09/07 10:37
16F:推 agoodjob:王建民跟CPBL根本完全扯不上关系谢谢! 09/07 10:54
17F:推 GTFX:好文~ ^^b 09/07 12:02
18F:推 Ansel:这篇是他本人写的吗??好感动 感觉他也以台湾人为荣 09/07 12:27
19F:推 TaiwanJunior:真男人啊..(想拿这篇文章帮 cpbl 护航的人就省省吧) 09/07 15:10
※ 编辑: heacoun 来自: (06/26 02:23)

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