作者chinhow (Virginia)
标题:[国外新闻] What Language Barrier?
时间: Mon May 29 07:11:29 2006
Torre said that the Yankees considered hiring a translator for right-hander
Chien-Ming Wang, who is from Taiwan, but decided one wasn't needed.
Wang, Torre said, understands enough baseball terminology to do his work
and that the pitcher functions in the clubhouse.
Torre 说小王了解的棒球术语已经足够让他完成他的工作。小王也的确发挥他的功能。
When the Yankees were at Shea Stadium recently they wanted to send Wang
ahead to rest up for a start in Boston on May 22.
"He didn't want to go," Torre said, laughing. "He wanted to stay with
the team. I went up to him and said, `You go.' He said, `I don't want to go.'
That was fine with me. Then [GM] Brian [Cashman] talked him into it.
We went up the ladder with him. He finally took going to Boston coming
from the general manager as something he needed to do."
"他不想去" 托瑞笑着说。" 他想跟球队待在一起。我对他说 ""你去""。小王回了句
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: chinhow 来自: (05/29 07:13)
1F:推 HIPOP4EVER:小王怎麽那麽可爱 05/29 07:22
2F:推 petition:小王: 人家想待在Torre身旁啦 (羞) XD 05/29 07:46
※ 编辑: chinhow 来自: (05/29 08:42)
3F:推 tsming:有腐到XD 05/29 08:57
4F:→ YC:原来还可以跟总教练讨价还价喔? 小王长大了! 05/29 08:57
5F:推 DanielC:去那边会被红袜的球迷嘘 要是我也不想去 05/29 09:08
6F:推 phoenie:I don't want to go 超酷 XD 05/29 09:31
7F:推 Tzylu:好像小孩子喔 哈哈 还要现金人哄他去 05/29 09:47
8F:推 lazybonesla:好妙~~XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/29 09:52
9F:推 jethro90: I don't want to go 酷毙了~~ 05/29 10:46
10F:推 iori19840506:小王会不会太有种了XDDD 05/29 12:16
11F:推 owlwang0719:哈哈!!好好笑...XD 05/29 12:18
12F:推 yfl1024:小王好可爱>///< 05/29 12:24
13F:推 wjc:Torre真的好像把小王当成自己家小孩疼爱啊!!一副好宠溺的感觉 05/29 13:49
14F:推 tlw0709:推这篇有趣的新闻 05/29 14:20
15F:推 merrope:小王像小孩子一样好淘气~~~跟Torre撒娇~~~XDDDD 05/29 14:56
16F:推 MG42:托: You go. 王: I don't want to go XDDD 05/29 14:58
17F:推 alen3321:XD 05/29 21:27
18F:推 sycc:哈哈 这篇赞XD 05/29 22:42
19F:推 FFMM1:好妙喔 真可爱!! 05/29 23:55
20F:推 Jason11982:推翻译 05/30 01:29
21F:推 kenro:好妙的文章 XD 05/30 20:46