Browsers 板


主要是修好几个bugs == Fix JavaScript error ("TypeError: data is null in PrivacyFilter.jsm") in console which may significantly degrade sessionstore reliability and performance (bug 1553413) == Proxy authentication dialog box repeatedly pops up asking to authenticate after upgrading to Firefox 67 (bug 1548804) == Pearson MyCloud breaks if FIDO U2F is not Chrome's implementation (bug 1551282) == Starting in safe mode on Linux or macOS causes Firefox to think on the subsequent launch that the profile is too recent to be used with this version of Firefox (bug 1556612) == Linux distribution users can't easily install/use additional/different languages using the built-in preferences UI (bug 1554744) == Developer tools users can't copy the href/src content from various HTML tags via the context menu in the Inspector markup view (bug 1552275) == Custom home page is broken with clearing data on shutdown settings applied (bug 1554167) == Performance-regression for eclipse RAP based applications (bug 1555962) == macOS 10.15 crash fix (bug 1556076) == Can't start two downloads in parallel via <a download> anymore (bug 1542912) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:→ Medic: 更新完 结果又有分页失踪了... 看来还没修好这个bug 06/11 23:39
2F:推 cattgirl: 我的正常 变更快 06/12 01:37
3F:推 tedc21thc: 所以我升到67後session restore一直失败(重启tab记录被 06/12 10:33
4F:→ tedc21thc: 洗白 发生率高达87%) 然後cpu狂吃 看个水管实况lag到爆 06/12 10:34
5F:→ tedc21thc: ram吃到4g 是因为这个bug? 06/12 10:34
6F:→ tedc21thc: 老实说用火狐那麽久 67版第一次让我想跳槽了 06/12 10:35
7F:推 MilchFlasche: 我从40几那时就用苍月,然後是水狐了 06/12 11:44
8F:→ hijacker: 我跟3楼遇到情况差不多像 06/12 12:25
9F:→ xvid: 还原关闭分页 addon 似乎坏了 06/12 12:26
10F:→ kuro: 回报 没发生问题 06/12 12:34
11F:→ tedc21thc: >1F 分页问题应该是储存sessionstore.jsonlz4时出包 06/12 12:47
12F:→ tedc21thc: 升级当下关闭程式时还是旧版 我这也是坏的 06/12 12:47
13F:→ tedc21thc: 但有没有真的修好要看升级之後手动关闭再开启才准 06/12 12:47
14F:→ Agency: 没在更新时掉过分页,更新後手动重开,浏览纪录完好, 06/12 15:19
15F:→ Agency: 紧急备用的TBM也正常纪录 06/12 15:20
16F:→ Agency: 更新怕掉分页关前就用书签简单备份(tab没太多的话) 06/12 15:21
17F:推 hsparrot: 我DEV版最近用Simple Tab Groups套件在开启Fx时会有部份 06/12 15:26
18F:→ hsparrot: 新分页消失问题,砍了後目前为止还没出事 06/12 15:27
19F:→ Agency: 上面是TSM*才对 06/12 15:31
20F:→ kenwufederer: 我OS用Linux,反而都是FF比较稳 06/12 23:04
21F:→ kenwufederer: Chrome 整天有问题,不知道是怎麽了… 06/12 23:04
22F:推 bunjie: 升级後正常使用中 06/15 14:12
23F:→ bajiqa: 这一版好像有个问题是twitch常常会转圈,上一版还不会 06/16 12:51
24F:→ frogpenguin: 感觉会用到一半就连线卡死 要重开才会好 只好退回66 06/17 01:20
25F:→ Agency: 原本好好的undo close tab没反应了 06/17 14:38
26F:→ Agency: 但在 58.0 b10 正常运作 06/17 14:42
27F:→ Agency: 又是 browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo 的问题 06/17 14:49
28F:→ Agency: 改成预设的 3 就解决(之後可再改回偏爱的值) 06/17 14:52

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