Browsers 板


官方版本56.0预计在 2017年09月26日(美国时间) 台湾时间09月27日 更新 Today's release brings innovative functionality, improvements to core browser performance, and more proof that we’re committed to making Firefox better than ever. New features include support for WebVR, making Firefox the first Windows desktop browser to support VR experiences. Performance changes include significantly faster startup times when restoring lots of tabs and settings that let users take greater control of our new multi-process architecture. We’ve also upgraded the address bar to make finding what you want easier, with search suggestions and the integration of our one-click search feature, and safer, by prioritizing the secure - https - version of sites when possible. Read what Nick Nguyen (VP, Firefox Product) has to say about Firefox 55, get historical perspective on the development of WebVR from Sean White (SVP, Emerging Technologies) in this Medium post, and read about all the new features for developers in Firefox 55 on Mozilla Hacks. We'd also like to extend a special thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox! 更新日志 fixed: Fix a potential issue when the username had some specific characters in the path (Bug 1388584) Fix an issue with new installation notification for sideload add-ons (Bug 1372448) Fix performance regressions with WebExtension (Bugs 1386937 & 1389381) Fix a regression with the popup menu (Bug 1388682) 官方载点: 另一个载点: Mozilla的FTP伺服器: Unbranded版本︰ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick (, 08/17/2017 07:21:36 ※ 编辑: rick (, 08/17/2017 07:23:09
1F:推 kaoh08: 所以是 内建https everywhere? 08/17 10:34
2F:推 ltyintw: 不知道放进推送频道了没,之前55.0/55.1的时候我的54.1版 08/17 12:16
3F:→ ltyintw: 按关於fx都说最新的 08/17 12:16
4F:推 t7yang: 直接抓M社FTP的安装档来安装最好,不会有这种问题 08/17 12:18
5F:推 Shauter: 这次真的很迷 一周了没推送 虽然有马上释出小修正版 08/17 13:02
6F:→ Shauter: 可能是因为这版开始标记那些套件是传统的所以官方不主动 08/17 13:03
7F:推 BarackObama: noscript今天是不是怪怪的? 原本设定好的网页 08/17 13:27
8F:→ BarackObama: 今天全回复到预设状态 导致现在开网页都要重新设定 08/17 13:28
9F:→ rick: 不清楚 前两个更新都自动的 今天的是我手机版有更新 所以自 08/17 14:00
10F:→ rick: 己按更新的 08/17 14:00
11F:推 sky0136512: 有人知道pcx是怎麽了都没更新耶,还停在53 08/17 14:58
12F:推 Shauter: pcx多久才更新一次 谁敢用阿...... 08/17 15:22
13F:→ Shauter: 我还不如拿tete的来用 08/17 15:23
14F:推 cool91788: 55.0跟55.1都没推送,55.2就推了@@.. 08/17 16:55
15F:→ zhtw: 上次看到PCX说要顾小孩..应该是很忙才没更新的 08/17 18:32
16F:推 ja881213: 不如用lawlietfox PCX的更新速度... 08/18 02:23
17F:推 abram: lawlietfox还真的比官方版还稳定的说 08/18 11:04
18F:推 moocow: 锁定分页没作 用 08/18 14:49
19F:推 pikach18: 还是退回到54.0.1了,刚刚试了55、56、57,右上角的X钮 08/18 19:41
20F:→ pikach18: 没用,无法关闭,只能进装置管理员;Tab-Mix的Session m 08/18 19:42
21F:→ pikach18: anager也没用,按下无法回覆上次开启的分页,超不方便。 08/18 19:43
22F:推 p890: 回楼上 → 装开发版就可以了~ 08/19 02:31
23F:推 jyping73: 旧版附加元件就有显示问题了,现在55.02还给我全关光 08/19 08:37
24F:→ jyping73: 我都不知道要去找新欢还是等旧爱了 08/19 08:38
25F:推 aiwheat: 感觉还是继续用54似乎比较好些 08/19 15:28
26F:推 kaoh08: 要停留的话52ESR比较好 只少半年内可收到安全性更新 08/19 15:39
27F:推 kaoh08: 至 08/19 15:53
28F:推 sellgd: 现在有tmemutil.dll功能的还是只有pcx和tete吗 t有x64了吗 08/26 11:10

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