Browsers 板


官方版本129.0预计在 2024年08月06日(美国时间) 台湾时间08月06日~08月07日 更新 128.0.3 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue causing some sites to not load when connecting via HTTP/2. (Bug 1908161, Bug 1909666) Fixed collapsed table rows not appearing when expected in some situations. (Bug 1907789) Fixed the Windows on-screen keyboard potentially concealing the webpage when displayed. (Bug 1907766) 128.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an audio echo in video calls on macOS under certain conditions. (Bug 1908539) Fixed an issue where the Adguard extension popup was not displaying. (Bug 1906132) Fixed an issue causing some screen readers to fail to read when navigating by character in rich text editors. (Bug 1905021) Fixed visual glitches when dark mode is enabled in Windows ARM devices. (Bug 1897444) Fixed an issue causing NTLM authentication failure. (Bug 1908115) Fixed an issue where content displayed on mouseover was not captured in a screenshot. (Bug 1905468) Various stability fixes. 128.0 Release Note New︰ Firefox can now translate selections of text and hyperlinked text to other languages from the context menu.
For users in the US and Canada, Firefox will now show your recent searches or currently trending searches when you open the Address Bar to get you back to your previous search session or inspire your next one.
Firefox now has a simpler and more unified dialog for clearing user data. In addition to streamlining data categories, the new dialog also provides insights into the site data size corresponding to the selected time range.
Firefox now supports playback of protected content from streaming sites like Netflix while in Private Browsing mode. Firefox now supports the experimental Privacy Preserving Attribution API, which provides an alternative to user tracking for ad attribution. This experiment is only enabled via origin trial and can be disabled in the new Website Advertising Preferences section in the Privacy and Security settings. On macOS, microphone capture through getUserMedia will now use system-provided voice processing when applicable, improving audio quality. Firefox is now available in the Saraiki (skr) language. Fixed︰ Firefox now proxies DNS by default when using SOCKS v5, avoiding leaking DNS queries to the network when using SOCKS v5 proxies. Various security fixes. Changed︰ Firefox now supports rendering more text/* file types inline, rather than requiring them to be downloaded to be viewed. The root certificate used to verify add-ons and signed content has been renewed to avoid upcoming expiration. Enterprise DeveloperCSS rules specificity is now displayed in a tooltip when hovering a CSS rule selector in the Inspector Rules view. This can help web developers understand why a given rule is applied before another.
The Inspector panel now flags a custom property declaration as invalid when the value does not match the registered custom property definition. As shown in the screenshot below, the declaration of a custom property, --b, expecting a <length> value syntax (e.g., 10px), is instead used with a color specified. An exclamation icon appears next to it with a tooltip explaining the error.
