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官方版本117.0预计在 2023年08月29日(美国时间) 台湾时间08月29日~08月30日 更新 116.0.3 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue for OPFS users (especially those using the Adobe Photoshop) that broke access to files that were locally cached in a previous version. (bug 1847989, bug 1847619) Fixed an issue that was breaking screensharing for some users on Wayland. (bug 1841851) Fixed an issue where a fullscreen notification was persistently being shown to a user, even after disabling it. (bug 1847901) Fixed an issue where Firefox would hang when doing a Google search. (bug 1847066) 116.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixes an issue that was causing keystrokes to be scrambled for users using ZoneAlarm anti-keylogger. (bug 1847033) 116.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue which caused chart elements to render incorrectly for Windows users. (bug 1846613) 116.0 Release Note New︰ Sidebar switcher allows users to access Bookmarks, History and Synced Tabs panels easily, quickly switch between them, move the sidebar to another side of the browser window, or close the sidebar. Now, keyboard users would be able to do it all with ease too, with or without any assistive technology running, without needing to memorize keyboard shortcuts to access these panels. When an update is available in English locales, users will now have access to the release notes in the update notification prompt in the form of a "Learn More" link. It is now possible to copy any file from your operating system and paste it into Firefox. You asked, and we listened! The volume slider is now available in Picture-in-Picture. We added the possibility to edit existing text annotations. Fixed︰ The upload performance of HTTP/2 has been significantly improved starting with Firefox 115.0, particularly on those with a higher bandwidth delay product (i.e., networks characterized by both high bandwidth and high latency). Various security fixes. ChangedThe keyboard shortcut to reopen closed tabs (command + shift + t) now reopens last closed tab or last closed window, in the order items were closed. If there aren't any tabs or windows to reopen, this command restores the previous session. This change is in anticipation of upcoming changes to recently closed tabs. Enterprise︰ You can find information about policy updates and enterprise specific bug fixes in the Firefox for Enterprise 116 Release Notes. Developer Added support for the dirname attribute to pass text directionality information about input and textarea elements to the server. (learn more) Firefox now supports CSP3 external hashes. The Audio Output Devices API now enables sites to redirect audio from media elements to permitted output devices (speakers) other than the system default for the user-agent. For example, WebRTC conferencing sites can now redirect audio either to the speakers in a headset or to external speakers. Web Platform︰ This release now supports proper BYOB readers on Fetch and WebTransport, which allows developers to prepare their ArrayBuffer so that it can be reused for read requests and thus saves memory allocation. .getReader({ mode: "byob" }) on Fetch and WebTransport streams was supported on previous releases but without true BYOB support, as new memory allocation still occurred internally. With custom formatters, websites can now define how to display specific JavaScript objects and functions within different parts of the DevTools. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled via the Settings panel. (Learn more) -- --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:→ DavisX: 问一下 那个把file paste it into firefox有什麽用啊?? 08/01 22:19
2F:推 if4: 是不是夹档功能? 08/02 01:49
3F:→ DavisX: 例如ff开totalvirus原本就可以拖档案过去扫毒 08/02 08:35
4F:→ rick: 我不知道所以没说 我以为是什麽档案都可以用fx开 我想太多了 08/02 10:46
5F:→ rick: (当然想也知道不可能啦) 08/02 10:46
6F:推 microloft: 应该是指 clipboard API 吧,可以像拖拉那样传本地档案 08/02 18:23
7F:→ microloft: 给网页的 JS 08/02 18:23
8F:→ microloft: 在这之前支援的档案类型可能有限制 08/02 18:25
9F:推 danny0838: 我测试是在档案总管选几个档案复制,在浏览器中贴上可 08/03 22:41
10F:→ danny0838: 以读到。<116版是读不到的。 08/03 22:41
11F:→ danny0838: 不过即使是116版也只能读到一个档案的样子,Chrome是可 08/03 22:41
12F:→ danny0838: 以读到所有复制的档案/目录 08/03 22:41
13F:→ rick: 怎麽复制的? 我ctrl+c 一个jpg档再到firefox ctrl+v没作用 08/04 22:40
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 08/04/2023 22:42:43
14F:推 danny0838: 要网页本身有写相关JavaScript程式码处理贴上事件才行 08/04 23:15
15F:推 microloft: 我测也是只会读到一个,不知是 bug 还是怎样 08/05 02:34
16F:→ DavisX: 我是贴到google image search可以 08/05 20:26
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 08/07/2023 22:24:57
17F:→ bajiqa: 手机版好像有bug?一堆闲置网页全部读不出来 08/07 22:33
18F:→ rick: 我手机版正常耶 08/07 22:37
19F:推 if4: 好快 我不会,因为我还没升级吗?我来升级一下看看@@ 08/08 01:10
20F:→ kc1446: 好快欸wwww 08/08 03:53
21F:→ rick: 这次是fx提醒的 我也吓一跳@@ 08/08 08:11
22F:推 Lukesky: 话说现在社群版跟官方版还有差吗 08/08 10:46
23F:→ rick: 没差的话干吗另外做一个? XD 应该是有微调or内建套件啦! 08/09 13:45
24F:→ DavisX: 只是现在平均一个月就来一次大版号, 社群版要一直跟上 08/09 14:12
25F:→ DavisX: 很吃人力啊 08/09 14:13
26F:推 delphinus: 有人更新到.2後,在youtube画面下1/3出现彩色条码吗? 08/11 00:27
27F:→ delphinus: 08/11 00:36
28F:推 l0l1c0n: 楼上 你是不是开了resistfingerprinting 是的话要用ublo 08/11 08:34
29F:→ l0l1c0n: ck之类的当掉那块 08/11 08:34
30F:→ l0l1c0n: ytp-gradient-bottom 08/11 08:34
31F:推 delphinus: 是的,感谢,原来如此。 08/13 23:44
32F:推 kc1446: 今天又....嗯,有了XD 08/17 07:29
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 08/17/2023 07:50:37
33F:→ rick: 输了 QQ 最後一个问题有遇到...以为google又在搞 XD 08/17 07:51
34F:推 kc1446: 之前两个更新我输了,隔天才看到,不敢po推文欸www 08/17 08:32
35F:→ DavisX: Wayland........ 08/17 20:37
36F:推 delphinus: 发现bilibili缩图与windy图层都会出问题 08/22 10:30
37F:→ DavisX: 117出惹 08/29 22:29

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