CMWang 板


好吧 ~ 板上没啥文章 只好拿"去年"的东西来po了 = = "╭( ̄m ̄*)╮ PP Scouting Report: RHP, Chien-Ming Wang By Aaron Foxson Date: Dec 2, 2003 The Yankees signed Chien-Ming Wang out of Taiwan in 2000 and were immediately impressed by his performance that same year. Injuries derailed Wang for the entire 2001 season, but he bounced back strong in 2002.The injury bug continues to plague the young righty so far in his career, but Wang just might have the stuff to make it big if he can stay healthy. Vital Statistics: Name: Chien-Ming Wang aka "Tiger" Position: Starting Pitcher DOB: March 31, 1980 Place of Birth: Tainan, Taiwan Height: 6'3" Weight: 185 lbs Bats: Right Throws: Right How Acquired: Signed as a non-drafted free agent by the Yankees on May 5, 2000 out of Taiwan. After missing the entire 2001 season with a shoulder injury that required surgery, Wang returned to dominate the New York Penn League in '02. He posted the best K/9 rate and BB/9 rate of his career and had a minscule 1.72 ERA and ridiculous 0.98 WHIP. Wang's success slowed however after a big promotion to AA in 2003. Players generally are given a chance at either middle or high A before going to AA, but Wang was sent straight to Trenton. The jump didn't agree with him and he posted mediocre numbers for the first time since coming stateside. His strikeout rate slipped dramatically, and his walk rate jumped a tad. Neither of those are good signs, but perhaps a worse one is the number of hits he allowed. He had never allowed more hits than innings pitched, but he did just that for Trenton. The most likely cause for the increase in hits allowed is a lack of command over his fastball and/or breaking pitches. Wang is a command pitcher and , without blazing stuff, he'll live and die by his control. Wang features four good pitches, a simple and fluid delivery, and a calm demeanor that is a rare bonus for a player his age. His fastball generally tops out at around 95 mph, but he tends to range closer to the low 90s. He also features a good splitter and good slider.The solid mechanics should help him avoid future injury,but as was stated before, he seems to continue to be an injury risk. Repertoire: Fastball, Slider, Splitter, Changeup Fastball: Wang can get his fastball up to around 95 mph, but he generally keeps around the 90-92 mph range. Excellent control of the fastball means he walks very few batters. Other Pitches: Late-breaking slider and nasty splitter serve as his strikeout pitches, but he'll have to learn how to harness them better if he wants to bring his strikeout rate back up to it's 2000 level. Pitching: Wang is a control pitcher that is capable of keeping his walks down. He has good stuff, but he needs to bring up his K-rate in order to bring down his hit rate. Projection: Middle of the rotation starter. Earlier in his minor-league career, Wang projected as a #2 starter on a good team but he can't have that claim after his mediocre 2003 campaign. He's still young and could get back on track next season. ETA: 2005. The Yankees will likely let Wang start the season at AAA Columbus in 2004, despite the fact that he could probably use another year at AA. If Wang succeeds at AAA, he could be in the majors as soon as 2005. Notes: 2003 Eastern League All-Star... Selected to the World Team of the 2003 Futures game but did not play... Allowed only three runs in his final 32.2 innings of 2002... Sometimes goes by the nickname of "Tiger". In his time in the organization, Wang has been completely unpredictable. He has shown signs of dominance and has been awful as well. Yet another young pitcher that has experienced arm problems but seems to have recovered well and still has a deep repertoire that consists of a live 94MPH fastball. Talented pitcher with good repertoire had a bumpy season in his first full year at AA. 4.65 ERA in 122 innings and 6.2 K/9 are good but not great. -- 王建民加油!GO-GO~!Wang~ --
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