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95.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Addresses frequent crashes experienced by users with C/E/Z-Series "Bobcat" CPUs running on Windows 7, 8, and 8.1. 95.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed frequent MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_OCSP_RESPONSE_FOR_CERT_MISSING error messages when trying to connect to various domains (bug 1745600) Fix for a WebRender crash on some Linux/X11 systems (bug 1741956) Fix for a frequent Windows shutdown crash (bug 1738984) Fix websites contrast issues for some Linux users with Dark mode set at OS level (bug 1740518) 官方版本96.0预计在 2022年01月11日(美国时间) 台湾时间01月11日~12日 更新 New︰ RLBox — a new technology that hardens Firefox against potential security vulnerabilities in third-party libraries — is now enabled on all platforms.
1F:→ t7yang: RLBox 的中文报导12/08 13:46
Good news! You can now download Firefox from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 and Windows 11 platforms. We’ve reduced CPU usage on macOS in Firefox and WindowServer during event processing. We’ve also reduced the power usage of software decoded video on macOS, especially in fullscreen. This includes streaming sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. You can now move the Picture-in-Picture toggle button to the opposite side of the video. Simply look for the new context menu option Move Picture-in-Picture Toggle to Left (Right) Side. To better protect Firefox users against side-channel attacks such as Spectre, Site Isolation is now enabled for all Firefox 95 users. Fixed︰ After starting Firefox, users of the JAWS screen reader and ZoomText magnifier will no longer need to switch applications in order to access Firefox. You’ll find the state of controls using the ARIA switch role is now correctly reported by Mac OS VoiceOver. You’ll see a faster content process startup on macOS. We’ve also made memory allocator improvements. And we’ve improved page load performance by speculatively compiling JavaScript ahead of time. Various security fixes Changed︰ We’ve added a User Agent override for, which allows Firefox users to use more Call features and have access to Huddles. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in this latest version of Firefox. Developer unresolved︰ On macOS command-clicking links in Gmail still does not open a new tab. Workaround: you can click links in Gmail without pressing command, which will still open a new tab. -- ███ █ ████ █☆★ ★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆ █ █ █★☆ ☆★★☆██████★☆★ ☆★ ███ █ █ ██ 记得第一次直视那双笑眼的悸动吗◣ █ █ █★☆███ █☆★★☆★◥██◤☆★★☆★☆★ ███ █ ████ █☆★☆★☆ ★☆★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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2F:→ kc1446: 感谢!已更新 12/07 23:32
3F:→ bajiqa: 看起来都是mac的问题 12/08 09:23
4F:推 Lukesky: 话说现在社群版跟官方版还有差别吗 12/08 10:20
5F:→ rick: 有人跟我一样 登入的时候微博都 400 Bad Request 没登入正常 12/08 13:36
6F:→ rick: 上一版 94.0.2就这样了 @@a 12/08 13:36
7F:→ t7yang: RLBox 的中文报导 12/08 13:46
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 12/08/2021 14:18:27
8F:→ rick: 把t7yang大大这句~复制到该段底下 感谢^^ 12/08 14:19
9F:→ kc1446: 回rick大,我的是正常(两个版本都正常登入 12/08 19:57
10F:推 abramtw: 还在59.0路过 12/09 07:48
11F:推 nhair: FB、IG图片开不起来的问题还是没解决 12/09 14:42
12F:→ rick: @kc1446 感谢 我刚刚用weibo.cn发现我帐号异常@@a 现在可以 12/09 14:55
13F:→ rick: 了 用weibo.com就出现Error 400 = =a 难怪发现不了问题 12/09 14:55
14F:→ rick: @nhair 先停用所有扩充套件试试? IG FB一直都正常@@ 12/09 14:56
15F:→ rick: 除了前面某一篇说的情形之外 Orz 不过这几天正常的 12/09 14:57
16F:→ rick: 然後看看你有没有使用adguard之类的 额外的挡广告软体 12/09 14:57
17F:推 MK47: FB IG都正常 也有用Adguard 会不会你网路用的是烂线啊? 12/09 15:05
18F:→ kc1446: FB没有问题啊,是不是DNS的老问题... 12/09 18:34
19F:推 jaxon0523: 还是一样会被自动登出google用板上教的方法还是一样... 12/10 16:06
20F:→ jaxon0523: 烦阿... 12/10 16:06
21F:推 rockmanx52: Google现在应该只有Chrome不会自动登出了吧... 12/10 18:27
22F:推 jaxon0523: 回楼上,原来如此...还有Chromium架构的Edge... 12/11 00:42
23F:推 rockmanx52: 直接讲白了:Edge也会自动登出 可能只有本家不会 12/11 03:47
24F:→ rockmanx52: 不过我也只有用Edge跟Fx 所以不能完全肯定y 12/11 03:47
25F:→ rick: 上个版本不会登出耶 这个版本我继续观察一下 12/11 22:28
26F:→ Agency: 前个版本有碰到登出问题,不确定是否为同一状况 12/12 00:57
27F:→ Agency: 登出状态只有在同时开Fx和Edge时会发生 12/12 00:58
28F:→ Agency: 将EDGE设定档登出Google帐号外,Fx就正常了 12/12 00:58
29F:→ Agency: 在单纯只开Fx的状态下,从以前到现在则未出过问题 12/12 00:59
30F:→ Agency: 更之前的版本即使双开且同时登入也都没问题 12/12 01:01
31F:推 Lemming: 隐私浏览颜色终於修好了 = = 12/12 14:02
32F:→ Lemming: 更正 其实不算回到以前那样 12/12 14:05
33F:→ Lemming: 结果用像google一下黑底一下白底更惨 12/12 14:23
34F:推 Vram: 请问我右上三键( _ 口 X )都不会跟主题一起变色,有解吗 12/13 20:59
35F:推 kc1446: 又是悄悄说,95.0.1已释出 12/16 17:10
36F:→ rick: 看到android有更新 想说会不会电脑版也有 还真有 ~.~ 12/17 07:43
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 12/17/2021 08:01:11
37F:→ rick: 婀 看到95.0.2了 礼拜二应该会更新 ~"~ 12/19 22:36
38F:→ kc1446: 啊,原来昨晚就有更新了 12/20 07:05
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 12/20/2021 07:56:47
39F:→ rick: NoScript这次更新後是不是秀逗了? 所有网页都有可能不允许 12/30 07:49
40F:→ rick: 明明设定是正常的... F5之後会正常 有时候要多按几次 12/30 07:52
41F:→ rick: 好像是uB0里面的 Block Outsider Intrusion into LAN的问题 12/31 13:08
42F:→ rick: 都更新就好了 Orz 12/31 13:08

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