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官方版本114.0预计在 2023年06月06日(美国时间) 台湾时间06月06日~06月07日 更新 113.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue which caused Picture-in-Picture windows to not be snappable on Windows 11 or on systems with the FancyZones PowerToy installed (bug 1832331) Fixed a video playback crash on some Windows systems with Intel graphics (bug 1831329) Fixed a bug which could cause Firefox to freeze on some pages when loading them with the Developer Tools Web Console open (bug 1828026) Fixed a bug which would cause the bookmarks and history sidebars to not properly react to the browser window being vertically resized (bug 1831535) 113.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed incorrect colors for Windows users with installed monitor/display color profiles, particularly on wide gamut displays (bug 1832215) Fixed borders being visible around fullscreen windows for some configurations (bug 1830721) Fixed an issue which may cause users in some configurations to experience tearing when watching videos in fullscreen mode (bug 1830792) 113.0 release note New︰ Say hello to enhanced Picture-in-Picture! Rewind, check video duration, and effortlessly switch to full-screen mode on the web's most popular video websites. Firefox's address bar is already a great place to search for what you're looking for. Now you'll always be able to see your web search terms and refine them while viewing your search's results - no additional scrolling needed! Also, a new result menu has been added making it easier to remove history results and dismiss sponsored Firefox Suggest entries.
Private windows now protect users even better by blocking third-party cookies and storage of content trackers. Passwords automatically generated by Firefox now include special characters, giving users more secure passwords by default. Firefox 113 introduces a redesigned accessibility engine which significantly improves the speed, responsiveness, and stability of Firefox when used with: .Screen readers, as well as certain other accessibility software; .East Asian input methods; .Enterprise single sign-on software; and .Other applications which use accessibility frameworks to access information. Importing bookmarks from Safari or a Chrome-based browser? The favicons for those bookmarks will now also be imported by default to make them easier to identify. Firefox 113 now supports AV1 Image Format files containing animations (AVIS), improving support for AVIF images across the web. The Windows GPU sandbox first shipped in the Firefox 110 release has been tightened to enhance the security benefits it provides. A 13-year-old feature request was fulfilled and Firefox now supports files being drag-and-dropped directly from Microsoft Outlook. A special thanks to volunteer contributor Marco Spiess for helping to get this across the finish line! Users on macOS can now access the Services sub-menu directly from Firefox context menus. On Windows, the elastic overscroll effect has been enabled by default. When two-finger scrolling on the touchpad or scrolling on the touchscreen, you will now see a bouncing animation when scrolling past the edge of a scroll container. Firefox is now available in the Tajik (tg) language. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Changed︰ The long-deprecated mozRTCPeerConnection, mozRTCIceCandidate, and mozRTCSessionDescription WebRTC interfaces have been removed. Sites should utilize the non-prefixed versions instead. Enterprise Developer︰ There have been numerous improvements to the Debugger's "Search in files" feature (also known as "Project search"): The panel has been moved to a regular side panel, which allows you to keep the results list visible while opening scripts in the editor; Results from minified and pretty-printed tabs, as well as matches from the node_modules folder, are displayed; Results from ignored files are hidden; and Glob patterns and search modifiers are also supported, making it possible to execute case-sensitive or regex searches on specific parts of your project. Additional features include support for pretty printing inline scripts in HTML files and column breakpoints in pretty printed sources. It is now possible to override a JavaScript file in the debugger. In the Debugger, under the Sources tree, you can use the "Add script override" context menu entry. This action will download the file onto your machine, allowing you to edit it. After reloading the page, the local file will be loaded instead of the original script (indicated by a purple icon when a file is overridden).
Web Platform︰ Module scripts can now import other ES module scripts on worklets. Firefox 113 includes new CSS functionality, including improved support for the color (level 4) specification (such as the lab(), lch(), oklab(), oklch(), and color() functions) and the scripting media query. Firefox 113 adds support for a number of WebRTC features for improved interoperability: RTCMediaSourceStats, RTCPeerConnectionState, RTCPeerConnectionStats ("peer-connection" RTCStatsType), RTCRtpSender.setStreams(), and RTCSctpTransport. The forced-color-adjust property is now supported, allowing authors to opt an element out of color changes in Forced Color Mode for improved readability where the automatically-picked contrasting colors are not ideal. android version New︰ Firefox for Android now supports hardware accelerated AV1 video decoding by default with supported hardware or via fallback to software decoding. Following up on the work already shipped on macOS and Linux in Firefox 110, GPU-accelerated Canvas2D is now enabled by default on Android also. Fixed︰ Fixed a video playback bug in landscape screen orientation. Fixed accessibility bugs where Talkback didn't announce some buttons or text was too small. Various security fixes. Changed︰ UI improvements to the built-in PDF viewer to make it easier to save PDFs directly. Developer -- --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:→ DavisX: oh AV1 05/09 22:13
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 05/09/2023 22:17:26 ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 05/09/2023 22:18:46
2F:→ sate5232: 回不去的收藏选单放扩充套件图示 05/10 01:22
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 05/10/2023 22:23:08
3F:→ DavisX: 113.0.1 released 05/12 22:58
4F:→ rick: 113.0好像怪怪的 记忆体会飙 05/12 23:15
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 05/12/2023 23:20:32
5F:→ kc1446: 好快 05/13 01:04
6F:推 if4: 对呀,好快。怎麽大家都不推@@ 05/13 20:57
7F:推 kizajan: 这版有hdr的问题? 05/14 17:50
8F:推 kizajan: 114.0b3... 05/14 17:52
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 05/23/2023 22:43:02
9F:→ kc1446: 我又来晚了www 05/24 04:01
10F:→ rick: 总比没来好 XD 05/24 08:22
11F:推 SELFisolate: 我还在107版[停用更新]。新版又有新版问题 XD 05/26 00:44

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