CMWang 板


By John Sickels Posted on Sun Feb 20, 2005 at 08:39:45 AM CST Eric Duncan, 3B, B+ Phil Hughes, RHP, B Marcos Vechionacci, 3B-SS, B Steven White, RHP, B- Chien-Ming Wang, RHP, B- Melky Cabrera, OF, B- Robinson Cano, 2B, B- Bronson Sardinha, OF-3B, C+ Christian Garcia, RHP, C+ Tyler Clippard, RHP, C+ Abel Gomez, LHP, C+ Brett Smith, RHP, C+ Eric Abreu, RHP, C+ Jesse Hoover, RHP, C+ Erold Andrus, OF, C+ Colter Bean, RHP, C+ Alex Graman, LHP, C Rudy Guillen, OF, C Ramon Ramirez, RHP, C Jeff Marquez, RHP, C A weak system. In some ways, rating mediocre systems like this is more difficult than rating loaded systems. There really isn't much difference between the players on spots four through ten. The Yankees have one guy who looks like a potential star in Eric Duncan. Hughes and Vechionacci have good scouting reports, but neither has played enough for us to get a true objective read on their talents. Either or both could move up to B+ this year. . .or drop down considerably. The big batch of B-/C+ guys are all very similar in the sense that they have something going for them but also have significant questionmarks of one kind or another in their profile. Traditionalists will scoff at Colter Bean's C+, since he doesn't throw hard, but his performance has been undeniably good and he deserves a chance. Other Grade C types not on the list include T.J. Beam, Matt DeSalvo, Sean Henn, Jason Jones, Maximo Nelson, Tim Battle. You could swap them with any of the other Grade Cs without hurting the list. Minor league vet Andy Phillips can hit if someone will give him a chance, but is too old at 28 to put on high on a prospect list. As usual, feel free to critique and comment. I will be back this evening to defend myself. --

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1F:推 elduque:排点後面啊....Orz140.138.240.201 02/23
2F:推 eon4:洋基农场真虚.... 02/23
3F:推 VaROne:都换光了,不然前几年还排过前3 02/23
4F:推 ibonez:推第一句阿。. a weak system...orz.. 02/23
5F:推 elduque:当年锋哥好像也是C+? 02/25

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