Browsers 板


官方版本130.0预计在 2024年09月03日(美国时间) 台湾时间09月03日~09月04日 更新 129.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue with screen readers prompting "Alert" when hovering over tabs. (Bug 1908873) Fixed an issue where drag-and-drop operations would not work as expected with extensions that rely on this functionality. (Bug 1911486) 129.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed playback issues on some websites with copyrighted video served via digital rights management. (Bug 1911283) Fixed a crash when dragging a video file onto some websites. (Bug 1910990) 129.0 Release Note NewReader View now has an enhanced Text and Layout menu with new options for character spacing, word spacing, and text alignment. These changes offer a more accessible reading experience.
Reader View now has a Theme menu with additional Contrast and Gray options. You can also select custom colors for text, background, and links from the Custom tab.
A tab preview is now displayed when hovering the mouse over background tabs , making it easier to locate the desired tab without needing to switch tabs.
HTTPS is replacing HTTP as the default protocol in the address bar on non-local sites. If a site is not available via HTTPS, Firefox will fall back to HTTP. HTTPS DNS records can now be resolved with the operating system's DNS resolver on specific platforms (Windows 11, Linux, Android 10+). Previously this required DNS over HTTPS to be enabled. This capability allows the use of HTTP/3 without needing to use the Alt-Svc header, upgrades requests to HTTPS when the DNS record is present, and enables wider use of ECH. Added support for multiple languages in the same document spoken in macOS VoiceOver. Address Autofill is now enabled for users in France and Germany. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Enterprise Developer︰ Added support for more inactive CSS warnings, including cases where: The resize property is used incorrectly. float properties are used incorrectly. box-sizing is used on elements that ignore width/height. table-related CSS properties are not on table-related elements. The Network Blocking feature in the Network panel now blocks HTTP requests in addition to blocking responses. The Rules side panel in the Inspector panel now displays @starting-style rules. Additionally, there is a tooltip for the var() function, indicating the @starting-style CSS custom properties value. The Rules side panel now shows the impact of invalid at computed-value time custom property declarations in the computed panel. Web Platform︰ Added support for querying the encryption key system config in mediaCapabilities.decodingInfo() API. Added support for Float16Array typed arrays along with new DataView methods for reading and setting Float16 values, and a Math.f16round() static method that can be used to round numbers to 16 bits. The new type is useful for sharing data with a GPU, in particular for use cases where it makes sense to trade off precision for memory consumption. Added support for @starting-style. This at-rule allows to define styles that are applied to an element when it is first rendered, enabling transitions on elements that are added to the DOM or that have their display type changed from none to another value. Added support for the transition-behavior CSS property. This property allows us to create a transition on discrete animated CSS properties. Added support for the textInput event. This is a non-standardized API, however it is implemented by some web apps that use legacy libraries or frameworks. Please keep using beforeinput when developing new web apps. Added support for DNS lookup of HTTPS Resource Records (RR) with the native DNS resolver, increasing HTTPS coverage and facilitating the use of Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) if present in HTTPS RR. -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 aza0290: Google垄断案败诉,Mozilla死定了 08/07 12:07
