作者foxkuo (fox)
时间Thu Apr 27 18:22:13 2006
※ 引述《loh (loh)》之铭言:
: http://www.nypost.com/sports/yankees/67650.htm
: April 27, 2006 --
: Pitching is as much about the head as it is the arm, as much about the brain
: as it is the body.
对投球来说, 头脑和手臂是一样重要的, 就如同脑子之於身体一般
: And as far as Yankee pitching coach Ron Guidry is concerned, all struggling
: starter Chien-Ming Wang needed was a confidence boost to shake his malaise -
: and last night might have been it.
而就洋基队投教 Ron Guidry 关心所至, 那个还在挣扎的先发投手 - 王建民 -
唯一需要的就是一场充满自信的好投, 才能消除他的心神不宁
: Wang was long gone by the time Mariano Rivera gave up two runs in the 10th
: inning for a 4-2 Yankee loss to Tampa Bay. But it was Wang's strong seven-
: inning start that kept the Bombers in it despite squandering chance after
: chance.
虽然当 Rivera 在第 10 局丢掉两分而让洋基队以 4-2 输给魔鬼鱼的时候,
场上的胜负早已经跟小王无关了. 但就是因为小王的七局好投, 使得比赛一直
紧张刺激 - 如果他们没有自己丢掉一个又一个的机会的话
: "This one was on our offense, because our pitchers pitched great,"
: said Johnny Damon, while manager Joe Torre said, "He was good. He gave us
: seven strong innings, settled in real well."
"这场会输都是我们打击不行, 因为我们的投手实在投得太好了" Damon 说
总教头 Torre 亦说 "小王真的很棒, 带给我们七局的好投, 他这场状况相当好"
: After rushing his pace and giving up lone runs in the first and second innings,
: Wang allowed just one more hit for the rest of his evening. He struck out
: three, and pitched well enough to win - if the Yankees could've supported him.
虽然在前两局步调被打乱, 并且各丢掉了一分
但是小王在剩下的投球局数中, 仅仅被击出一只安打, 并且K 掉三名打者
: "He settled down and did a lot of good things and pitched a hell of a game
: after those two runs," said Jorge Posada. "We told him to just trust his
: stuff and pitch your game, don't try to be somebody else. He calmed down
: after that."
"小王的表现相当稳定, 并且在被拿下那两分之後的表现简直棒透了!" Posada 说
"我们告诉他只要好好投球, 剩下的就只要相信其他队友就好了, 不需要去想着一人担负
胜败重责. 而他之後就冷静了下来"
: After walking Carl Crawford to lead off the game, he went 3-0 on Tomas Perez
: to elicit a mound visit from Guidry and Posada. He needed just three pitches
: to fan Perez, and despite allowing those two runs, he slowed down and settled
: down.
在一开赛保送了 Carl Crawford 之後, 小王又对 Tomas Perez 投出了连续三个坏球
使得 Guidry 和 Posada 赶忙上投手丘关切. 接下来他连续三个好球K 掉了 Perez.
如果我们不看丢掉的那两分的话, 可说自此他已把步调慢下来, 稳定地进入状况
: "He was rushing a little. He needs to take his time. He works better when he
: works a little slower," Guidry said. "He's been struggling. It was good [
: for him]. He slowed himself down from the third inning on, and he was a
: different pitcher, the pitcher we're accustomed to seeing."
"他好像有点太急躁了, 他需要把自己的节奏找回来. 而他如果稍微放慢一点的话
他就会投得更好" Guidry 说,
"他经过了一点挣扎, 但这对他有好处. 他从第三局起把步调慢下来,
好像变了一个人似的, 又变回我们所熟悉的那个小王了"
: After going 8-5 with a 4.02 ERA last year, he came in with a 5.48 ERA off
: a loss against Baltimore in which he was charged with six runs.
虽然去年有着8 胜5 败, 4.02 ERA 的战绩, 但小王今年因为在对金莺战一连丢掉六分,
ERA 已升高到 5.48
: "I was glad he pitched a good game for his confidence," Guidry said.
: "That's what he needs to do, gain confidence in what he's doing, and he'll
: continue to get better.
"我很高兴看到他充满自信地投出了一场好球" Guidry 说,
"这就是他需要去做的, 他只要增加自信心, 就一定会持续变好的"
: "You don't want to see him continue, because it starts to play on your mind
: after too many games. He rebounded and pitched strong."
"你不会想看他继续(欠佳的表现)的, 因为(输球的阴影)会在一场场比赛之後,
不断在你心中出现. 小王已重新振作起来, 并且投得相当好"
: [email protected]
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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20F:推 x8235:我们告诉他只要好好投球 剩下的就只要相信其他队友就好了 XD 04/27 18:40
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29F:推 arslane:stuff本来就是指投手的资质,在这里可以翻作相信自己的实力 04/27 19:04
30F:→ arslane:按自己的步调投球 04/27 19:06
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