Browsers 板


官方版本131.0预计在 2024年10月01日(美国时间) 台湾时间10月01日~10月02日 更新 130.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed a recent regression causing some UI elements to be rendered as left-to-right instead of right-to-left for users of our Saraiki localization. (Bug 1917175) Linux: Fixed black rendering of AVIF images when Firefox is built with GCC. (Bug 1916038) Enterprise︰ Added an enterprise policy to disable the Firefox Labs section in Settings. (Bug 1911826) 130.0 Release Note New︰ Firefox now allows translating selected text portions to different languages after a full-page translation.
Firefox now offers an easy way to try experimental features with a new Firefox Labs page in Settings. .AI Chatbot feature lets you add the chatbot of your choice to the sidebar, for quick access as you browse. .Picture-in-Picture auto-open experiment enables PiP on active videos when switching tabs.
Overscroll animations are now enabled as the default behavior for scrollable areas on Linux. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Fixed an issue where Copy and Paste context menu items intermittently were not enabled when expected. Changed︰ The following languages are now supported by Firefox translation: Catalan Croatian Czech Danish Indonesian Latvian Lithuanian Romanian Serbian Slovak Vietnamese Enterprise Developer Web Platform︰ WebCryptoAPI now supports Curve25519 primitives (Ed25519 signatures and X25519 key generation). Enabled the Web Codecs API on desktop platforms, allowing low-level access to audio and video encoders and decoders. -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 09/03/2024 21:40:37
1F:推 leon19790602: Copy and Paste选单终於修了,这问题存在超久 09/03 22:21
2F:→ hijacker: AI Chatbot侧边栏是在学EDGE吗? 09/04 11:29
3F:推 kc1446: 130.0.1 09/17 00:50
4F:→ Arbin: AI Chatbot...Mozilla总是搞错他们市占率会掉的重点 09/17 09:28
5F:推 aza0290: 根本不重要的功能 09/17 12:11
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 09/17/2024 21:38:02
6F:→ rick: android 130.0.1 09/18 06:24
7F:推 violetflames: ai相当方便 09/20 15:39
8F:推 kc1446: 131.0已....XD 10/01 02:01
9F:推 if4: 我的还没更新XD 10/01 06:37
10F:→ rick: @kc1446 每次都偷跑 XD 晚上有release note再po 10/01 07:33
11F:→ gcobc12632: 131版右上角有多一个列出所有分页的按钮 该如何删掉? 10/01 21:15
12F:→ rick: 那个不是之前就有了? 我更新看看 10/01 21:40
13F:→ rick: 本来就有了 之前是一个向下的箭头 现在变成很像图片的图示 10/01 21:54
14F:→ gcobc12632: 在reddit找到解答了 在userChrome.css里面加上这段 10/02 22:09
15F:→ gcobc12632: #alltabs-button { display: none !important; } 10/02 22:09
16F:推 sellgd: 127 还行的多横列分页 .css ,到131就不行了 10/04 07:04
17F:→ sellgd: 谁知道可行的最新版本 是127之後哪一版? 10/04 07:04
18F:推 sellgd: 测试到130还行 131就不行了 10/16 21:18

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