2F:→ rick: 尾大难甩 还修改以图搜图演算法(可恨) Mozilla要GG了吗?! 08/08 07:23
3F:→ sam613: 明天一定岛 08/08 07:41
4F:推 ltytw: 不懂 是说firefox不能把google设为预设搜寻引擎 可能 08/08 09:25
5F:→ ltytw: 导致mozilla饿死? 08/08 09:25
7F:→ jqs8ah5ar: 这样很好啊,mozilla靠google残喘偏安很多年了。该是回 08/08 11:17
8F:→ jqs8ah5ar: 归初心到哪个想打破IE垄断的Mozilla了吧,只是这次对象 08/08 11:18
9F:→ jqs8ah5ar: 换成chromium 08/08 11:18
10F:推 whatthe8078: 对Mozilla 基金会的高层没信心 08/08 13:42
11F:→ rick: 撑不下去 怎麽回归初心 会直接解散吧 不用玩 08/08 17:21
12F:→ rick: andtoid 129.0 08/08 22:08
13F:推 delphinus: 这版看影音很容易分页里crash,要重启才行。 08/09 05:08
14F:→ jqs8ah5ar: 不会撑不下去吧,google以外还有bind和yahoo,就收入会 08/09 06:56
15F:→ jqs8ah5ar: 锐减,可能要缩编人事或专案 (上面bing打错成bind) 08/09 06:58
16F:→ jqs8ah5ar: 但同意楼上说的对Mozilla基金会高层没信心 08/09 07:07
17F:→ rick: 上一版128.0.3 放着crash 2次 08/09 14:10
18F:→ rick: iOS 129.1 08/09 15:11
19F:推 BDrip: 最糟会不会跟servo一样丢给Linux基金会? 08/09 15:38
20F:→ Medic: 131会有垂直分页 终於啊... 08/09 22:06
21F:推 MK47: 你不强求内建的话 不是有很多套件垂直分页吗 sideberry红很 08/10 05:06
22F:→ MK47: 久 08/10 05:06
23F:推 tsairay: google用预设搜寻引擎的名义每年给mozilla超额金钱 08/12 13:06
24F:→ tsairay: 目的是不要让mozilla倒掉,免得反托拉斯盯上 08/12 13:07
25F:推 Kenqr: safari市占就多少了 还强制内建 有没有fx才不影响反托拉斯 08/12 23:19
26F:推 examsystem: 有扶植他牌的动作,多少有帮助 08/13 00:45
27F:推 rockmanx52: Safari只算手机浏览器市场也才不到25% 虽然这个数字 08/13 02:44
28F:→ rockmanx52: 应该没算用同样核心的ios版其他浏览器 08/13 02:44
29F:→ Kuge: 先想想为何safari内建不会被查垄断 这东西根本不算竞争 08/13 05:48
30F:→ Kuge: 安卓和PC这种开放系统没了FX就是一家独大 哪没影响反托拉斯 08/13 05:53
31F:推 kc1446: 129.0.1 08/13 17:45
32F:→ kawasakiZII: 现在浏览器市场已经有很多选择可用,何况Fx的市占率 08/13 18:54
33F:→ kawasakiZII: 在PC都被edge超车了,在手机上更是惨,少了一个Fx在 08/13 18:54
34F:→ kawasakiZII: 反垄断上真的没差 08/13 18:54
35F:→ Kuge: 除了FX实质上就是只有一种选择 不然uBO开发者就不会只推荐FX 08/13 19:13
36F:→ Arbin: Servo还在缓慢开发中...囧 08/13 19:22
37F:→ Arbin: 难道你要用KHTML.JPG 08/13 19:23
38F:→ rick: edge是chromium骨 其他也几乎都是chromium改的~ 差很多吧... 08/13 21:35
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 08/13/2024 21:42:36
39F:推 xylophone135: FX别收啦习惯了 08/13 22:31
40F:→ xylophone135: 只是有时候真的会遇到差别待遇就是了 08/13 22:31
41F:推 YuQilin: 试用nightly的侧边工具列和侧边分页 08/13 23:35
42F:→ YuQilin: 侧边工具列不错 但可惜还是和侧边栏绑在一起 08/13 23:35
43F:→ YuQilin: 不是独立的工具列 08/13 23:35
44F:→ YuQilin: 侧边分页的功能目前还是不如sidebery 08/13 23:35
45F:→ YuQilin: sidebery配合userchrome.css 例如 08/13 23:35
46F:→ YuQilin: 08/13 23:35
47F:→ YuQilin: 仍然是目前最便利的垂直分页 08/13 23:35
48F:推 aiwheat: 请问升级到这个版本後,原本我在搜寻引擎下,栏位内不输 08/16 13:38
49F:→ aiwheat: 入任何字,点选google搜寻引擎,会挑出google搜寻分页, 08/16 13:39
50F:→ aiwheat: 现在都不会了,请问该怎麽解决喔? 08/16 13:40
51F:→ aiwheat: 08/16 13:40
52F:推 mhdark9317: 同楼上 想求解 谢谢 08/17 11:07
53F:→ rick: alt+d 打个g 就出来google了 按下enter 这样不比较快吗? XD 08/20 08:40
54F:推 kc1446: 129.0.2了 08/20 20:24
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 08/21/2024 07:17:25
55F:→ rick: 起床才发现 @@a 08/21 07:17
56F:推 Artlanis: 搜寻栏搜寻空白字元就可以了 08/21 14:15
57F:→ rick: android 129.0.2 08/22 16:21
58F:→ rick: android 130.0 08/28 14:43
59F:→ rick: iOS 130.0 09/02 17:14
60F:→ kc1446: 130.0已出 09/03 20:10
61F:推 karst10607: 我手机用Fx最多最久 用得很快乐 很久以前是opera 09/19 23:22

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