CMWang 板


刚刚找了一下里面有无提到Wang~ 结果只发现一个有提到阿民的问题 = =  连一些AAAA级的和没没无闻的低阶联盟球员都有人问了 像咱们王建民贵为TOP 10竟然只有1个问题 = = ? 看这个姓氏 好像还是华人去问的 难道老美对阿民没啥感觉? Q: Alan Chang from Chicago asks: Where do you see RHP Chien-Ming Wang in the future? A starter or middle reliever? How would you rate his stuffs? A: John Manuel: I see him as a starter, but a back-of-the-rotation guy who will constantly struggle to find a way to get lefthanders out. I don't know if he could physically handle being a reliever, he's had shoulder problems and now hamstring issues. 以下这个虽然是看看就好 不过John Manuel竟然把阿民当2008年洋基的第4号先发! Q: Chatterer from BTF asks: how about Projected 2008 Lineup? C'mon, it'll be fun. A: John Manuel: This shocks me. I thought the future lineup was a waste of space, especially with the Yankees, but your thoughts to the contrary are duly noted. I'll venture this guess: C: Navarro. 1B: Andy Phillips! 2B: Cano. 3B: A-Rod. SS: Jeter. LF: Matsui (34 in '08). CF: Tim Battle if it's anyone internal. RF: Melky Cabrera. DH: Giambi (still under contract). Rotation: Hughes, Garcia, White, Wang and Marquez. Closer: Either Hoover or Sierra. Wow, that will never, ever happen. 不管了 ~看到Wang就贴近来了 = = ' Q: Chris from Georgia, Vermont asks: There is a lot of changes within the Yankees Top 10 this year compared to last year. Does that mean that the Yankees are starting to rebuild some of their depth, especially on the mound? Guys like Matt DeSalvo and Tyler Clippard aren't in the Top 10, but seem to have lots of potential. A: John Manuel: First, the Yankees had a very good draft in 2004, and that's reflected in their top 10. Second, guys like Wang and Cabrera who were in the top 30 last year moved into the 10 with good years(or, in Wang's case, a strong finish). Third, yes,I think the Yankees are improved.DeSalvo and Clippard profile as middle or back-of-the-rotation pitchers. If they're in your Top 10, you're in trouble. I like both of those guys, but neither has a plus pitch. Fastball command--a very important building block--is their forte, but neither has a plus secondary pitch (maybe Clippard's curve), and their fastballs have just average velocity. 节录: I think the Yankees have decided they can't totally depend just on their international signings and have re-committed to finding domestic talent (and paying for good domestic talent)in the draft to supplement their Latin American and Asian operations. 这句话代表啥?? 为啥没事要加个亚洲勒? 刺眼说:xxd 乾脆连去年的也给补上好了~ Q: Ben Delbanco from New York, NY asks: Hey Josh, Is Chien-Ming Wang a bust? To not even make the top 10 in a system as weak as the Yankees' is not terribly promising. A: Josh Boyd: Tons of Chien-Ming Wang questions today. I may be in the minority here, but the top 10 isn't as weak as many people think. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact these guys are predominantely Latin and not as well known (track record, draft status, etc) but they have high upside and are highly regarded outside of the organization--not just Yankees hype. I commented on Wang earlier, but he's certainly not a bust.He has four pitches and a strong arm. He made a two-level jump last year, so some growing pains were expected. --
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◆ From: ※ 编辑: NYYAndy 来自: (11/09 22:55)
1F:推 keltt:辛苦你了! 11/09
2F:推 eon4:後面加一个 never, ever happen XD 11/10
3F:推 holymars:结果这篇对2008年的rotation预测完全... 05/06 22:09

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