CD-R 板


对岸的新闻..... 浦科特效仿建兴“文字错误” - 2007-1-24 日文报纸Shinano Mainichi Shimbun日前报道称,浦科特的母公司Shinano Kenshi已经决 定退出消费级CD、DVD?品市场。当时这一消息就令人不敢确定,而浦科特公司今天澄清说 ,虽然母公司Shinano Kenshi宣布了一个新的重组计划,但他们并没有打算放弃光驱业务 市场,而此前的传言纯粹源于文字理解方面的误会。 浦科特北美总裁Toru Nakazawa表示:“母公司Shinano Kenshi的声明对浦科特并无影响 ,因?我们去年就已经在北美和南美进行了企业重组。我们的业务也会一如既往地进行下 去。” Toru Nakazawa还指出:“很不幸,那篇日文文章出现了翻译上的错误,造成了浦科特推 退出光驱市场的误会。事实上,浦科特将继续?消费级用户和企业客户带来创新性的?品, 并引领市场。我们很感激用户和合作夥伴对浦科特的关心。” 就在去年10月,建兴也曾经有过如出一辙的经历,也是以文字理解错误?由否认了先前的 消息,不过从另一方面看,这样的问题也反应了建兴和浦科特光驱业务的不顺,毕竟无风 不起浪。还有就是,浦科特精简光存储业务规模的消息属实,更加验证了其发展的困难。 Nakazawa也只是表明美洲业务仍会如常,其他地区则没有提及。 CDRLabs Plextor Reaffirms Commitment To Optical Disc Drive Business As we reported over the weekend, Plextor's parent company, Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd., is going through a corporate reorganization. Due to an incorrect translation of a Japanese article, there were many concerns that Plextor would be getting out of the optical drive business. We've gotten word from Plextor LLC that this isn't the case and that "business will continue as usual." PlextorR LLC, a leading developer and manufacturer of high-performance digital media equipment, today reaffirmed its commitment to the optical disc drive business in North and South America. On January 19, 2007, Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd., the parent company of Plextor, announced plans to perform a corporate reorganization to streamline Plextor's optical drive business to enhance operating efficiencies. "This announcement by Shinano Kenshi will have no material affect on the operations of Plextor LLC, as we already completed a corporate reorganization in North and South America last year. Our business will continue as usual," said Toru Nakazawa, President of Plextor LLC, USA. "It is unfortunate that an incorrect translation of a Japanese article, which contained some errors, has led to the rumor that Plextor is somehow quitting the optical disc drive business. This is completely false. In fact, Plextor plans to continue to lead the market with innovative, exciting products that solve real world problems for our consumer and business customers. We deeply appreciate the loyalty of our customers and valued business partners. And we look forward to many years of future success." Well, there you have it. The question still remains though as to whether or not Plextor will continue to develop their own drives or utilize designs from other companies. As we find out more, we'll let you know. In the mean time, Plextor's entire press release can be found here. -- 天大地大铼德大 东电三井在脚下 中环精碟没得比 三菱太诱都不怕 ~天大地大之DVD版...(茶 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: lightwings 来自: (01/26 10:54)
1F:推 chrisdo:这样说,以後只有美洲可以买到Plextor? 01/26 14:46
2F:推 xxxxxx71:日本几乎都停产了吧..神蹟兄也说二月这团是最终贩售@@" 01/26 20:14

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