Browsers 板


官方版本53.0预计在 2017年04月18日(美国时间) 台湾时间04月19日 更新 更新日志 New: Added support for WebAssembly, an emerging standard that brings near-native performance to Web-based games, apps, and software libraries without the use of plugins. Enabled multi-process Firefox for Windows users with touch screens Added user warnings for non-secure HTTP pages with logins. Firefox now displays a “This connection is not secure” message when users click into the username and password fields on pages that don’t use HTTPS. Implemented the Strict Secure Cookies specification which forbids insecure HTTP sites from setting cookies with the "secure" attribute. In some cases, this will prevent an insecure site from setting a cookie with the same name as an existing "secure" cookie from the same base domain. Enhanced Sync to allow users to send and open tabs from one device to another. Fixed: Various security fixes Improved text input for third-party keyboard layouts on Windows. This will address some keyboard layouts that have chained dead keys input two or more characters with a non-printable key or a dead key sequence input a character even when a dead key sequence failed to compose a character Changed: Removed support for Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI) plugins other than Flash. Silverlight, Java, Acrobat and the like are no longer supported. Removed Battery Status API to reduce fingerprinting of users by trackers Improved experience for downloads: Notification in the toolbar when a download fails Quick access to five most recent downloads rather than three Larger buttons for canceling and restarting downloads Display (but allow users to override) an “Untrusted Connection” error when encountering SHA-1 certificates that chain up to a root certificate included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program. (Note: Firefox continues to permit SHA-1 certificates that chain to manually imported root certificates.) Read more about the Mozilla Security Team’s plans to deprecate SHA-1 Migrated Firefox users on Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems to the extended support release (ESR) version of Firefox. When not using Direct2D on Windows, Skia is used for content rendering Developer: Improved security for screen sharing, which now shows a preview and no longer requires a whitelisted domain Enabled CSS Grid Layout, opening up a world of new possibilities for graphic design Redesigned Responsive Design Mode to include device selection, network throttling, and more unresolved: Google Hangouts temporarily won't work 官方载点: 另一个载点: Mozilla的FTP伺服器: Unbranded版本︰ -- ╔═══════ ═════════ ══════ ══════╗ ║ ◢██◣ ▃▃ ║ █ ◢ ◢◣ ▄▄ █▄█ ◢ ◢◣ ║ ║ █ ◥◣ █ ▆▄ █ █ █ ║ ║ ◥██◤ ◥▄◥▄ ◥▄◤ ◥▄◤ --

