CMWang 板


※ 引述《veronica4 (Veronica)》之铭言: :,0, : 5261422.story?coll=ny-yankees-print : BY JIM BAUMBACH : Newsday Staff Correspondent : March 27, 2006 : TAMPA, Fla. - One week before Opening Day, it's that time when the priority : each day is to stay healthy, and yet the Yankees are having a hard time doing : that. 开季前一星期 保持健康是最高指导原则 然而洋基却面临严格的考验 : The latest addition to their list of the injured is Chien-Ming Wang, who was : hit on the right kneecap by a scorching one-hopper by Detroit's Curtis : Granderson in the third inning yesterday and immediately was sent to St. : Joseph's Hospital for X-rays. 最近增加的伤兵是王建民 昨天对老虎队比赛第三局被Curtis Granderson击出猛烈弹跳球打到右膝 立刻被送到St. Joseph's照X光 : Although the tests were negative, the Yankees vowed to handle Wang with : special care in the coming days, especially given the ailing state of their : staff. Carl Pavano, Aaron Small and Jaret Wright are behind the other : pitchers because of injuries. 虽然结果是阴性 但洋基队在接下来几天必定给予特别照顾 尤其是前面已经有投手Carl Pavano Aaron Small和 Jaret Wright在伤兵名单 : "One thing you don't want to mess with now, even though there's nothing that is : long-term here, you don't want him to favor something and wind up hurting his : arm," manager Joe Torre said. " ... The next 48 hours will tell us more than : anything else." 老教头Joe Torre说"虽然看起来不会有太大的影响 但现在最不想搞砸的就是不希望他因为注意别的事 影响到他挥臂的动作 伤了他的手臂 ...要观察48小时之後再说"" : Wang, standing in the clubhouse toward the end of the game with the contusion : on his knee tightly covered and taped, said he was feeling "not too bad." He : admitted that he was in pain after getting hit and that he was worrying "a : little bit." 小王在比赛快结束时 站在球员休息室 挫伤的膝盖包着绷带 他说感觉不太糟 他承认被k到时蛮痛的 也有点担心 : So was everybody else. "The way he was walking around, it looked like he was : hurting," catcher Kelly Stinnett said. "Joe was like, 'That's enough.'" : Torre followed Wang into the clubhouse and later said, "You could see the : discoloration on the kneecap." 其他人也是 捕手Kelly Stinnett说"看他走路的样子 好像蛮痛的 老托则像是 '够了'" 老托跟着小王进到球员休息室 并在随後表示 "膝盖头变色了" : Wang, who will report to Legends Field earlier than usual today for treatment, : expects to make his final exhibition start Friday in Arizona. Torre, however, : didn't want to address that until he sees how Wang responds to treatment the : next two days. 小王今天将提早到传奇球场报到进行治疗 期望能在星期五在亚利桑那的比赛能够先发出场 老托现在不愿表示意见 要等这两天接受治疗过後再说 --

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◆ From:
1F:推 wjc:推!!感谢辛苦翻译..希望小王没事啊!!!下次热身赛能顺利出场 03/27 22:27
2F:推 YGJHSU:推 看原文是negative 还有点紧张...还好只是"阴性" 03/27 22:36
3F:推 iverson320:托总那段话看不懂..感谢翻译.. 03/27 23:10
4F:→ iverson320:其它就OK 03/27 23:11
5F:→ appleyellow:negative就是没事啦,例如AIDS negative 03/27 23:18
6F:推 kennistoy:公视的讨论区那边,有网友翻成负面...,差点被吓到 03/27 23:36
7F:推 VeryLike5566:感谢翻译 03/28 00:01
8F:推 cyt1600:感觉公视的讨论区有些人的发言比乡民还要更乡民 03/28 01:39
9F:推 kaku216:感谢翻译~~ 03/28 17:24

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