Browsers 板


官方版本103.0预计在 2022年07月26日(美国时间) 台湾时间07月26日~07月27日 更新 102.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed bookmark shortcut creation by dragging to Windows File Explorer and dropping partially broken (bug 1774683) Fixed bookmarks sidebar flashing white when opened in dark mode (bug 1776157) Fixed multilingual spell checking not working with content in both English and a non-Latin alphabet (bug 1773802) Developer tools: Fixed an issue where the console output keep getting scrolled to the bottom when the last visible message is an evaluation result (bug 1776262) Fixed Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed checkbox getting disabled on startup (bug 1777419) Various stability fixes 102.0 Release Note New︰ Tired of too many windows crowding your screen? You can now disable automatic opening of the download panel every time a new download starts. Firefox now mitigates query parameter tracking when navigating sites in ETP strict mode. Fixed︰ When using a screen reader on Windows, pressing enter to activate an element no longer fails or clicks the wrong element and/or another application window. For those blind or with very limited vision, this technology reads out loud what is on the screen, and users can adapt them to their needs (now, on our platform, without errors). Various security fixes. Changed︰ Improved security by moving audio decoding into a separate process with stricter sandboxing, thus improving process isolation. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the Firefox for Enterprise 102 Release Notes. Firefox 102 is the new Extended Support Release (ESR). Firefox 91 ESR goes out of support on September 20, 2022. (See the 102 ESR release notes for more information) Developer You can now filter style sheets in the Style Editor tab of our developer tools. Web Platform︰ TransformStream and ReadableStream.pipeThrough have landed, allowing you to pipe from a ReadableStream to a WritableStream, executing a transformation on each chunk. ReadableStream, TransformStream, and WritableStream are all transferable now. Firefox now supports Content-Security-Policy (CSP) integration with WebAssembly. A document with a CSP that restricts scripts will no longer execute WebAssembly unless the policy uses 'unsafe-eval' or the new 'wasm-unsafe-eval' keyword. -- ███████☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◢变态妍◣◢黄秘书◣☆★☆█现在是█ ☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆崔林☆★☆★☆★☆ ★☆★★☆█◢█◢█◢██◣☆★◥郑西卡◣★☆★█少女时代 ☆★☆☆★★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆鹿内☆★☆★☆ █████◥███◣◥小太阳◤◥权班长◤☆★☆█████ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 kc1446: 感谢,已升级 06/29 20:31
2F:→ kc1446: 102.0.1已释出~ 07/06 00:31
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 07/06/2022 21:54:46
3F:→ rick: android版本也有更新 07/08 15:27
4F:推 z22771187: 为什麽这一版使用远端桌面,firefox都会crash 07/11 20:16
5F:→ rick: 102.0.1 esr也出了 android 102.2.1 07/13 08:46
6F:→ rick: MacOS iOS 102.2 07/25 22:42

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