Browsers 板


官方版本56.0预计在 2017年09月26日(美国时间) 台湾时间09月27日 更新 扩充套件的页面,套件名称後方多了显示传统跟没显示,以做区别?!
更新日志 new: Launched Windows support for WebVR, bringing immersive experiences to the web. See examples and try working demos at Mozilla VR. Added options that let users optimize recent performance improvements Setting to enable Hardware VP9 acceleration on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition for better battery life and lower CPU usage while watching videos Setting to modify the number of concurrent content processes for faster page loading and more responsive tab switching Simplified installation process with a streamlined Windows stub installer Firefox for Windows 64-bit is now installed by default on 64-bit systems with at least 2GB of RAM Full installers with advanced installation options are still available Improved address bar functionality Search with any installed one-click search engine directly from the address bar Search suggestions appear by default When entering a hostname (like in the URL bar, Firefox resolves to the secure version of the site ( instead of the insecure version ( when possible Updated Sidebar for bookmarks, history, and synced tabs so it can appear at the right edge of the window as well as the left Added support for stereo microphones with WebRTC Simplified printing from Reader Mode Updated Firefox for OSX and macOS to allow users to assign custom keyboard shortcuts to Firefox menu items via System Preferences Browsing sessions with a high number of tabs are now restored in an instant Make screenshots of webpages, and save them locally or upload them to the cloud. This feature will undergo A/B testing and will not be visible for some users. Added Belarusian (be) locale changed: Modernized application update UI to be less intrusive and more aligned with the rest of the browser. Only users who have not restarted their browser 8 days after downloading an update or users who opted out of automatic updates will see this change. Firefox does not support downgrades, even though this may have worked in past versions. Users who install Firefox 55+ and later downgrade to an earlier version may experience issues with Firefox. Made the Adobe Flash plugin click-to-activate by default and allowed only on http:// and https:// URL schemes. (This change will not be visible to all users immediately. For more information see the Firefox plugin roadmap) Developer: Sites that don’t use SSL can no longer access Geolocation APIs to determine a user’s physical location 官方载点: 另一个载点: Mozilla的FTP伺服器: Unbranded版本︰ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick (, 08/08/2017 21:24:39
1F:推 abramtw: final version -1 08/08 22:27
2F:→ t7yang: 57每夜版快到很显着,legacy 还可以安装,或许是final才会 08/08 22:56
