CMWang 板


Yankees try to rebound against Royals 洋基想对抗皇家力求重新振作 Yankees manager Joe Torre warned before his team began a weekend series against the struggling Royals on Friday night that it could ill-afford to look past a Kansas City team that was desperate to win even one game. 洋基总教练Joe Torre在要准备对抗奋力挣扎的皇家周末系列赛之前,在星期五晚上告诫 他的球队说,皇家球队在近况看来差,一直连输,所以即使一场比赛都会拚命的去赢球。 While the Yankees certainly put up a strong effort in a 7-6 loss in which Kansas City ended a 14-game losing streak at Yankee Stadium and the 13-game overall losing streak it brought with to New York, the Royals proved to be pesky and persistent in improving to 3-20 on the road this season. 尽管洋基今天努力开炮终场还是以7比6输给了皇家队,皇家在洋基主场终结14败还有打破 连13场输球,皇家证明是惹人厌的和坚持不懈去改善自己本季客场3胜20败的战绩。 The two teams will try again today in a 4:05 p.m. ET game at Yankee Stadium. 二球队今天将再一次对抗,下午的4点05分在洋基主场。 "We have to play every game and prepare for every game and take nothing for granted," Torre said. "I think what we've had to do here since we've been hit with a lot of injuries is obviously take nothing for granted knowing we have to work hard at our game. 我们必需打每场比赛和准备好每场比赛还有不能有任何假设,Torre说。我认为自从我们 的打线有很多伤兵後,很明显我们必须要做的事就是,在比赛之前不能做任何的假设而且我们必 须谨慎的去打我们的比赛。 "Sooner or later they are going to break out and beat up on somebody." 迟早他们会痛打某些人的。 It'll be up to right-handed master of the ground ball Chien-Ming Wang to get the Yankees back on track. While he had a tough outing in Boston in his previous start, he'd been successful in his two previous starts. 再来要上场的先发投手是右投的滚地球王子王建民,要帮助洋基回到轨道上。尽管他之前 对boston投的非常棘手,再之前的二场先发却投的非常成功。 The Yankees will be opposed by left-hander Jeremy Affeldt, who was belted around by Detroit in his last start. 洋基将遭遇到左投Jeremy Affeldt,之前对战底特津老虎队承担败战投手。 --------------------------------------- 有错请乡民更正.......谢谢..... --

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1F:推 CoolKJ:滚地王子- -a 05/27 18:21
2F:推 vic305:辛苦了 05/27 18:21
3F:推 jpk:疃턿明天4点30分转播吗???(公视) 05/27 18:26
4F:推 cklin1029:"master of the ground ball" 不然叫滚地球大师好了..XD 05/27 18:33
5F:推 cyt1600:是4点live 8:30重播 05/27 18:40
6F:→ cyt1600:我一直在考虑要看直播还是看8:30的重播...Orz 05/27 18:41
7F:推 kurtchen36:八点半是公视吗 05/27 18:48
8F:推 jake:master XD 05/27 19:02
9F:推 Msihra:Master XDDDD 05/27 19:04
10F:推 hornets1221:master翻成大师比较贴切一点 05/27 19:03
11F:推 mikeo:幸好今天洋基输球了 可不想皇家的连败终止在小王身上!! 05/27 19:29
12F:推 ehou:不禁想起"滚球王"...还有在连载吗? 05/27 19:26
13F:推 jjjssst:master of the ground ball 看了真爽~ 05/27 19:41
14F:推 deadchild:乾脆叫滚球硕士好了 05/27 19:59
15F:推 alanliu:「滚地球专家」如何? 05/27 20:04
16F:推 harrywu0620:滚球天王? 滚球美男子? XD 05/27 20:57
17F:推 Yang007:保龄球之王 05/27 21:25
18F:推 smallken0410:滚地球达人XD 05/27 22:19
19F:推 kh749: 滚地大师..绝地大师...傻傻分不清楚 05/27 22:21
20F:→ dreamfishe:之前都一直听到滚地球王子...不自觉就这样写了...... 05/27 23:12
21F:推 spawn:May the power be with Wang~ 05/27 23:30
22F:推 arsia:之前听谁说 蓝鸟的好乐迪是滚地球国王 05/27 23:30

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