Browsers 板


官方版本75.0预计在 2020年04月07日(美国时间) 台湾时间04月08日 更新 更新日志 NEW︰ Your login management has improved with the ability to reverse alpha sort (Name Z-A) in Lockwise, which you can access under Logins and Passwords. Firefox now makes importing your bookmarks and history from the new Microsoft Edge browser on Windows and Mac simple. Add-ons installed by external applications can now be removed using the Add-ons Manager (about:addons). Going forward, only users can install add-ons; they cannot be installed by an application. Facebook Container prevents Facebook from tracking you around the web - Facebook logins, likes, and comments are automatically blocked on non-Facebook sites. But when we need an exception, you can now create one by adding custom sites to the Facebook Container. Firefox now provides better privacy for your web voice and video calls through support for mDNS ICE by cloaking your computer’s IP address with a random ID in certain WebRTC scenarios. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. We have fixed issues involving pinned tabs such as being lost. You should also no longer see them reorder themselves. Changed︰ When a video is uploaded with a batch of photos on Instagram, the Picture-in-Picture toggle would sit atop of the “next” button. The toggle is now moved allowing you to flip through to the next image of the batch. On Windows, Ctrl+I can now be used to open the Page Info window instead of opening the Bookmarks sidebar. Ctrl+B still opens the Bookmarks sidebar making keyboard shortcuts more useful for our users. We have disabled TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 to improve your website connections. Sites that don't support TLS version 1.2 will now show an error page. Developer Firefox’s Debugger added support for debugging Nested Web Workers, so their execution can be paused and stepped through with breakpoints Web Platform︰ Firefox has added support for the new JavaScript optional chaining operator (?.) and CSS text-underline-position. -- ███ █ ████ █☆★ ★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆ █ █ █★☆ ☆★★☆██████★☆★ ☆★ ███ █ █ ██ 记得第一次直视那双笑眼的悸动吗◣ █ █ █★☆███ █☆★★☆★◥██◤☆★★☆★☆★ ███ █ ████ █☆★☆★☆ ★☆★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 03/10/2020 21:42:04
1F:推 samba: 版号洗不用钱的......................................... 03/10 22:18
2F:推 Kagero: 洗版号不好吗 03/10 22:42
3F:推 m20081015: 说FX洗版号的把GC放哪? ㄏㄏ 03/11 00:10
4F:推 cattgirl: 有没有灾情? 03/11 01:58
5F:→ cys070: 火狐淘汰TLS1.0/1.1,有些网站没升级到1.2无法连进去 03/11 10:57
6F:→ cys070: chrome那边估计之後也会淘汰TLS 1.0/1.1 03/11 10:58
7F:→ cys070: 目前若有网站无法开启,建议先继续73版或ESR 03/11 10:58
8F:→ sam613: 1.0/1.1早就能手动关,很少遇到网站不能上 03/11 13:55
9F:→ kuro: ESR 可以从 about:config 调 TLS 最低要求版本 03/11 15:17
10F:→ kuro: 设定值 security.tls.version.min 03/11 15:17
11F:→ kuro: 设定名称 security.tls.version.min 03/11 15:18
12F:→ kuro: 设定值 1: TLS 1.0 / 2: TLS 1.1 / 3: TLS 1.2 / 4: TLS 1.3 03/11 15:18
13F:推 mintu: To 一楼,Firefox 不用钱喔 03/11 22:38
14F:→ jack86326: 火狐都到74了,但板标还停留在57 03/12 02:56
15F:推 abramtw: 还在用28版路过 03/12 08:27
16F:推 cattgirl: 有些网站没升级到1.2无法连进去+1 马偕医院 03/13 00:53
17F:推 SuperTaco: stylish 跟 dark reader 变成不能用 ... ? 03/13 10:50
18F:推 kc1446: 教育部也有网站没有升级TLS,暂时改用Chrome上这些网站 03/13 11:47
19F:→ hijacker: 这版本竟然没有.0.1 真意外 03/20 20:52
20F:→ kc1446: Chrome已有消息暂时更新,不知道FF有没有类似消息 03/24 05:39
21F:→ kuro: Fx 考量有些政府部门网站有武汉肺炎讯息但未支援 TLS 1.2 03/24 12:26
22F:→ kuro: 於是重新启用 TLS 1.0 和 1.1 03/24 12:27
23F:→ kc1446: 更正:是暂停更新Chrome 03/24 19:04
24F:→ kc1446: 今天竟然有74.0.1释出,还是这意味着过几天不会有新版? 04/04 04:13
25F:→ hijacker: 75出了 ftp上面有了 04/07 11:14
26F:推 kc1446: 推楼上,刚刚已更新 04/07 18:59

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