3F:→ t7yang: 完全停用,不然就是有转圜的余地?! 08/08 22:56
4F:推 hdd60311: 话说那什麽量子计画目前完成度有多少了 08/08 23:18
5F:→ t7yang: 08/08 23:47
6F:推 kaoh08: PhotonUI居然到57才有 08/09 02:21
7F:推 shasen1235: 对我来说必要的Bookmark Toolbar menu button这版就阵 08/09 03:00
8F:→ shasen1235: 亡了...各位我先自埋去了,咱们57版再会QQ 08/09 03:00
9F:推 kaoh08: 有的addon混合的 所以可以动 不过有不少已经没有作用了 08/09 04:07
10F:推 kaoh08: 结果现在连个能用的手势都没有 08/09 04:22
11F:→ kaoh08: 对了 你的Stylish可以换成Stylus支援webex 不会被偷卖资料 08/09 04:24
12F:推 Toge: 现在在Nightly 57,旧版套件还是可以装,但有些部分功能不 08/09 07:28
13F:→ Toge: 能用了 08/09 07:28
14F:→ Toge: 但用到目前为止非常满意 08/09 07:29
15F:→ rick: @kaoh08 不是chrome的才会吗? firefox版的也会了? 08/09 07:50
16F:→ rick: 样式直接复制到Stylus使用 结果出来效果不一样 @@a 08/09 08:03
17F:→ rick: 像分页上的字没有放大变粗 指定某网站背景没变深灰色 08/09 08:04
18F:→ rick: 我是写在同一个样式里 是他无法分辨吗? 而stylish可以 QQ 08/09 08:04
19F:推 abram: Nightly 57很快, 但几乎套件都失效 连NoSquint+也失效了 08/09 09:17
20F:→ rick: 用CCleaner看 多了Click-to-Play staged rollout 08/09 09:28
21F:→ rick: 跟 Follow-on Search Telemetry 08/09 09:28
22F:推 abram: 好的不学 开始学G蒐集个资了 唉 08/09 10:26
23F:→ rick: 供参考 08/09 11:03
24F:→ hdd60311: 看了下56开始webex套件也使用独立进程了 08/09 12:02
25F:推 tzback: 55不能亡 66再相会QQ 08/09 12:46
26F:推 NiGHTsC: 不知不觉…pcx直接跳过54了… 08/09 14:05
27F:推 Toge: 隐私可以自己设定啊= = 08/09 14:19
28F:推 twtwch: 57版效能更好,不过旧套件就 08/09 14:33
29F:推 cool91788: Stylus一些地方样式没办法跟Stylish一样,难道是 08/09 15:45
30F:→ cool91788: 有限制嘛? 因为我样式都一样.....直接复制过来 08/09 15:46
31F:→ rick: 本版 / 搜寻一下stylish 找最近m的那两篇 08/09 16:02
32F:推 delphinus: 侧边的tabs好像全不能用了 08/09 17:28
33F:→ cool91788: 看来webex限制了,未来高自订性也跟着RIP 08/09 17:38
34F:→ lecod: 这版介面按钮颜色是不是会随主题自动切换黑白,能自订吗? 08/09 20:59
35F:推 kaoh08: 56以後的UI也不会让你动了R 08/10 01:56
36F:推 ottokang: 55好像还不能自动更新? 08/10 08:39
37F:推 kaoh08: 有了终於推送了 舒服 08/10 10:50
38F:→ abram: 用到现在发现 55 beta 9版最稳定不当 可能就停在这版了 08/10 10:55
39F:推 karst10607: tree style tab在55能用吗? 08/10 16:05
40F:推 mjsg: 目前看起来没问题。 08/10 16:15
41F:推 darKyle: [email protected] 可以砍掉 08/10 19:47
42F:→ darKyle: 其实features资料夹整个砍掉也没问题 08/10 19:48
43F:→ delphinus: Vertical Tabs Reloaded正常 08/10 22:15
44F:→ delphinus: 第三方一直没出来 :( 08/10 22:16
45F:→ cool91788: 55还没看到推送更新,两台连用关於firefox检查都没出现 08/11 00:23
46F:→ cool91788: 要用手动了嘛@@? 08/11 00:23
47F:推 ltyintw: 有点混乱,是55是最後一版旧套件可用,还是56? 08/11 00:50
48F:推 share8426: 56 ,版本57转为Web Extension 08/11 00:56
49F:→ share8426: 不过我已经停在52了,几个喜欢的套件53开始不支援 08/11 00:56
50F:推 PRODIGALEX: 看来可能就停在55版或56版了~~ 08/11 09:35
51F:→ rick: 多个漏洞 08/11 09:43
52F:推 karst10607: 等了两天 还是没有推送 忍不住了 08/11 10:34
53F:推 ltyintw: 背景更新没有推得那麽快,1~3天 08/11 11:33
54F:→ ltyintw: 没事 会错意,mozilla还没把55放上去的样子 08/11 11:35
55F:→ tzback: 我直接去官网下载更新了 套件还能用QQ 08/11 15:55
56F:→ hdd60311: 我的过度处理差不多快完了,除了剩两三个找不到替代/前 08/11 20:41
57F:→ hdd60311: 景还不明以外 08/11 20:41
58F:推 HelmerYang: 怪了 不能点右上角的关闭.. 08/11 21:34
59F:推 HelmerYang: 喔喔..我知道了 tab mix plus 的问题 08/11 21:49

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