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1F:→ hijacker: flash以外的NPAPI插件都被禁用了 03/08 00:11
2F:→ hijacker: 要自己新增plugin.load_flash_only设为false才能使用 03/08 00:11
3F:→ hijacker: 其他的插件 03/08 00:12
4F:推 tom282f3: NPAPI扩充套件完全禁用(Java QQ) 03/08 01:15
5F:→ tom282f3: CSS Grid启用 然後不再信任网站提供的SHA-1证书 03/08 01:15
6F:推 sheilarea200: 尼终於来惹 03/08 02:01
7F:推 paul81611: 借问一下这个版本的FX还有办法装没签名的套件吗? 03/08 07:27
8F:→ paul81611: 试过板上旧文里写的办法无效 还是说我该去用unbranded 03/08 07:31
9F:→ paul81611: ? 03/08 07:31
10F:→ paul81611: 因为PcmanFX日文异常显示的问题困扰很久了 03/08 07:35
11F:→ paul81611: 从gitgub抓下来的最新版没有签名也不能装QQ 03/08 07:37
12F:推 abram: 连科技部的网站都变成不被信任 03/08 08:09
13F:→ abram: 不知道是科技部还是firefox的问题? 03/08 08:10
14F:推 aeolus0829: @abram 虽使用https,但连线内容未加密,这是科技部的 03/08 08:51
15F:→ aeolus0829: 问题 03/08 08:51
16F:推 olduck: 更新到52字体渲染变粗、重一点点的的感觉 03/08 09:04
17F:推 zoko741235: 可以到 测试wasm 03/08 11:00
18F:→ zoko741235: 另外这版本也原生支援async/await了 03/08 11:01
19F:→ zoko741235: 刚好firefox跟chrome都在支持webextension 03/08 11:01
20F:→ zoko741235: 说不定这个理由可以说服不少人使用最新版的浏览器阿 03/08 11:02
21F:→ CP64: 科技部是因为我们政府的 Root CA 还在用 SHA1 所以变不信任 03/08 12:41
22F:→ winiAH: 升上Fx52前,有装 MClickFocusTab 扩充套件的,请先备份。 03/08 13:35
23F:→ winiAH: 目前我测试是发现这两个配一起,会让历史跟分页记录洗白。 03/08 13:36
24F:推 Alica: 政府网站的问题看一下GCA常见问题 03/08 14:20
25F:→ Alica: Q17 03/08 14:20
26F:→ Alica: 连一下那个自发凭证安装网页可以解决 03/08 14:20
27F:推 PRODIGALEX: 更新52版後,IE Tab V2 无法正常使用~ 03/08 14:36
28F:→ abram: 使用https,但连线内容未加密 -> 真的好笑 03/08 17:52
29F:→ abram: 政府部门不该吝啬於投资在资安上阿 03/08 17:53
30F:推 olduck: 这版加skia,优先於cairo 03/08 17:56
31F:推 abram: 点了自发凭证安装的网页之後就解决了 谢谢! 03/08 17:59
32F:推 koihime: ESR终於有大版本号的更新,换成用52ESR,要撑很久了XD 03/08 17:59
33F:推 abram: skia在前: 03/08 18:05
34F:→ abram: cairo在前: 03/08 18:05
35F:→ hijacker: skia渲染好像跟cairo差不多阿 不知道效能有没有比较好 03/08 23:02
36F:推 ColdEyes: 更新之後mactype失效了有解吗QQ 03/08 23:40
37F:推 Toge: Webassembly真的很强,但要写要先学C++…… 03/08 23:51
38F:推 cck196h: mactype要找360度无死角mayuyu的文吧? 03/09 01:51
39F:推 PRODIGALEX: 更新52.0後,游戏橘子乐豆程式无法启动。 03/09 09:44
40F:推 hsparrot: 刚从45 ESR升上52 ESR,以为终於要用上那个传闻的 03/09 10:56
41F:→ hsparrot: config.js修改法才能装unsigned套件,结果竟无痛升级 03/09 10:56
42F:→ hsparrot: 查了一下原来52 ESR还有支援xpinstall.signatures.requi 03/09 10:57
43F:→ hsparrot: red这个设定,52 ESR果然是个宝啊!! 03/09 10:57
44F:→ hsparrot: 不过Service Workers、Push、WebAssembly在52 ESR预设是 03/09 10:57
45F:→ hsparrot: 关闭的,有需要的话要自行设定启用 03/09 10:58
46F:推 PRODIGALEX: 1F方法可以解决 IE Tab V2 无法使用 问题! 03/09 11:56
47F:→ mayuyu: Mactype不能渲染的人 在网址列输入about:config 03/09 14:39
48F:→ mayuyu: 寻找 03/09 14:40
49F:→ mayuyu: 将原本的direct2d1.1,skia,cairo 03/09 14:40
50F:→ mayuyu: 改为 direct2d1.1,cairo,skia 03/09 14:40
51F:→ mayuyu: 也就是将skia,cairo的顺序对调 或者是把skia删除 03/09 14:40
52F:→ mayuyu: 建议不要用MacType渲染Fx 改用D2D+CSS 03/09 14:40
53F:推 abram: 谢谢Mayuyu大 删除skia後确实MacType就正常运作了 03/09 16:40
54F:→ abram: 像是「秩」字就漂亮多了 03/09 16:42
55F:→ cys070: 看到有些人反映无虾米输入法无法用 03/09 16:47
56F:推 PRODIGALEX: 1F方法可以解决 游戏橘子乐豆程式无法启动 问题 03/10 04:15
57F:推 kipi91718: 银行元件全部GG 03/10 09:14
58F:→ AMDX6: 无感....都跳槽chrome了..... 03/10 09:45
59F:推 cool91788: 感谢Mayuyu大,刚刚试了一下Direct2D + CSS,效果非常 03/11 03:55
60F:→ cool91788: 棒,不过花在改写自己的样式花了点时间... 03/11 03:56
61F:→ JinJoy: 谢谢mayuyu大大,失效已久的渲染已经正常了 03/12 23:10

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