Improvements have been made to Inactive CSS. A warning is now displayed when column-span is used on elements outside of multi-column containers and when properties only applying to replaced elements are used on non-replaced elements. Web PlatformResizeable ArrayBuffers and Growable SharedArrayBuffers are now supported in SpiderMonkey. This allows the size of an ArrayBuffer to be changed without having to allocate a new buffer and copy data into it. The setCodecPreferences method allows applications to disable the negotiation of specific codecs (including RTX/RED/FEC). It also allows an application to cause a remote peer to prefer the codec that appears first in the list for sending. The Accept header for images and documents was changed to better align with the Fetch standard and other browsers. Support was added for @property and the CSS properties-and-values API. A new bytes() method is provided on many objects like Request/Response and Blob that provides a convenient way of getting an Uint8Array typed array. -- --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 07/09/2024 22:06:56
1F:→ rick: 翻译功能似乎还没有中文 所以继续用扩充套件 Orz 07/09 22:07
2F:→ hijacker: 右键翻译不支援中文啊 07/10 01:14
3F:推 MK47: 直接about:config里 browser.translations.enable改false吧 07/10 01:40
4F:→ MK47: 根本没在管你中文仔死活 搞不好都没在开发中文翻译 07/10 01:40
5F:推 moocow: 翻译功能很鸡肋 不如继续用to google translate这外挂 07/10 13:16
6F:→ rick: 我比较喜欢TWP - Translate Web Pages 不用跳到新分页 07/10 19:31
7F:→ zzchen: 我也比较喜欢TWP 设个热键可以直接在翻译跟原文间快速切换 07/11 01:12
8F:推 MK47: 火狐128开始有一个广告追踪功能 这是reddit上的解释: 07/11 10:07
9F:→ MK47: 07/11 10:07
10F:→ MK47: 一样可以在about:config里关掉他 07/11 10:08
11F:→ MK47: dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled 设为 false 07/11 10:08
12F:→ MK47: 原始讨论串: 07/11 10:08
13F:推 mayuyu: 这个实验性的功能「隐私保护下的归因」可以在设定里关闭 07/11 15:15
14F:→ mayuyu: 07/11 15:15
15F:→ mayuyu: preserving-attribution 07/11 15:15
16F:→ mayuyu: 它的作用是 以往网站要知道广告的效果(归因) 07/11 15:15
17F:→ mayuyu: 必须要追踪使用者个人的行为 07/11 15:15
18F:→ mayuyu: 但是这样会侵害个人的隐私 07/11 15:15
19F:→ mayuyu: 虽然Fx有追踪保护的功能 但网站总是能想办法突破 07/11 15:15
20F:→ mayuyu: 所以Fx提出一个实验性的功能 它让网站可以知道一大群人 07/11 15:15
21F:→ mayuyu: 归因的总和结果 但是这个总和的结果不会带有个人的资料 07/11 15:15
22F:→ mayuyu: 这样网站就不需要去追踪个人的数据 07/11 15:15
23F:→ mayuyu: 目前只有几个网站例如FB和Fx合作 07/11 15:15
24F:→ mayuyu: 如果这个方法有效 也许将来会有更多网站采用这个方式 07/11 15:15
25F:→ mayuyu: 而不会再使用现在这些侵害各人隐私的追踪方法 07/11 15:15
26F:→ mayuyu: 如果你愿意参加这个实验 可以不要关闭这个选项 07/11 15:15
27F:→ mayuyu: 如果你使用了ADBlock 根本看不到广告 也不会去点击广告 07/11 15:15
28F:→ mayuyu: 那麽开启这个选项也不会有作用 07/11 15:15
29F:推 MK47: Google的功能会跟踪你 是为了保护你的隐私 换到收购FakeSpot 07/12 00:32
30F:→ MK47: 的mozilla也是 反正我不喜欢预设开启这个功能 我是关了 07/12 00:32
31F:→ jqs8ah5ar: 这个跟google提出来取代cookie的方案是不是有点像? 07/12 19:29
32F:推 dosiris: ESR 115.13还没有 07/14 09:54
33F:→ rick: esr不会有实验性功能吧 07/14 22:18
34F:→ Kuge: 128 ESR一样有这功能啊 07/14 22:49
35F:推 crescent3: 别太神经质了 这功能的概念跟匿名投票一样 只计总票数 07/17 08:36
36F:→ crescent3: 这只是计数 不是那种会连结到帐号甚至个资的追踪 07/17 08:40
37F:→ crescent3: 这是在尝试改变网路广告生态 减少追踪式广告 07/17 08:43
38F:→ rick: iOS 128.1 07/18 14:01
39F:→ rick: android 128.0.1 07/20 07:52
40F:→ rick: iOS 128.2 07/21 11:12
41F:→ kc1446: 哇,这次直接128.0.2 07/24 06:02
42F:→ rick: 刚看到 我也吓了一跳!!! 07/24 07:27
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 07/24/2024 08:00:34
43F:推 rockmanx52: iOS 128.3了 07/24 16:56
44F:→ rick: android 128.0.2 07/26 06:51
45F:→ hijacker: 128.0.3了 07/26 15:15
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 07/26/2024 22:11:27
46F:→ rick: android 128.0.3 07/28 13:24
47F:→ DavisX: iOS 129 08/06 14:32

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