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官方版本99.0预计在 2022年04月05日(美国时间) 台湾时间04月05日~06日 更新 98.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue preventing users from typing in Address Bar after opening new tab and pressing cmd + enter (bug 1757376) Fixed an issue causing some users to crash in out-of-memory conditions (bug 1757618) Fixed an issue in session history which caused some sites to fail to load (bug 1758664) Fixed an add-on specific compatibility issue (bug 1759162) 98.0.1 Release Note Changed︰ Yandex and have been removed as optional search providers in the drop-down search menu in Firefox. If you previously installed a customized version of Firefox with Yandex or, offered through partner distribution channels, this release removes those customizations, including add-ons and default bookmarks. Where applicable, your browser will revert back to default settings, as offered by Mozilla. All other releases of Firefox remain unaffected by the change. 98.0 Release note New︰ Firefox has a new optimized download flow. Instead of prompting every time, files will download automatically. However, they can still be opened from the downloads panel with just one click. Easy! More information You’ll find you have a number of options, including: Always Open Similar Files: Make Firefox automatically open downloaded files of the same type with the system default application. Show In Folder: Open the folder that contains your downloaded files. Go To Download Page: Surfaces the download reference page even after leaving the site or closing the tab. Copy Download Link: Copy the download link to share it, save it, or for any applicable use. Delete: You can now delete downloaded files directly from the download panel and other download views using the context menu. Remove From History: Remove a file from your list of downloaded files. Clear Preview Panel: Clear the list of downloaded items in the preview panel that opens when you start a download. In this release, you’ll also see that Firefox no longer asks what to do for each file by default. You won’t be prompted to choose a helper application or save to disk before downloading a file unless you have changed your download action setting for that type of file. And now, every time you start a download, Firefox will automatically bring up the Downloads panel by default. This means you’ll experience minimal interruptions and easily find your downloaded files. Plus, to avoid having to close it several times, the panel won't show if there are multiple downloads in progress. You can now click on a file in the Downloads panel to open it even before it has finished downloading. Firefox will open the file as soon as it is available. Firefox: saving you time and helping you get back to what you care about! Any files you download will be immediately saved on your disk. Depending on the current configuration, they’ll be saved in your preferred download folder, or you’ll be asked to select a location for each download. Windows and Linux users will find their downloaded files in the destination folder. They’ll no longer be put in the Temp folder. Firefox allows users to choose from a number of built-in search engines to set as their default. In this release, some users who had previously configured a default engine might notice their default search engine has changed since Mozilla was unable to secure formal permission to continue including certain search engines in Firefox. Fixed︰ Now, you can set a default app to open a file type. Choose the application you want to use to open files of a specific type in your Firefox settings. After updating to Firefox version 98, "Always ask" download actions will now be reset. Various security fixes. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the Firefox for Enterprise 98 Release Notes. Developer︰ The Compatibility sidebar panel in the DevTools Inspector already available on pre-release channels will become available on the release channel in version 98 . It provides compatibility warnings for the CSS properties used on the selected element, as well as for the overall page. Developers may use it to detect web-compatibility issues early, without having to test in each browser. All compatibility data are pulled from MDN. Event listeners for a given node can now be disabled from the Inspector Event Tooltip, in the markup view. Also, The "event" badge style is updated when at least one event is disabled to remind the user that something was changed. New UI in the Browser Toolbox to toggle Fluent pseudolocalization bidi / accented “Ignore line” context menu entry added in the debugger editor gutter when devtools.debugger.features.blackbox-lines is true. Also, there is a better “ Ignore source” icon and editor background colors for ignored lines. Auto-open devtools for tabs opened via (behind devtools.popups.debug). On a page where you already have DevTools opened, if a new tab is created via, the toolbox will automatically move to the new tab, with the new document selected in both the iframe picker and the context selector Web Platform︰ The <dialog> HTML element already available on pre-release channels will become available on the release channel in version 98. Form associated custom elements will become available on the release channel in version 98. This allows web authors to define and create custom elements that can be participated in form submission. The hyphenate-character CSS property can be used to set a string that is used instead of a hyphen character (-) at the end of a hyphenation line break. -- ███ █ ████ █☆★ ★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆ █ █ █★☆ ☆★★☆██████★☆★ ☆★ ███ █ █ ██ 记得第一次直视那双笑眼的悸动吗◣ █ █ █★☆███ █☆★★☆★◥██◤☆★★☆★☆★ ███ █ ████ █☆★☆★☆ ★☆★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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1F:→ cys070: 新下载不提醒,变成一些不需要下载要设定 03/09 20:48
2F:推 g112: 请问一下下载提醒要怎麽设定 很多档案类型没看到 03/09 23:54
3F:→ kc1446: 感谢,已更新 03/10 01:59
4F:→ rick: 设定->一般 往下拉到【应用程式】 动作改成「总是询问」 03/10 08:46
5F:→ g112: 感谢楼主回答,但我的问题是根本没有选项可选,比如说我要把 03/10 14:18
6F:→ g112: png档改总是寻问,但下面没有png档让我选择调整 03/10 14:18
7F:→ rick: 我猜 要下载过才有! 03/10 14:32
8F:→ rick: \的档案类型 03/10 14:32
9F:→ g112: 我也有试过 还是出不来 03/10 15:04
10F:→ g112: 目前只有预设直接下载的 可以先下载一次後在windows下选择用 03/10 15:04
11F:→ g112: 火狐开启 他就会跳出自订的选项 03/10 15:04
12F:→ g112: 但预设直接开启的(像png txt)完全没办法选择 03/10 15:04
13F:→ cys070: 这新下载不提醒结果变成乱下一堆东西 03/10 15:30
14F:→ Bellkna: 乱下一堆东西很惹人厌 03/10 19:55
15F:推 wusru789: 这版变成每次下载预设都会显示下载的视窗,如果有影响到 03/10 21:48
16F:→ wusru789: 一些快速键或滑鼠手势进行,可以到about:config内搜寻 03/10 21:48
17F:→ wusru789:把预设的true改flase 03/10 21:48
18F:→ gcobc12632: 楼上感谢 每下载一次就跳出来有够烦 终於可以关掉了 03/11 02:20
19F:推 davidaustin: 新下载为什麽都会自动储存.. 03/11 11:29
20F:→ cys070: 不知道有没有办法改回之前下载,不然有时候自动下载 03/12 15:31
21F:→ cys070: 下一样些不需要 03/12 15:31
22F:→ Lemming: 虽然可以进去根据副档名一项一项改 但还是觉得很不爽 03/12 16:11
23F:→ Lemming: 应该是可以先选要怎麽处理 再根据副档名列表给特例 03/12 16:12
24F:→ Lemming: 我是习惯全部都先问要存还是要直接开 03/12 16:13
25F:→ cys070: 03/13 11:01
26F:→ cys070: 改爲flase重开啓火狐就回到之前旧版下载提醒 03/13 11:02
27F:推 estupid: 这新版的下载是在改什麽东西.. 03/13 21:54
28F:推 Lemming: 谢谢 来改 03/13 23:07
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 03/15/2022 07:38:52
29F:→ Bellkna: 终於能关掉那个自动下载 有够垃圾的 03/15 13:07
30F:推 z22771187: 感谢cys070大大 03/15 21:01
31F:推 z22771187: 长久以来都习惯先问要存还是要直接开 03/15 21:05
32F:→ Arbin: 难怪我想说怎麽最近都没跳下载确认视窗.. 03/17 09:17
33F:→ Arbin: 不是欸怎麽这边也要学Chrome=.= 03/17 09:17
34F:→ PTTHappy: 依cys070说的改了(还重开机了)~依旧会"自动"下载 没先跳 03/21 03:49
35F:→ PTTHappy: 出小视窗询问是否下载(如旧版)~这情形怎麽解决? 03/21 03:49
36F:推 cys070: 设定下载那边在选每次下再都询问存到何处 03/21 19:24
37F:→ cys070: 我前面po那个就是把一些用程式开启就不会在下载 03/21 19:24
38F:→ cys070: 然後你若碰到哪种网页带下载东西98版可能还是会下 03/21 19:25
39F:→ cys070: 设定那边改一下就不会自动下载到 03/21 19:25
40F:→ PTTHappy: 谢cys大 但我若想知档案量再决定是下 则选下载位置的视 03/21 19:29
41F:→ PTTHappy: 窗不是我要的 我需要的是显示档案量的简下载询问小视窗 03/21 19:32
42F:推 kc1446: 98.0.2已释出 03/23 18:13
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 03/23/2022 23:45:47
43F:推 aiwheat: 感谢楼上们的教学,终於改回原先下载确认视窗了, 03/24 20:19
44F:→ Kenqr: 其实以前也是点连结的时候就已经开始下载到暂存资料夹了 03/25 21:22
45F:→ Kenqr: 另外下载清单右键多了删除功能,不用先开下载资料夹再删 03/25 21:23
46F:→ cys070: 想要下载跳小窗,设定应用程式那边把之前自动下改询问 03/26 21:24
47F:→ cys070: 举个例,譬如有些图床jpg 98之前自动下载,这就要改回来 03/26 21:24
48F:→ cys070: 这样你就可以选择是开下载还是用其他的 03/26 21:25
49F:→ cys070: 今天试了一下,之前没改回旧版下载,假如已经被自动下载 03/26 21:25
50F:→ cys070: 就要去设定应用程式那边应用类营改 03/26 21:26
51F:推 cys070: 修改对该种类型的动作,改成询问 03/26 21:30
52F:→ cys070: 若照我前面改回旧版有些没跳小窗就要到这边在改该类型动作 03/26 21:34
53F:→ rick: 有人知道快手直播怎麽不能看了了? 不知道是98.0还98.0.1开始 03/28 23:12
54F:→ kc1446: rick大,刚试了一下,能看没问题啊 04/05 02:16
55F:→ kc1446: 04/05 02:16
56F:→ rick: 肛温 我不知道弄到啥了 QQ 只能先这样 懒得重新安装 Orz 04/05 21:30
57F:→ kawasakiZII: 像这样一片黑吗? 04/05 23:41
58F:→ kawasakiZII: 我的Fx(99)是像这样不能播,不过测试後看起来是因为 04/05 23:43
59F:→ kawasakiZII: WebRTC关掉造成的,media.peerconnection.enabled从 04/05 23:46
60F:→ kawasakiZII: false改回true就可以播了,供参 04/05 23:46
61F:→ rick: @kawasakiZII 感恩 真的是耶 奇怪 我最近没更改设定阿 Orz 04/06 13:15

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